Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 521: Looking for God's Sense

The equation looked at the stone house at least a hundred meters above the ground, with a solemn and solemn expression!It used to be the place where Chi You lived, and this dungeon was actually named after Chi You's "God of War". It can be said...This is Chi You's lair!

"Chi You was able to find gluttonous food to protect him, and he was indeed the ancient god of war..."

Although Yin Xiaorou said that, her tone was full of worries. She didn't have any philanthropic thoughts of worrying about the country and the people. She was simply worried about the equation, worried about the threat that Chi You would threaten him, and worried that the equation was no match for that until now. The ancient god of war still admired by many people,

"As the god of war, he is respected by the beasts of the ancients, and it is reasonable to protect the spirit of his consciousness!"

Yingzhao stepped forward and said,

"But even if he found the ancient mythical beast to guard his divine consciousness, isn't it still broken by us now? Go, let's take that thing down now..."

The heroic trick was light, but Yin Xiaorou pulled his sleeves to indicate that Song Jiaqi was still here, and Song Jiaqi was looking at the three of them with a puzzled face, obviously having some doubts about their conversation.

"What are you talking about? What Chiyou gluttonous? Are you talking about mythology? I thought it was a lie to children, don't you believe it?"

She chuckled, obviously taking their conversation as a joke.Yingzhao didn't care too much about Song Jiaqi, even if she knew it, there was nothing to do. Wanting to make her forget things that shouldn't be remembered was simply too simple for a few of them.

"It's okay, anyway...she won't remember anything!"

Yingzhao smiled slightly, then made a relaxed leap, and instantly flew straight to the highest stone house, standing on it, beckoning to the equation and Yin Xiaorou underneath, and beckoning them to go up.

"Oh my god!"

Seeing this scene in front of her, Song Jiaqi opened her mouth wide. The height of her heroic jump was obviously beyond her cognition. The height of more than 100 meters is equivalent to the height of thirty-story buildings. This man turned out to be an instant Jumped up,

"The equation... he... how could he..."

Song Jiaqi stammered in surprise, the equation looked a little helplessly at the heroic moves above his head. These ancient gods... always had a sense of superiority over humans. He shook his head and turned to look at Song Jiaqi.

"I'll explain to you later, you will wait for us here first..."

After finishing the equation, he raised his head and looked at the height of the stone house. Then he jumped up suddenly and stepped on the stone wall with his two feet alternately. Then he reached the height of the stone house with great effort. By the side of Yingzhao.

But Yin Xiaorou saw that they both had boarded the room where Chi You’s spiritual knowledge was stored, so she flew lightly, and flew gently to the two people like a flying fairy. Then she stroked her sleeves and hired Ting. Ting's standing there, like that... it's beautiful!

Standing on the ground, Song Jiaqi couldn't help but stare blankly, these three people...who are they?How does it seem to be the banished fairy in the legend.Thinking of this, her gaze couldn't help but look at the equation between the three of them. The equation was already beautiful in appearance and blue in temperament. If he was a heavenly banished immortal, it really fits!

After watching for a long time, Song Jiaqi retracted her scorching gaze, and then said to herself,

"What kind of person am I fanning..."

She shook her head!

The three of them came to this tallest stone house. As soon as they entered the door, they saw the handwriting engraved on the whole wall. The hero carefully looked at the handwriting engraved on the wall. It took him a while to struggle. Recognize what those vague Tibetan descriptions are,

"This is the record of Chi You's life in this dungeon. It's like a diary of today's society. It records that after Chi You was defeated by the Yellow Emperor, his spiritual and soul consciousness were torn apart, but... the shrewd he was actually fighting He had properly arranged his descendants before, and he found several ancient mythical beasts to guard his spirit and soul, so he reborn again soon after his soul flew away, but... one of the mythical beasts was successfully instigated by the Yellow Emperor. , So he still had a soul consciousness that he didn't get until the end, and finally his soul was scattered, and he has not completely awakened until today!"

Yingzhao took a look at it and translated all the meanings he could understand to Equation and Yin Xiaorou.

"It seems that Chi You is also struggling to find his own soul consciousness. It seems that he is still far from awakening! No wonder he knows your existence but has not troubled you, because his spiritual power is not complete. Recovery, he has no confidence in defeating you!"

Yin Xiaorou nodded, this news couldn’t be better for the equation,

"It seems... he built this majestic dungeon after his first rebirth, and then led some of his followers and some ordinary people who admired him to live here! I doubted it was so strange before. How could this dungeon be made by just a group of ordinary people! It turned out to be Chi You’s handwriting..."

The equation nodded. It seems that his previous guess that they had to open a city in the belly of the mountain because of the weather was incorrect. This is Chi You's own king!

"These people are not ordinary people. It is recorded here that they are actually monks who are dedicated to Chi You and worship Chi You. They cultivate themselves in the dungeon, have a clear mind, are independent of the world, and are self-sufficient. Chi You got spiritual power from him, and then he cultivated the right way and became immortal!"

Yingzhao looked at the following content again and saw the content. Those people called Chi You the God of War. It seems that he is highly praised among these monks, and he is a great god who can help them gain the Tao.

"I understand!"

The equation suddenly said,

"I'm still thinking that we, those who are different, are actually very low-key and avoiding people in every life, but why we gradually discover so many ordinary people who have spiritual power or are affected by spiritual power , It must be Chi You's masterpiece at that time. Isn't the so-called "Dao Dao Shengxian" influenced by Chi You's spiritual power?"

He finally understood why there are so many people who have been mutated by spiritual influence!

"It seems that there are many things that can be explained!"

Yin Xiaorou nodded.

"Okay, don't study this for now, take Chi You's divine sense and leave here! After all, it's not safe here. If another divine beast comes, it will be enough for us to eat a pot!"

I tried to look around, but the stone house is so big, you can see the side at a glance, except for the stone bed, stone table and stone bench.

"I can feel the aura, but why can't I see where it is?"

He was a little puzzled, and after hearing what he said, the equation frowned, turned his head and looked at the direction where the aura was coming from, then lifted his leg and walked in that direction until he reached the end of the stone house and stood there. In a daze in front of the stone wall,

"What are you doing, equation?"

Yin Xiaorou looked at the strange equation and couldn't help asking.

"It should be...behind this!"

He pointed to the back of the stone wall,

"Behind this is the side that connects to the mountain wall. Behind this... there is something!"

The equation said decisively!