Jianbao Gold Finger

The first thousand and seventy-seven chapters change ownership

When the scarred man saw that several people looked at him in surprise, he couldn't help but frown slightly with anger, but after a moment he seemed to nodded as if he had realized it.

"Oh...are you looking for the owner of the shop before? He is no longer here, he sold the shop to me, I am the owner of this shop now!"

Scar Man said clearly!

"What? He sold the shop?"

Li Zhaowen asked in surprise, then he turned his head to look at the exaggerated team outside the door, his face couldn't help showing a very incomprehensible look!But the scared man had a calm expression on his face, his tone indifferent.

"Yeah! He... he seems to say that he is going to take his family to live in other borders, so he won't return to the vast sea, but the specifics...I am not very clear!"

Scar man said that he did not know the other party's situation!

"But... but this store is so popular? Haven't you asked him why he wants to sell it?"

Yu Yien asked naturally, but the Scar Man was slightly startled, and then his face showed a shrewd smile!

"Of course I have thought about this in my heart for a long time, but I never asked him! Such a popular store, it is a great thing that he would sell it to me, I would naturally buy it, no matter why he wants it Sell! Just take it and make money directly!"

The Scar Man feels that he is taking advantage of it.

And after hearing Scar Man's words, the equation couldn't help but remember what the shop owner said the last time they came!

"This thing...I really can't do it anymore! I took my child to other Xinjiang, and that person can't find me! Anyway, I also have a lot of money now, and it may take three lifetimes. I can't finish it. In this case...I'm really better off taking my wife and children away! Maybe...there is a life I want more, maybe!"

"Could it be... the owner of this shop really listened to what we were saying, and didn't want to continue to harm people, so he redeemed the shop?"

The equation said to himself with some confusion, but... he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong!

"Should be! We said that last time, and he himself said that he didn't want to continue doing it anymore! But...Where can we find him when he is gone? Where to ask... ..."

"Okay, we get it, then thank you, trouble!"

Yu Yien's words were interrupted by the equation before he finished speaking. He saw the equation slightly arched his hands towards the brutal-looking scar man, then turned his head and winked at them, and walked straight to the door of the shop. .

Although Captain Qi and others did not know the idea of ​​the equation, they still listened to his words with confidence and followed him out of the shop door. They stopped until they were far enough away and could hardly see the appearance of the shop. Down!

"The genius doctor Fang, why not ask more about the specific situation!"

Captain Qi asked without understanding.

"I...Although I don't know why, I always have a strange feeling, but I don't know the clue!"

Equation shook his head vigorously, as if he wanted to make his mind clearer!

"First of all... it's the overall temperament of that man! I looked at his face and felt that he should be a man who runs a blacksmith shop, a martial arts gym, or a wine shop, and it doesn't look like a snack bar. The boss! Second... We didn’t ask the previous shop owner where he went, but he was very enthusiastic and cooperative, and said that the previous boss took his family to another Xinjiang. This... .... I don't think it fits his personality!"

The words of the equation stunned Captain Qi and the others.

"What...what is called a person...personal design? What is that for?"

"Oh, the personality is... it's the character! I mean looking at that big guy, it's not like someone else's character who speaks first without asking him!"

The equation hurriedly explained to Captain Qi.

"Oh...understand! It is indeed! What about...the third?"

Captain Qi and his two subordinates suddenly realized!

"Third...If the first two are just my instincts and not direct evidence, then I think the next thing is strange!"

The equation turned his head and looked at the store from a distance.

"If it is really like Scar Man said, the previous owner sold him the shop! He also feels that he has taken a lot of advantage, and he can make money by getting such a hot shop! Then... ..Why did he bother to replace all the people in the store? Especially the people who fried the sea scorpion! You know... this kind of food store is the most taboo to change the chef or the person who handles it. ! The person who took over the shop didn't know that the fried sea scorpion did not rely on the taste, but the god powder in it to attract so many customers. How could he change the person who fried the sea scorpion so easily? This... does not fit his idea of ​​making money!"

This analysis of the equation caused Captain Qi and Yu Yien to keep nodding their heads.

"So... you think that scar man has a problem?"

Captain Qi asked in summary.

"I don't know if there is any problem or what kind of problem there is, but... he must know the inside story of this hot shop!"

The equation said his thoughts, and he finally understood that what he had just discovered was something wrong with this Scar Man who wanted to replace all the guys in the shop!

"Let's go find him..."

"Do not!"

The equation hurriedly stopped Captain Qi, who was impulsive, to prevent him from screaming.

"Let’s not look for him first. Let’s look for the previous shop owner. I think we are most likely to break through... or the owner, because I think he still has some conscience. Find him... ...It should be possible to ask something more!"

"Okay! This matter... leave it to us!"

Captain Qi nodded, and then gave orders to the two men under his command, and they walked to both sides!

The group found a small tea stall and sat down. One person ordered a bowl of herbal tea, and drank it "dang-dang-dang"!After drinking a bowl of tea, the two of Captain Qi's men came back, and at the same time... also brought back information about the shop owner!

It turned out that the owner of the shop was called Li Ergou, who was originally a fisherman in the fishing village near the sea.Because I often went to sea, I knew that the sea scorpion had high output and low cost, so I started to fry the sea scorpion.When he first started making fried sea scorpions, fried sea scorpion snacks on the market were not very popular, but slowly, everyone discovered this low-cost, relatively good return business, and gradually started. Popular!

Originally, Li Ergou’s business was no longer good enough. He started to plan to go back to be an honest fisherman, but he didn’t expect that his fried sea scorpion would gradually improve, so he went to his house to buy fried fish. There are more and more sea scorpion people, and the entire market and even the entire sea scorpion booth are all killed in seconds!And as more and more people go to patronize his house, they have changed from small stalls to shops!

But when asked about Li Ergou's sudden redemption of the store, everyone was at a loss!Some of the colleagues of Captain Qi, who also set up stalls at the market, said that he had never heard of any signs that Li Ergou would not do it before, although he seemed to have discovered that everyone was so obsessed with his own fried sea scorpion before Normal behavior, he also said that he didn’t want to do it anymore and wanted to accumulate some virtue, but whenever he saw that silver ingot or even gold ingot appeared in his hands, he hurriedly changed his mind and said why he didn’t do?If you have money and don't make money, you are sick!

But why he suddenly sold the store to others after that, everyone has no idea.

Captain Qi's men also inquired about the location of Li Ergou's home from a fellow Li Ergou. The equation was full of doubts and everyone stood up without hesitation, and walked towards the carriage outside the market.

When they got on the carriage, the two carriages rushed to the seaside fishing village at the same time. They were going to the house of Li Ergou...will him!