Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 614: Sealing the Spirit (2)

The equation felt that the voice sounded particularly familiar, so he turned his head back and looked at him, and he saw the black dragonfly that he saw at the bottom of the artificial lake at National Tsing Hua University. The black dragonfly stood behind him, black and bright. Throwing his tail proudly in the air,

"Old Hei, what you said you seem to know what to do?"

When Xuanwu saw Hei Jiao, he unexpectedly joked. It seems... these two people have been friends for many years.

Seeing the doubts on his face, Hei Jiao couldn't help but smile, stepped forward to Xuanwu’s thick tortoise shell, and input his aura into its body without reservation.

"I and this old bastard have been good friends for a long time. How long have they been... I forgot too! Twenty thousand years? Or thirty thousand years?"

Hei Jiao smiled and said,

"That's really... it's been a long time!"

The equation nodded. They must have known each other a long time ago, but later they were arranged by the Holy King to go to the south and the north, each guarding the world.

"We haven't seen it for tens of thousands of years!"

Xuanwu said dullly, its voice was getting weaker and weaker, and Hei Jiao input all the spiritual energy in his body into Xuanwu's body, and its body became more and more empty.

"Lao Hei, can you stop chatting there? You are here today...Do you know how to fix this barrier?"

Xuanwu also felt the aura in the body of the black dragon, so it hurriedly asked,

"Of course I know...otherwise what am I doing here?"

Hei Jiao gave him a white glance, but its body is clear in its heart, and its aura is about to be empty...

"We... we need an ancient magic weapon with full aura, which can calm the enchantment, and its aura can support the enchantment for a long time!"

Hei Jiao seriously said that the monsters below him were still howling fiercely, and Xuanwu was still resisting the pain they had hit her once, again, and again.

"What you said is the same as if you didn't say it! Ancient artifact? Is that something you can find if you find it?"

Xuanwu shook his head helplessly.

"Just ask me if I can do anything. Didn't I tell you? As for how to implement...I have to prepare it for you? I said the bastard, I will help from all over the world. You, your attitude?"

Hei Jiao is still aggrieved,

"Oh, I really don’t know how long I can last! A situation like this...I did think about it before, but I didn’t expect it to come so fast and so fiercely, I’m afraid I would fail the Holy King. I'm expecting it!"

When the equation saw Xuanwu's body trembling slightly, he couldn't help but become anxious. He really couldn't watch the barrier break like this. Once the monsters were released, the world would no longer be what he had known. The world,

"Being up to the Holy King? Old Wang Ba, we have been holding on for tens of thousands of years. During these tens of thousands of years, we have never left for a day, and there has never been a moment of slack. Now the barrier set by the Holy King is gradually lost. Spiritual power, and those monster beasts have been trapped for tens of thousands of years, they have already started the battle of trapped beasts, we...can't hold them down!"

Hei Jiao shook his head, feeling a little weak.

"Can't we add Chi Yan and Ziyi?"

Xuanwu’s tone was full of helplessness,

"We have been out of touch with them for a long time, count on them both? The day lilies are cold!"

Hei Jiao’s speech is very civilian, and it makes the equation want to laugh but feels a little sad, unable to laugh.

"So... our most important thing now is to find an ancient artifact to come back, the more ancient and more godly the better!"

Hei Jiao has exhausted the aura in his body at this moment, it is lying limply on Xuanwu's body, speaking weakly,

"Qingxuan, we... will we die here today?"

It asked bluntly,

"I try not to let you die here..."

Xuanwu shook his head. The equation now knows that Xuanwu's name was originally called Qingxuan, Qingxuan, Hei Jiao, Chi Yan, and Ziyi. It turns out that they have four ancient mythical beasts guarding the barrier.It takes an ancient artifact to guard the enchantment, but where can I find an ancient artifact?What kind of ancient artifact is it?Is it like Chi You's magic knife... or is it like the wind god staff?

Thinking of this, the equation was suddenly shocked, ancient artifact?Don’t you have it yourself?Isn’t Chi You’s Magic Knife and Wind Scepter a complete ancient artifact?

"I have got......"

With that in mind, the equation couldn’t help speaking out.

"Do you have? What do you have?"

Qing Xuan and Hei Jiao were stunned, and at this moment, the Hei Jiao was already weak and almost closing his eyes. Seeing the equation, he hurriedly input the aura in his body to the Hei Jiao while looking at Qing Xuan and asked.

"I have an ancient artifact! How did I forget this?"

After losing the aura to Black Jiao and seeing it stand up on its own, he let go of his hand, took his Chiyou magic knife and wind god staff in his hand to show them the two gods.

"Hey, isn't this?"

Looking at the Fengshen Wand and Chi You's Magic Knife in the hands of Equation, Xuanwu and Hei Jiao were surprised. Their eyes looked back and forth on Feng Shen's, Chi You's Magic Knife and Equation's faces. It seemed that it was difficult to follow these two things. The equations are linked together,

"This...I can understand that the Wind Scepter is in your hand, but this Chi You Magic Sword... how can it be in your hand?"

Hei Jiao looked strange and puzzled,

"Eh, don't you care about how this thing got in my hands, okay? I'll tell you about this kind of thing afterwards. The most important thing now is...are these two things useful?"

The equation has some key points of the speechless black Jiao,

"Of course it's useful. Isn't this a god-given ancient artifact?"

Hei Jiao nodded hurriedly, unable to care about his own weakness.

"The Chiyou Magic Knife only has a short knife, and the spiritual energy and pressure are not enough, but the spiritual power of the Wind Scepter is enough for us to repair the enchantment, but... this Wind Scepter is your weapon, you use it to repair it Enchantment, then you must always put it here to suppress monsters, and you...the ancient wind god loses your weapon, your ability will be greatly reduced!"

Hei Jiao is worried about the equation. Although they have been underwater for a long time, they also know some things in this world. Chi You is resurrecting, and they also know the things about the god of war Chi You and the god of wind Feilian thousands of years ago, and the flying with the wind god staff Lian may not be able to fight Chi You, then the equation without the Wind Scepter... even less Chi You's opponent!

"It doesn't matter, it is the most important thing to seal this barrier at the moment, otherwise...If so many ten thousand year monsters emerge from the barrier, everything in this world will be forever, then my weapon will What's the use? Fighting Chi You? It's really unnecessary then!"

The equation is very clear and understandable, but Hei Jiao and Xuanwu nodded in agreement after hearing what he said. The things in front of them are indeed urgent. Other things... let them go!

"Well, then the Wind Scepter, first use it against it... we will definitely return it to you when we find an artifact that can replace it!"

Hei Jiao assured the equation,

"Too much nonsense... hurry up..."

Xuanwu felt the struggle and resistance of the group of ancient monsters under the stone tablet again. At this moment...they want to break free from the enchantment is at its peak, and they certainly hope to break through at this moment. At the time of taking down this broken barrier,


The sudden howl made Xuanwu's eyes slightly startled.

"We're going to be faster...These monsters are here again..."

Xuanwu shouted nervously!