Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 427: The Younger Who Was Broken

Equation and Bai Weijie brought Fangyuan to a nearby private kitchen for lunch!Fang Yuan was obviously in a good mood. The smooth Chinese course in the morning made her confident. Based on the principle of "eat more good brains", three people ordered nine dishes, and they yelled at the same time. have eaten!

"Equation, your sister is okay, you have inherited your glorious tradition of being creative! She just picks the things that Huang Ziyang cares about most!"

When Bai Weijie thought of Huang Ziyang's expression after hearing Fangyuan's punishment on him just now, he couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

"What I asked him to do was not excessive, and he really may not be able to atone for his sins and be forgiven like that! If the test takers' grades fluctuate because of his influence, even one point may be fatal. ! So I said... the Huang surname really cannot be simply punished and it is over!"

Fangyuan is right. The college entrance examination has carried the dreams and pursuits of too many people, and no mistakes are allowed, let alone this kind of people deliberately.

"Well, that's right! Fangyuan, you did a very good job!"

While talking, the equation put her favorite small row into the round bowl!

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the candidates began to return to the examination room one after another, preparing for the math test starting at three o'clock, but when they arrived at the entrance of the examination room, they saw a super inconsistent scene!

A young man with a plaster on his leg is standing at the entrance of the examination room, distributing electric fans, umbrellas and mineral water, while bowing and apologizing to the examinee in front of him. He is Huang Ziyang!

This is Fang Yuan’s punishment for him. He wants to apologize to all the candidates in this examination room, sincerely apologize, Fang Yuan said that she will ask the candidates next to her after the math test, as long as someone thinks his apology is not sincere, then he will A more sincere apology to this candidate again!

Fang Yuan, who was over after lunch and rest, followed the equation to the examination room slowly. Looking at Huang Ziyang, who was standing there and working hard, Fang Yuan couldn't help but chuckle. She felt particularly satisfied with her thoughts of punishment!

"Okay, go in, come on!"

The equation cheered on my sister, but he knew very well in his heart that she had no problem with math in the afternoon.

"Well, then I'm going in, brother! You wait for me obediently, don't fight..."

Fang Yuan glanced at Huang Ziyang on the side, smiled and said to his brother,

"Relax, no one dares to touch your brother and me! Go in!"

The equation patted her shoulder and said,


Fang Yuan nodded, turned his head and walked towards Huang Ziyang next to him. The moment Huang Ziyang saw Fang Yuan, his body trembled suddenly, and he involuntarily stepped back.

"You...you are here..."

"I am also a candidate, should you tell me something too?"

Fang Yuan stopped there straightforwardly,

"Well... yes yes yes..."

Hearing Fangyuan’s words, Huang Ziyang hurriedly took a bottle of water, an umbrella and an electric fan into her hand from the side, and then he looked at Fangyuan very sincerely and said,

"Fang...Miss Fang, I'm very sorry!"

"Where are you sorry?"

Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows and deliberately prevented him from coming off stage.

"I...I shouldn't sound the horn in the examination area!"

Huang Ziyang said awkwardly,

"anything else?"

Fangyuan is obviously not satisfied,

"Well... you shouldn't have trouble with your brother, you have to do it..."

Huang Ziyang bit his scalp and continued,

"Well, yes! Anything else?"

Fangyuan didn't mean to let him go,

"And...and...you shouldn't look down on your brother..."

Huang Ziyang drooped his head, thinking that he might be played to death by this little girl today.

"You shouldn’t look down on anyone! Because everyone here lives more meaningful and works harder than you! Everything you have now is given to you by your father, which means that since your father, you start, and If your father falls, you will fall like him, you are just a parasite attached to others! And the candidates in the examination room, they will give themselves the future, will give themselves everything, and even give People with many things, you and them...really incomparable! You are so much worse..."

After listening, everyone nodded in agreement.

And for a while, Huang Ziyang couldn’t wait to find a crack in the ground. He had never been as embarrassed as he is today, but at that moment, he seemed to understand what Fang Yuan was saying. The truth that he had never understood was Speaking from such a simple girl, he seemed to understand!Myself...Is that true?He questioned his life for the first time!

"I'm going to take an exam, I really hope you can stand here to understand some truth, otherwise...you will really do this for nothing, it is meaningless..."

After speaking, Fang Yuan walked into the examination room with ease to complete the afternoon math exam!

Watching Fang Yuan’s tall, slender figure walk into the examination room, and watching other candidates walk into the examination room vigorously, Huang Ziyang really began to a little envious of these children. They have dreams and things they want to do, but what about themselves ?

In the subsequent process of apologizing, of course there were some mischievous and difficult-to-communicate students who believed in him bad words, and even started!And Huang Ziyang's brain really wanted to kill the other party for a moment, but soon he lost this idea, who is he relying on?It's his father, and his own father... can he do this?He finally understood what is self-regulation, what is endurance and humility!

"It seems to work? The smell of gunpowder is almost gone now..."

Bai Weijie looked at Huang Ziyang at the entrance of the examination room and couldn't help but speak.

"Equation, who on earth are you...?"

"Ah? Who am I, fat brother, don't you know?"

The equation suddenly felt a little strange, why did Fatty Bai ask that.

"I mean...what is your identity! I have never seen Huang Ziyang like this before, he is not afraid of being used to it, and suddenly like this...there is only one reason, he His father gave him a death order! But what kind of person is it that makes Huang Haoran lose his temper immediately?"

Fatty Bai's mouth was eloquently analyzed, making the equation a bit awkward.

"Um...Fat brother, I actually have some friends and relatives in Beijing, and it just so happens...they may be acquainted with the Huang family, so...so it may be They... have passed Huangjiagou!"

The equation didn't lie, but it was rather vague. Whether it was the Ye family or the Bei family, it was enough to make the Huang family lose their temper immediately!

As for the old world like Fatty Bai, he immediately understood what he meant when he heard the equation. Since the equation does not want to be said, then it proves...the status of this character in his mouth...should be no Suitable for the world!

"Oh...understand... if you feel calm and relaxed, you know you know it!"

At this time Fatty Bai was a little bit pitiful for Huang Ziyang. Today, he has been in the mold of his eight lifetimes. When he met a young man like Ji Ji who was so upset and could not give up on his own righteousness, he was now working together with the Fang brothers and sisters It's not that you have to peel off the skin!

"Well, there are indeed counts!"

The equation couldn't help but nodded with a smile!