Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 688 Resentment

This ghost boy remembers the pain of death clearly, and will remember it forever!So she is complaining about her family, but in fact... she has reasons to complain, a baby who died at birth, how could she not complain?She would keep thinking...why did she have her but didn't protect her well, let her live in such a pitiful and lonely pit!

In her heart... the most indispensable thing is that full of resentment.

But she can't be blamed for this, even if this matter is changed to someone else, it will probably be the same as her, maybe... it will be even worse!

"If you don’t have the ability to give birth and protect them, don’t give birth! You don’t need to be responsible after giving birth, so why give birth to them to suffer in this world? I heard other dead spirits say that the wild on the roadside Dogs give birth to puppies and they know how to feed them with milk, but these so-called people just leave behind the responsibility they should have and go happy? Who gives them the rights? Who gives them the rights... ..."

The ghost boy roared loudly. All her hair flew up with the hurricane's teeth and claws. Her eyes became red. At this time, the anger in her heart had reached a peak. In her eyes, she seemed to have taken the equation in front of her. The object of venting anger!

"I want you all to come and accompany me, none of you can let go, none of them..."

Guitong rushed directly to the equation, her body slammed into the aura enchantment in front of the equation, and a little spark came out!

Seeing that he couldn't rush into the barrier of the equation, Guitong suddenly became angry. She made a harsh roar of the child's disposition, but in an instant, countless black deaths appeared in front of the equation. It seems... ...This ghost boy is still a powerful character in this Wanling Pit, just such a roar called out countless dead spirits!

"It seems...you are very willing to be with these dead spirits!"

The equation ignored the dead spirits in front of him, and then he looked at the subordinate of the fat white man at his feet. This person is probably already cold. There is no way...In this case, he Can't save him!

"I'm willing to have nothing to do with you, and...I don't mind adding one more of you to these dead spirits!"

The ghost boy roared hysterically, and the equation smiled slightly.

"You want me to play with you, isn't it just because I won't die here? So... don't worry, you will never have me in your necropolis! "

Equation smiled and shook his head to the ghost boy.


The ghost boy was speechless. She was irritated by the equation. She opened her mouth and grinned at an incredible angle, and then...she even floated those afterwards. All of her death breath was sucked into her stomach, and the ghost boy instantly began to swell, and she was getting bigger and bigger...The equation looked at her and her expression gradually became serious.

Knowing her intentions, the equation did not stop at all, and turned around before she jumped onto the edge of the Wanling Pit.

"Equation, you are here, Xiao Liu..."

Seeing the equation climbing up from the bottom of the pit, Fatty Bai asked hurriedly. The people on the top of the pit are not clear about what happened at the bottom of the pit, but Yu Yien can feel the changes in the yin and spiritual energy at the bottom of the pit, and when he sees him come up solemnly Yu Yien knew something was wrong!

"What's wrong? People didn't come back?"

He asked seriously,


The equation didn’t have time to take care of other questions, and only briefly answered the question, and then looked at Yu Yien, Liu Bai and Li Zhaowen who stood there with some dazed expressions.

"Hurry up and take them out of here, here... it may be a little dangerous. I will use aura to create an enchantment for you. After you jump down for a while, you will keep walking towards the opposite side. Don’t stay longer no matter what happens. , Keep going until you get out of the cave entrance, and then...you wait for me in a safe place!"

While the equation was talking, it set up a barrier for them, enclosing all of them in it,

"Equation, let Liu Bai and Zhaowen take them out, I will stay to help you..."

"No, this time... it's a bit evil, but it's still a bit wicked to fight with me. You just need to be responsible for taking them out of the cave safely!"

The equation shook his head at him.

"Brother Fang, what's the matter? What's the situation... so serious!"

Although Fatty Bai didn’t know what was going on, he knew that it must be a very dangerous thing when he looked at the nervousness of the equation, because he had never seen this look on the face of the equation.

"Fat brother, don't worry, you will get out safely!"

The equation nodded at Fat Bai.

"Yien, take them away, remember, don't look back..."

"it is good!"

Yu Yien looked at the eyes of the equation, and finally nodded.

"I'll take them away, you... be careful!"

After speaking, Yu Yien looked at the few people behind him,

"Liu Bai, after you stepped up, Zhaowen walked in the middle, everyone followed my pace, don't fall behind, we...strive to get out of this cave smoothly!"

After speaking, Yu Yien took the lead to jump out of the Wanling Pit and walk forward.

Seeing Yu Yien and the others jumped out of the big hole, the equation also hurriedly jumped down.Although the ghost boy could not go ashore because of the enchantment in this Wanling Pit, she was fascinated and unimpeded in the pit. Seeing Yu Yien and the others... she must come and make trouble!

Sure enough, when the equation reached the bottom of the pit, you could see that Yu Yien and their enchantment had been tightly surrounded by a mass of blackness, but because of the enchantment, they could not get close, and they were rushing around outside the enchantment Channeling.

With a wave of the equation, the huge air current blows away the black air instantly, and can no longer gather together!The aura of the ancient gods is not a joke. There are not many little monsters that can not bear it.

The eyes became clear in an instant, and Yu Yien, who had obviously slowed down, immediately speeded up and walked forward. No one looked back to see what had happened!

Seeing Yu Yi'en and the others drifting away, the heart of the equation was slightly calmer.That ghost boy has absorbed a lot of death energy. Even if he is an ancient god, he must beware of such a huge amount of death energy. These death energy can easily penetrate into people's bodies and cause people to produce all kinds of negative and frustrated. Thoughts and thoughts.

At this moment, Guitong revealed her gloomy face again. At this moment, her lips are purplish, her eyes are dark, and her complexion is black. It is obvious that she has inhaled too much life.

"Hahaha...Do you think that everything will be fine and safe when they get out of this cave? Do you know...why do I breathe so much death?"

There is a trace of triumph in her expression, which makes her face look even more weird.And hearing her say so, Equation couldn’t help but "cock" in his heart.

"Because... I have found a way to go out, everything in the world you said... I can see it soon!"