Jianbao Gold Finger

The first thousand and thirteen chapters are broken

The whole enchantment is like a transparent hollow sphere made of sugar, which is burned by fire at a certain point, so...it melts a little, a little, and the gap slowly becomes It's getting bigger and bigger.

Countless monsters, large and small, squeezed out from the gap. They were sealed for thousands of years. At this moment, they finally had the opportunity to get the freedom they thought in their hearts.And those who came out with them, there are equations they...

Equation and Yu Yien fought with the monsters beside them while protecting the two girls beside them.Although the spirit power of the monster beasts is far inferior to them, they are more expensive. In a short while, although there are many monsters killed by the equation and Yu Yi'en, they have fallen off Kunlun Xu, but both of them also Suffering varying degrees of damage, coupled with the injury suffered by the previous equation when he started with Chi You, and the double injury of the regurgitation in the body when he got rid of Chi You personally, the current equation is really exhausted.

"Hey, can you still hold it?"

Yu Yien asked loudly.

"It's okay..."

The equation gritted his teeth and nodded at Yu Yien. Suddenly, a fierce beast rushed towards the equation and slapped it with a slap.

"Equation, it can't go on like this! There are too many monsters. Even if we add everyone, we are not the opponents of these monsters. We have to find a way..."

While dealing with the fierce beast in front of him, Yu Yien stubbornly pulled Wu Yun behind him. Wu Yun also used his abilities to fight those fierce beasts from time to time.

The enchantment is being destroyed more and more, and there are more and more fierce beasts.Ji Ji and Yu Yien were pushed forward by the fierce beasts. Not far in front was the place where Yingzhao and Chi You Yuyi faced off.Although Chi You is dead, he has a loyalty who has followed him thousands of years ago. Moreover, the young girl is already making a vengeance for Pingyi. The equation with many casualties is still difficult to contend with. .

"Equation, did you rescue them from the morning and evening? Great..."

Yin Xiaorou saw the equation rushing towards this day and night, and asked excitedly while fighting the enemy.

"Well, but... the barrier is destroyed... Even though Chi You is dead, the destructive power of these murderers is probably no less than Chi You!"

The equation replied out of breath, this battle... his body suffered a lot.

"We have to find a way to seal the enchantment again, otherwise if all the fierce beasts in the Kunlun Xuli run out, this world will be the world of the fierce beasts! But... your Wind Scepter will definitely not work... ...."

Yingzhao frowned and said with some worry.

"If the Medicine Spirit Immortal Bottle and the Holy King Bone Box cooperate well, it can be solved!"

Gui Lao's voice came from not far away, and several people hurriedly raised their heads, only to see Gui Lao raise their hands to eliminate a little demon, and then slowly walked towards them, he could also avoid the beast on the way leisurely.Guilao is a half-god and half-human, so he cultivates a soft aura, doesn't often attack, and only focuses on dodge.

"Pharmaceutical Immortal Bottle? Holy King Bone Box?"

The equation was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, one gathering aura and one suppression, the two are just complementary to each other. We can first absorb many auras with the medicine spirit immortal bottle, of course...the more the better, then use these auras on the damaged enchantment of the holy king Form a new barrier, and then suppress it with the Holy King Bone Box, which can last for thousands of years."

As soon as Gui Lao's voice fell, the equation took the medicine spirit bottle that was absorbing Qiongqi's aura in Kunlun Void, and Qiongqi, who had almost absorbed the aura, fell to the ground instantly.Then the equation immediately put the medicine spirit immortal bottle into the high-altitude beard, and began to inhale the aura of the ferocious beasts all over the mountains.Then he insisted on dragging his heavier body to the breach of Kunlun Void Enchantment and observed it.


The old ghost's voice revived.

"This method is very harmful to the implementer. The strong aura in the medicine spirit immortal bottle will cause harm to the person who uses it when it bursts into an enchantment. Then this person needs to use his own aura to put the Holy King bone box Suppress it to the very center of Kunlun Xu, and come down like this... this person is immortal... and there is almost only one breath left..."

