Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 627: Medicine God

The visitor looked like he was in his forties, with fair skin and well-maintained appearance, but he looked fiercely and maliciously at the equation and Yu Yien standing in the yard.After all, he is also a little god, so between the equation and Yu Yien's eyebrows, he can also feel a little different aura, but how can he think that standing in front of him turned out to be the famous ancient god Where is Fengshen Feilian?

"Who are you? You dare to break into my territory..."

He tilted his head and looked behind them. He didn't find his two "watchdogs", and he couldn't help frowning.

"When you arrive at someone else’s yard and take away other people’s pets, you guys... are a bit too rude!"

The equation has been looking at him when the other party is talking. His body is full of aura, but it is far from the original aura in the true gods. It is obvious that he has absorbed too much ordinary mortal aura. , Causing the pure aura in his own body to be diluted. These auras accumulate little to a lot. Although they are not pure enough, they can be used to refine the soul and improve their combat effectiveness.

"We...but just come here uninvited, but what about you, are you uninvited to take it yourself, doing this... is a bit too much, right?"

One side of the equation ridiculed the other side, while the other side randomly looked at this small courtyard. There is no shortage of flowers, birds, fish, and worms. This is a very petty bourgeois god who knows life well and relies on the blessings of heaven He and the ability came out to harm the world, really lived too long...enough!

"Please take it yourself? What did I take you?"

After listening to the equation, the other party was a little strange in addition to being angry. They looked at the two people for unknown reasons, and the two suddenly jumped out and said that they are not asking themselves, what is it?What did you get?

"You didn't take anything from me, and you can't take anything from me! But... how many innocent people's auras did you take away, and how many lives did you kill? Isn't it clear in your heart? This...isn’t it called not to take it yourself?"

The equation glared at him and said fiercely,

"What? You...how did you know?"

The other party was taken aback, it was obvious that some surprised equation would say such a thing, and then he dismissed Bai equation and Yu Yien disdainfully, and said sarcastically.

"I don't care where you heard about this, but I want to advise you to ignore my nosy! Yes, I can feel that you two are not ordinary people, and the aura in your body is a little special, but ...Don't think that you have a little special ability and you really think of yourself as a god. Who am I...Do you know?"

He looked at the equation very proudly. The two said that the equation and Yu Yien shook their heads in a tacit understanding.

"do not know!"

"If you don't know who I am, you dare to come to me. You are really brave!"

The man shook his head with a helpless look.

"Young people, depending on how old you are, I advise you not to be nosy. There are people outside this person and mountains outside the mountain. You guys... take yourself too seriously! You are like this ...It's easy to die!"

In his eyes, Equation and Yu Yien are the best snacks. How can the aura of ordinary people have enough aura of the two in front of them? At least these two people still have a little air, so he looks at the equation. He Yu Yien’s eyes were full of greed and desire,

"The look in our eyes is so disgusting!"

Yu Yien gave him a white look and whispered to the equation. The equation couldn't help but smile, and patted Yu Yien on the shoulder gently to signal him to be safe.

"It turns out... you still know what it means to have people outside of people and mountains outside of mountains? Since you understand this sentence, why don't you leave yourself a way out when doing things? Do things so ruthlessly, If one day meets a great master, aren't you the brother of the orangutan?

The equation is still thinking about joking with him,

"Huh, do you know who I am? I met a great master? Let alone the fighting between the ancient gods now intensified, there is no time to control me; even if I have time, who would have that kind of leisure to control me? Besides, there are only a few great gods, do you think they are little demons everywhere? I have already investigated, and there is no great god in this piece of Gangcheng!"

This little god is really confident enough, and he doesn’t know where this burst of confidence comes from.

"Yes, I haven't dared to ask the name yet? I'm quite curious...what kind of god are you?"

After looking at the other party for a long time, the equation did not see what kind of god he was and what he was responsible for.

"What kind of god am I? Haha..."

He is back, pacing in front of the equation,

"Okay, today, I will let you be a ghost. Anyway, this place... is my decision, today you two can't get out if you are one! How about me... The name is Gu Hong, which is what people often say..."

"Are you a medicine god?"

Yu Yien interrupted him and said,

"you know me?"

Gu Hong looked at him slightly surprised.

"You... are you actually a medicine god? As a medicine god, you should heal more and save people and help all the people in the world who are suffering, but you are actually doing something that sucks people's spirits? How can you...get it off? God should protect people, but what have you done?"

Yu Yien shook his head helplessly when he heard Gu Hong say that he turned out to be the God of Medicine.

The equation does not understand the God of Medicine, because God of Medicine is not a god produced in ancient times. He was born in the long stream of history. Although it is also a god with very old qualifications, it is still incomparable with Fengshen. !

"What kind of conscience? I traded all of me for what I needed. What was wrong? The current world...isn't it such a world? Gods? Who still believes that there are gods in this world? Why am I To protect them? Since I was born here...I have to know how to survive. I live like this...what's wrong?"

The way Gu Hong should have made the equation almost explode.

"What's wrong? Then I'll let you know now...What's wrong with you?"

At this moment, the equation released his bondage to the spiritual energy in the body, and suddenly, a surging ancient god's delicate and pure spiritual power burst out.Gu Hong was immediately stunned by the aura of the equation. He stared at the person in front of him blankly, his lips squirming, but he couldn't say a word.

"What's the matter? Isn't this place your site? Are you... wanting us not to go back? Actually... I didn't plan to go back today, so I just stayed here with you, why? Okay? How are you going to entertain me?"

The equation approached Gu Hong step by step, scaring him back step by step, and finally retreated to the wall and there was no room for retreat.

"You...you are...fengshen?"

Gu Hong’s mouth has begun to knot,

"Yeah, I know the goods? Know who I am!"

The equation nodded, then sat on the stone bench in the yard leisurely and looked up at him.

"Let's say, how long have you been doing this kind of activity? How many people...how many people have been killed?"