Jianbao Gold Finger

Thousandth 242 chapters confession (two)

Seeing the equation, it seemed that she didn't intend to speak any more, so Yuan Yue said timidly and slowly.

"You... are you finished?"

She asked carefully.


The equation was stunned.

"Ah, say... it's over!"

Looking at Yuan Yue's little rabbit-like appearance, the equation was a little bit ridiculous.

"Then... do you have anything you want to tell me?"


Yuan Yue's words seemed difficult to say. She struggled for a long time before she made up her mind to say it.

"You...you have a predecessor, but I don’t have a serious predecessor! I had a crush on others when I was in school, but I was inexplicably brought here before I had time to confess! It’s not that I don’t have people who like me, but... But for the sake of my life, for my livelihood, where do I have other minds to think about, so... so..."

Yuan Yue paused, then continued to speak.

"So, you have to be nice to me, even if... even if you are still thinking about your ex, you can't let me see that you treat me... better than your ex, even if You can't do better to me, and don't let me know how good you have been to her, otherwise I will..."


Before Yuan Yue finished speaking, the equation took her back into her arms.

"What... what is impossible? Is... impossible to be better for me?"

Yuan Yue muttered unconfidently, listening to that voice... it seemed that she was about to cry.


Hearing her words, the equation smiled speechlessly.

"What I'm saying is...I won't continue to miss my ex, and I can definitely do better to you than to my ex! I tell you about her... because she is right For me, it is a relatively special existence, and I apologize to her! But I will put her in the deepest part of my heart, maybe I will never touch her for life, but...she will be mine Special memories always exist! This matter...I think I should tell you, because I don't want to lie to you!"

The equation is honest.

"But to me... you are a favorite, beloved girl, you are on the tip of my heart, so... I will only treat you well, and will be very, very good. At this point... don't worry!"

Normally the equation looks honest and responsible, but I didn't expect that it would be very good and sultry when talking about love. Yuan Yue buried her head in his arms again!

"What you said, don't change..."

The little girl's delicate state made the corners of the equation never go down!

The equation also thinks that feelings are amazing!Like it is like it, and it doesn't matter who says it doesn't.

In fact, Yuan Yue and Chao Xi are really two personalities. At first, the aura in Yuan Yue's body was not cleared, so when her emotions and expressions could not be fully expressed, she did feel somewhat different from the day and night. Similarly, Equation admits that he was attracted to her at first because of this.But after that, she began to show a completely different personality and state from the day and night.Independence day and night, strong, everybody is pretty, although there will be a little daughter side, but that is only for the equation.But Yuan Yue is different. She is cheerful, lively, even a little mad, willful, unreasonable, vengeful, and eager to revenge. These are all personality traits that she does not possess day and night, and even the opposite of day and night!

Equation once felt that he should lose interest in her, but he was wrong. Not only did he not lose interest, but he became more attracted to her!

"Okay, absolutely unchanged..."

The equation speaks for sure.

"Um...Ms. Fang and Miss Yuan, do you want to... do you want to come over and eat something?"

Vice Team Xiao saw that the two of them had been hugged from before dark to dark, and thought they should be hungry, so they called out boldly.

Yuan Yue heard someone call herself and the equation, only then realized that the two of them have really been hugging for a long time.She felt that she was really good, or she wouldn't fall in love, and that love would be broadcast live, showing off a great love, and throwing so many people out of their dog food.

She touched her face in embarrassment, and glanced at the equation with slanted eyes.

"Okay, get hungry, go and eat something!"

Equation smiled and looked at her, then took her little hand and walked towards everyone.

"Yeah...it seems...this relationship is different!"

Xiaoqi started booing, and everyone immediately laughed kindly.

"Little Qi..."

Yuan Yue smiled and glared at Xiaoqi, but Xiaoqi made a face at her.

"Okay, let's eat!"

Deputy Xiao pointed to the porridge cooked on the bonfire, along with the bread and beef they brought along.

"Has everyone eaten?"

The equation asked as he filled a bowl of porridge and handed it to Yuan Yue.

"Eat, I'm full! I eat dog food..."

Xiaoqi said with a smile.

"Little girl..."

Equation smiled and looked at Xiaoqi, then took the beef jerky and handed it to Yuan Yue.Yuan Yue, who was carefully taken care of, began to sneer after receiving the things, her face full of happiness.

"Today we stayed here for one night. From tomorrow morning, we will climb over the mountain in front, and we will enter the territory of Yancheng. After that, the roads will be relatively flat and there will be no mountain roads anymore, so... we can also Safer!"

Seeing the equation and starting to eat, Deputy Xiao team briefly talked about the schedule for the next day.

"Yeah! Now I hope we can climb that mountain safely, after all... there are so many spirits in the mountain, and many spirits and monsters like to hide in the valley!"

The equation nodded and agreed with Deputy Xiao's statement.

"Why do those things like to hide in the mountains?"

Yuan Yue raised her head from the porridge bowl and asked curiously.

"Mountains and rivers are the places where auras gather. Ancient people also like to cultivate immortals and spirits in the mountains and rivers, because they can absorb more full and pure aura. So the spirits are the same. They dare not go to the big mountains and rivers. He stationed in the small mountains and rivers, hoping to absorb more spiritual energy from heaven and earth."

The equation was explained to Yuan Yue patiently and carefully.

"Oh...that's how it is!"

Seeing Yuan Yue's sudden realization, the equation's heart was filled with satisfaction, and he suddenly felt that his heart had been empty for a long time... was filled again!

This feeling...he likes it!

The sky was completely dark, and the surroundings were pitch black. You could only take advantage of the moonlight to see the shimmering lake surface and the dark outline of the mountains in the distance. There was only the shimmer of the bonfire in the campsite of the equation.Everyone in the camp has returned to the tent to rest, only a few guards who take turns to watch the night watch back and forth around the camp.

The night was silent, and all around was quiet, only the crackling sound of burning branches in the bonfire could be heard.

All this...seems unusually calm.