"I can't think of that much, come on! Even if there is only one breath, it is better than what I expected... Much better! You all quickly get out of the way, don't be hurt by this spirit... .."

When the voice of the equation fell, he raised his hand and recalled the immortal bottle of medicine spirit, spotted the position of the holy king's barrier, and released all the aura in the immortal bottle.


The sound was like an atomic bomb explosion, and a gleaming silver spirit galloped towards the holy king enchantment. It seemed to be pulling a huge net of aura, towards the original holy king enchantment above Kunlun Xu. Cover up and go.When the equation saw this, he immediately flew up, surpassing one fierce beast at an astonishing speed, and finally surpassed the fierce beast leading in the front. He quickly took out his Holy King bone box and squeezed it into his body. All the remaining auras aroused all the holy king aura in the holy king bone box.

In an instant, a red spirit stream shining with golden light rushed towards those fierce beasts who were still desperately running out, and instantly... it seemed like a laser to illuminate all the fierce beasts under it. Push them all back into the Kunlun Void, and then... this layer of red spiritual air shining with golden light quietly covered the barrier formed by the medicinal spirit immortal bottle, and gradually disappeared. The color becomes transparent.

All the murderers showed fierce faces, howling and screaming fiercely in the barrier, but...this is a barrier with three layers of spiritual energy, the original Saint King barrier and the immortal bottle of medicine The barrier formed with spiritual energy, and the barrier inspired by the equation in the Holy King Bone Box, this time... they are probably going to stay here for thousands of years.

The equation that was already weak to the extreme, his face was as pale as snow, and even his lips were bloodless, exhausted the last bit of strength, and threw the Holy King Bone Box to Kunlun Xu, and the bone box slowly sank into Kunlun Xu. The barrier, sinking into the underground of Kunlun Xuzheng center, suppressed these fierce beasts who did not know the height of the sky.

The fierce beast who felt the breath of the holy king gradually calmed down, and the fear of the holy king had taken root in their hearts, and even feeling the breath of the holy king would make them obedient and no longer struggle.

Looking at the picture that was gradually still in front of him, Equation then closed his eyes with confidence and slammed into the ground from mid-air.


Everyone screamed in exclamation when they saw the equation that fell down, but those Chi You who were quickly surrounded by the beast attacked Chi You all rushed up, Yingzhao, Yin Xiaorou Guilao and other people all rushed to resist them. Yu Yien and Li Zhaowen rushed towards the equation and firmly supported him when he was about to fall to the ground.


"Brother Fang!"

The two shouted in unison.

"Xiaoqi, come on..."

Li Zhaowen conveyed aura into the body of the equation, and at the same time greeted Xiaoqi to come and save people.Xiaoqi hurriedly ran to the equation, cut her wrist and dripped his blood into the equation's mouth.However, the injury suffered by the equation is too serious. Not only the aura in the body is lost, even the soul of the soul has received damage that is difficult to recover. Li Zhaowen transported so much aura into his body, but the equation is only barely When I opened my eyes, the first words I saw them were...

"Zhaowen, day and night..."

The few people surrounding the equation were surprised to realize that Zhaoxi and Wu Yun...where did they go?

Yu Yien immediately stood up and looked around. He did not find the two girls. So he lowered his head and closed his eyes, feeling the aura of the two of them. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and flew in one direction. go with.But for a long time, I saw Yu Yien flew back with a girl in her arms, and then gently placed the two girls on the ground. Both girls had passed out.

"What happened to them?"

Seeing that both of them were unconscious, the equation asked anxiously, thinking of getting up... but couldn't move at all.

"Passed out! I think... it's probably because they couldn't bear the large amount of aura when they just created the enchantment, so they passed out! I checked it and there is no problem!"

Yu Yien hurried to appease the equation.

After listening to Yu Yien's words, the equation nodded relievedly...