Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 528: Xiangxiong Civilization

Although Dawa behaved just like the real thing, his twinkling eyes still exposed the uneasiness in his heart at the moment, and the equation did not understand where his uneasiness came from.It stands to reason that the young couple has promised to return the beads to him. Although he did not cheat the money, he did not lose any money. Then...what is he still nervous about?

"Oh? What does this thing...how do you say?"

This Dawa emphasized in every possible way that the bead is really an old object. Almost all the equations he said are about to have a keen interest in the bead which is said to be worth five thousand yuan.

"The beads are... from the ancient country of Xiangxiong!"

Seeing that the equation was interested in his own beads, Dawa mysteriously approached the equation and said to him, as if he was afraid that others would listen.

"Xiangxiong culture? You mean... the ancient Xiangxiong country in the ancient collector civilization?"

When the equation heard this fresh word, his spirits immediately came, his eyes widened and he looked at the stall owner in front of him, seeming not to believe what he said.

The owner of the stall, Dawa, was surprised to see that the equation knew about the Xiangxiong civilization of the collector. This ancient Xiangxiong civilization was extremely unpopular. There are very few people who know it, like the equation is so young. People know the ancient Xiangxiong civilization, and it is really the first time he has met!

"Young people are fine, you know our collector’s ancient Xiangxiong culture?"

Dawa stood up naturally as he spoke, looking relaxed, as if he had already entered into a brotherhood relationship with the equation.

"I've only heard of it. The specifics...I still don't know exactly!"

The equation humbly said that he couldn't help but smile when he saw Dawa slowly standing up, but he didn't say much.

"That bead...is it really a relic from the ancient state of Xiangxiong? The ancient state of Xiangxiong more than 18,000 years ago?"

The equation asked slightly surprised,

"Yes, that's it!"

The stall owner Dawa nodded affirmatively, and immediately after the equation, he pursed his lips and laughed. Even Yu Yien on the side could not help but laugh. Dawa couldn't help but feel a little strange seeing the two people laughing more and more. ,

"What are you laughing at?"

"You sell the beads from the ancient Xiangxiong civilization for five thousand yuan? It's a joke! No matter what material the beads are made of, or how they are left behind, if the beads are really from the ancient Xiangxiong civilization. , How can it be only sold for five thousand yuan! Five hundred thousand, even five million is possible!"

Yu Yien shook his head, the meaning between the lines was very clear, that is to say Davata was lying again.

"You still don't believe it... I didn't believe it at first, but I have found a master and have seen it. It is really a bead from the ancient Xiangxiong period. The exact time cannot be estimated because of the distance. We are too far away, but...the beads are really from that era!"

Dawa knew the equation and they felt that they were deceiving people, and hurriedly clarified that the equation could not help but have fun.

"Well, even if what you say is true, then I will ask you... such a precious and valuable thing, why did you sell it for 80,000 yuan? And just now you and the young boy He said that he would sell it to him at a cost price of 5,000 yuan, and when the other party refused, you even chose not to give it to the other party for nothing. You who love money so much... shouldn’t be! So... .... Tell me, what's the tricky inside?"

The equation stared at Dawa's gaze somewhat sharply, but when he heard the equation's questioning, his expression finally changed, becoming... tense, fearful and even a hint of despair, which made the equation feel very Strange, isn't it just a five-thousand-dollar bead?Is it necessary to be so entangled?Besides...didn't the young couple have returned to the hotel to get him?He didn't lose a penny in this scam, so...what is it that keeps him in this state?

After thinking about the equation carefully, he couldn't figure it out. Suddenly, he noticed a detail before. Although this Dawa had been emphasizing that the bead was bought for five thousand yuan, he never took the initiative. Speaking of the hope that this bead will return to its original owner, even when the young couple asked him to return a penny to himself, he even said that he would give the bead to them for free. Obviously too abnormal!

Obviously, he didn't want the bead to return to his side, but...why then?The equation was suddenly startled and couldn't help looking at Yu Yien who was aside.

"How long has the little couple been there?"

"It's probably...forty minutes, and it's time to come back!"

Yu Yien replied, his expression is also a bit strange,

"It's been forty minutes? I can see the door of their hotel from here, why have I been there for so long?"

Hearing Yu Yien’s words, the corner of the equation noticed that Dawa's hands dangling on both sides of his body could not help but tremble. He grasped the detail.

"Dawa, tell the truth, your bead... is there something wrong!"

The equation catches the point at once,


Dawa’s voice has obviously changed, with fear and panic in his tone.

"I...I don't know what you are talking about!"

"I'll ask again, what is the problem with that bead? If you don't answer, all consequences...you will be responsible!"

The equation asked with a gloomy expression. Dawa looked at the equation whose aura became very different in an instant, and couldn't help shrinking his shoulders. He looked at the equation... His lips squirmed.

"That bead... has been cursed... anyone who has touched it will undoubtedly die..."


After listening to Dawa’s words, the equation couldn’t help but look in the direction of the hotel.

"No, Yien, look at him, I will go see those two young people..."

After speaking, before Yu Yi'en could answer, he hurried to the Eight Days Hotel not far away!

When I came to the front desk of the Eight Days Hotel, the equation found the staff anxiously asked,

"Which room are the young couple who just came in?"

The female staff member looked at the equation in a little surprise, and said hesitantly,

"You...Who are you? We...we can't disclose the information of the tenant casually..."

"Don't talk nonsense with me...you just need to tell me their room number, you don't care about the others..."

Equation gritted her teeth and stared at the young female staff member with a fierce look, unconsciously exerting force with her hands, only to see that the marble table of the hotel's front desk was scratched by him abruptly, scaring the young job The staff hurriedly lowered their heads and checked on the computer.

"In room 3...324!"

The equation no longer has time to pay attention to the staff, so he turned around and ran to the third floor.

"3, 2, 4..."

He searched one by one, and finally found room 324, but before entering, the equation already felt a strong, dark, depressed aura outside the door, he kicked the door without even thinking about it. Go in!