Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 525 The Fair at the Foot of the Mountain

After visiting the thrilling cloth palace, the group is still walking towards the foot of the mountain with excitement!The fat white man who was walking in the front suddenly turned his head and said,

"Chengzi, my guide said that there is a market not far from the foot of the mountain, which specializes in selling some crafts, but there are also some sellers selling antiques. Many people who like old things come here and like to go. Wander there, would you like to come and see with me?"


Naturally, he couldn’t ask for the equation, so he looked back at Song Jiaqi.

"Jiaqi, or else you go back to the hotel and wait for us? Then we have dinner together in the evening!"

"No, I don't want to stay in the hotel. I'm here to travel, not to stay in a hotel! Can't I go to the market you said?"

Song Jiaqi pouted and asked, she felt she was disgusted.

"No, no, why can't you go? It's just that you young people don't like what we old men look at, and I'm afraid you will be bored!"

Fatty Bai hurriedly said smoothly,

"It's not boring, I think... it's better than staying in a hotel!"

Song Jiaqi gave the equation a blank look, and the equation shook her head helplessly.

"OK, go, go together!"

Several people followed the guide to the bazaar at the foot of the mountain he said. The bazaar was built along the foot of the mountain. This bazaar looks very long and crowded with people. There are really many tourists!Chinese tourists generally like to buy some small things with local characteristics to give back as gifts to relatives and friends, so such bazaars and handicraft markets are still emerging in major tourist cities.

The equation looked at Song Jiaqi, who was dragging Jarvan across the stalls with excitement, and wanted to take back what she had just said. How could this girl feel bored? This is like a fish in the water, too, there are many gadgets in the market. The stall, this also suits Song Jiaqi's little girl's taste!

"Jiaqi, slow down, don't get lost with us!"

The equation is entrusted by Song Changyi, he has to be careful and then carefully guard the eldest lady.

"I see, it's okay to have Jarvan following me! You'elders', just go and see your'elders' things!"

Song Jiaqi put out her tongue mischievously, and then took Jiawen to a stall selling Tibetan silver jewelry and looked at it.

The equation looked at her and smiled, then turned his head to look closely at the stall in front of Fatty Bai.The owner of the stall is a 30-year-old Tibetan man. He speaks Mandarin that is not fluent but can barely understand. He seems to be an old acquaintance with the guide. The two greeted him enthusiastically when they met!

In fact, this is also normal. Generally, the local guides will have a few small shops selling things like this, and then they will greet the guests to come and earn some extra money. They can understand this equation!

"You can watch what I have here, buy what you like, and don’t force it if you don’t like it. My good brother who played with CCTV since childhood and he brought guests to me is to give me one more stall. It's just an opportunity, no rebate or commission!"

The stall owner said sincerely, with a naive smile on his tanned face. He looked like an honest collector. He smiled, picked up a small object on the stall and fiddled with it twice.

"It's okay, we understand! You always have to buy some small things when you come out to play. It doesn't make any difference to us which one you go to. It would be nice if you can help your guide friends increase sales!"

What the equation is telling is the truth, the stall owner laughed happily, and enthusiastically introduced them to the little things on their stall!The characteristics of collectors are nothing more than Tibetan silver jewelry and animal bone products, and most of this stall owner's booth sells these!

The equation leaned down and carefully picked out the small objects. He planned to go back to Fang Yuan, Xiao Nan, and Xiao Fei and the other children. But before he picked it out for a while, he heard the sound of quarrelling not far away, and he raised it. He started to look over, but saw that there was already surrounded by people, but he still heard that the quarreling voice was Song Jiaqi and Jiawen!

The equation's brows frowned slightly, this spoiled eldest lady... can really do something for herself, he shook his head helplessly and looked at Yu Yien.

"Go, go and see!"

After he finished speaking, he walked to the place surrounded by the crowd, and the fat white man on the side couldn't care about the things he picked when seeing the situation, and followed with his guide!

The equation squeezed into the crowd with great effort, and saw Jarvan blushing and arguing loudly with the two tall collectors in front of him.

"She just asked how much this thing was, and then picked it up and looked at it. Why can't this thing be sold? We have to buy it? Where is this rule? You dare to have such a broken thing. It costs 50,000 yuan to open your mouth. I think you are blackmailing at all. We have money... and we won't give it to you!"

"The little girl must be careful when speaking! Our collectors have such rules. If you don’t believe me, ask the people around them, do our collectors have such rules? Besides, the artifacts you are holding are spiritual artifacts. Sacred tools have always recognized the Lord. If you touch it and cause it to recognize you as the master, you have to buy it and take it away! Because if you don’t buy it, I can’t sell it, because after it recognizes the Lord I won't go with others anymore!"

As soon as the big man’s voice fell, the surrounding people all spoke in agreement, as if what the stall owner said was 100% correct.

"Do you treat me as a three-year-old child? You still recognize the Lord? You said that if I touched it, it recognized me as the master. Then I asked it to respond to me? If it can respond to me today, I Just buy it and take it away!"

Song Jiaqi said irritably that she had encountered a scammer, but she had never encountered such a blatant and unassuming scammer.

"You said, yes, you can try it!"

Song Jiaqi originally thought that her words could scare this unreliable scammer, but she didn't expect the other party to agree with it, her expression is very calm, now... Song Jiaqi's turn is not calm, the other party is so stable, could it be... Is there really any artifact, can it really answer itself?

Song Jiaqi stood forward hesitantly, staring at the hidden silver lock on the table, and opened her mouth slightly.

"That one……"

Halfway through, she raised her head and asked the collector's stall owner with some embarrassment.

"What is it called? How do I call it?"

"You are the owner of it now, you can name it whatever you want! It will agree to whatever you call it!"

Song Jiaqi's heart murmured again because of the well-intentioned look of the stall owner.

"Is it that evil?"

She looked at the lock and gave it a random name.


I saw that the stall owner couldn’t help but curled his lips when he heard the name, but...Nevertheless, a magical thing happened. The Tibetan silver lock moved almost invisible first, and then... it turned to Song Jia. Qi moved a distance in the direction, as if responding to her cry!