Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy

On the way back, the equation saw that Li Pride’s eyes were still red. Knowing that he must have been thinking of his grandma with Grandma White, he did not speak. The car was quiet, but there was no such peace for ten minutes. Zhang Xiaotian’s silence was broken by a phone call full of complaints.

"It's really bad luck for me to catch up with Qin Hao for the night shift. He wandered outside for a whole day, and I followed him properly for a hundred days. Now he is in the shampoo room. I can take a rest. Up!"

"Are there any abnormalities?"

In the past two days, the equation has specially arranged Zhang Xiaotian and Zhou Yan to follow Qin Hao in turn, just to see if they can catch his braids, and then slam him once.

"No, I went to the mall to buy clothes and shoes, and also drank a cup of coffee like a dog. If I read it correctly, I would ask for the phone number of the little girl in the coffee shop. Then I went to watch the movie. It must be more refined than a woman!"

Zhang Xiaotian was speechless about Qin Hao’s life habits. He looked out of the car bored.

"Why have you been there for so long? Could it be... to do big health care?"

Zhang Xiaotian snorted coldly.

"Big Health? What is that?"

Zhang Xiaotian said about the equation. He didn’t know why he asked. Li Pride in the back seat just picked up a bottle of mineral water. After listening to the equation, he couldn’t help but sprayed out a mouthful of water. Then his face flushed. He looked at the equation in the rearview mirror. Li proud of "spraying water," couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

"Proud, don't you understand?"

"Brother, you are probably the only adult man in this world who doesn't understand what big health care is? Oh my God! Oh, seeing that you and Miss Chao are not getting along for a short time, you and her are not there.. ...."

Zhang Xiaotian’s obscene and lascivious tone made the equation helpless and wanted to laugh.

"Me and Chaoxi are really bad hobbies? We are going with the flow and step by step into a better life. How come you are like a stallion!"

With a poisonous tongue, Li Zhengding is still a pure and innocent boy, automatically closing his ears,

"I'm going, Cheng Zi, when have I been a stallion? Susu and I are also serious, okay, we...we just experienced a better life in advance!"

Zhang Xiaotian’s words reminded the equation of the words she said when she called Zhaoxi before.

"Wait for me, after these few days, I will go to you..."

The equation couldn't help but make his face hot and the roots of his ears red. I was thinking about it uneasy, and the cell phone prompted another call to come in.

"Hey, dog, don't tell you anymore, my mother called me!"

The equation hung up Zhang Xiaotian’s call and answered his mother’s call.

"Hey, mom, what's the matter?"

"Equation, you'll be back soon, there was a car accident!"

Lian Yuerong's anxious voice came from the phone!

Putting down Li Pride halfway, the equation rushed to the hospital anxiously. In the orthopedics ward, he saw the way he was wrapped in gauze and his legs were cast in plaster. Although his face was a little pale, he seemed to be in good condition. I was sitting there sipping soup mouthfuls,

"what happened?"

Equation’s complexion is a little gloomy, it may be that there have been many things recently. He felt that this was not an ordinary accident since he heard the news.

"It's okay, look at all of you making a fuss, isn't it just the broken leg bones, it will be fine for a while!"

I was afraid of my family’s worry, so I deliberately joked,

"What does it mean is okay? The police said that when they found you, your car had crashed and deformed. The whole car was smoking. You were lying in the car with blood on your face. They said that fortunately the airbag bounced out. , Or else...or you will be dead!"

Aunt's eyes were red from crying, and Lian Yuerong was sitting beside her comforting her.

"The scenes of car accidents are scary! Oh, mom, don't cry, don't you think I am not good!"

Seeing my mother shed tears, the way was a little uncomfortable,

"Brother, what is going on? I'm asking about the process..."

The equation took the arm of the way, and asked seriously and seriously,


The way tilted his head and recalled,

"I got off work today and drove home as usual. As you know, there are very few people on the road leading to Dushu Yizhi. Just after the biggest curve on Panshan Road, a motorcycle suddenly rushed out from the opposite side. I subconsciously dodged, and as a result I rushed down the hill and hit a tree!"


The equation captures the point,

"Where is that motorcycle?"

"I don't know, I should just run away after seeing something wrong!"

He fainted after the crash, and he didn’t know what happened later.

"Uncle, do you have the phone number of the traffic police handling this accident?"

The equation turned to look at Fang Hao again,

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Fang Hao took out the phone number left by the traffic policeman while asking the equation.

"It's okay, I just ask about the situation!"

After receiving the phone number, the equation picked up the mobile phone and walked outside the ward, and then dialed the number.

"Hello, it's Officer Zhang. I picked up the family members of the injured in a traffic accident this afternoon. I want to check the surveillance video of that section of the road. Is it convenient?"

"Of course you can, but you have to write an application requesting to view the accident surveillance video and submit it to the accident department, and then you can answer it in about three working days!"

The attitude of the traffic police is not warm but not indifferent, everything goes according to the procedure, there is nothing wrong, the equation thinks about it, and he said,

"Okay, I understand now, thanks!"

After hanging up the call of Officer Zhang, the equation found a phone number from the phone. He hesitated for a while, and then dialed it.


On the other end of the phone came the righteous, deep voice of the middle-aged man,

"Liu...Director Liu, hello, I am the equation!"

The equation was slightly nervous and reported to his family. After all, he was talking to the boss of the Qin'an City Public Security System. Some nervousness is inevitable!And the other party seemed to be searching for the name in his mind. After a while, he obviously remembered who the equation was, so he smiled warmly.

"It turned out to be Xiaofang. Didn't I just ask you to call me Uncle Liu? Why? Is there anything wrong?"

"Oh, Liu...Uncle Liu, I have a little thing to trouble you!"

The equation is still a bit unaccustomed to this name,

"What trouble is not troublesome, you say!"

Hearing what Liu Ziming said, the equation no longer tweaked, and he told Liu Ziming about the car accident. Finally, he said,

"Uncle Liu, I think my brother's car accident was not an accident, but man-made!"


Liu Ziming also paid attention to the equation.

"Okay, I understand. I will call the traffic police brigade immediately. You can watch the surveillance video. I will also notify the criminal police brigade to send several criminal police to follow up this case. Xiao Fang, don't worry, if it is really artificial Yes, this criminal can't escape!"

The equation call was hung up for less than five minutes, and indeed there was a call coming in. It was the police officer Zhang just now, his tone of voice was warmer than before.

"Mr. Fang, are you? You can come and watch the surveillance video of the accident!"

"Okay, I'll be over right away, trouble you!"

The equation hurriedly thanks!