Jianbao Gold Finger

Chapter 1,267 - Difficult People

Mr. Bookhouse slowly opened his eyes, at this moment his gaze was much clearer, seeing the strangers in front of him could not help but be a little strange, but after seeing Liu Lanyu and Chen Zian this only slightly nodded.

"Huh? Zi An, Evening Jade ...... Why are you guys here? I ...... What's wrong with me? Why am I lying on the ground? These people ...... And who are they? Why are they looking at me so"

Sure enough, the gentleman from the bookstore was rather ...... good with words, and it was obvious that he had no knowledge of what had happened to him earlier.

"First ...... Sir, you ...... You were just about to kill me with that scissors, you know?"

Chen Zian cautiously came forward, pointing to the shiny scissors in the distance with a palpitating heart.

"Me? To kill you? This ...... How is this possible? This this this ...... I am supposed to be a scholar, how can I hold a knife and hurt someone?"

The gentleman looked at his hand very incredulously, and then looked at the scissors in the distance, and then still looked at Liu Nanyu with a face of disbelief.

"I really ...... really want to hurt Zi'an?"

Liu Nanyu was a little embarrassed, but still nodded.

"How can ......"

The gentleman was a little sad, being a gentleman, but he did something that was going to hurt his own student.

"Sir, it's okay, you were just poisoned by a compulsion, that's why you were confused and wanted to hurt your own student, I have now detoxified you, no problem ......"

Before Yuan Yue could finish her words, everyone felt that there seemed to be many people surrounding her.

Fang Cheng alertly turned his head to look behind him, only to see that not far away, a child with a large group of people running wildly towards them.

"It's over, they've been spotted!"

Xiao Qi frowned.

"I just found that child, but I didn't care, I didn't expect ......"

She turned her head somewhat helplessly to look at the people who were running towards them from afar.

"Yuyang, here ...... You set it up! We'll go first ......"

Fang Cheng patted Qian Yuyang's shoulder, then grabbed Yuan Yue's suffer and led everyone towards the Chen family to dart away. Qian Yuyang received Fang Cheng's instructions, nodded at him, then turned his head somewhat helplessly to look at the people dashing towards him behind him.

These people were in rags, looking sometimes dull and sometimes crazy, obviously abnormal.

Qian Yuyang is a little helpless, they are ordinary people, just a compulsion, poisoned, he can not hurt them, but also to prevent them from going after Fang Cheng and them.

Qian Yuyang painlessly knocked down a few people who led the wild run in front of him, shocking them.

"You guys ...... You can save people, why don't you save us? Why?"

The leading people shouted loudly and angrily, his eyes were full of red blood and he didn't look in a very normal mood.

"If you want you all to be saved, then stop it and wait quietly, otherwise ...... You may not get saved! Now ...... This city is very dangerous and complicated, if you continue to make such a scene, then the one who poisoned you will also know that someone is treating you, then the consequences ...... You should know!"

Qian Yuyang said very clear, everyone heard his words also froze, for a time do not know what to say and what to do.

"You guys ...... You guys talk good, so where did they go? It is still not the first to go to someone's big family to see someone's people to cure the poison? Hum, we have no power, no power, no background of the ordinary people, you can care? In the end, we are still dead ......"

One of the people said angrily.

In fact, the people have such ideas is not understandable, since ancient times the powerful and common people is a world of difference is not the same, many people will indeed treat them differently. And such things ...... The common people are often the ones who suffer and compromise.

"All I can say is ...... You will all be saved, it's just a matter of time! Whether rich or poor civilians, we will save them all. But with so many people, we have to have a first come first served no matter how we save them! Some people first, some people second, there is no way to avoid this, so ...... I hope everyone can wait patiently."

Qian Yuyang tried to patiently explain for everyone.

"How to wait? How to wait? If we wait any longer ...... We will all be dead!"

Someone called out loudly in question.

Qian Yuyang speechless, he may be crazy, knowing full well that these people have been affected by the compulsion, and how can they be patient to wait for them? They are now even not angry emotions have been difficult to control, let alone they have been angry to the point of no return.

"Can you guys control your emotions properly? Your current anger is only generated by the compulsions in your body, don't be affected by those ......"

"Do not say those nonsense, we now want to detoxification, want to treat ......"

Qian Yuyang did not even finish his words, he was interrupted by the people.

"Keep your mouth shut!"

Forced to no way Qian Yuyang can only board up his face, shouting at those who are up in arms.

"You guys are in a hurry? What about those people who are already lying on the roadside and can't get up? What about the people who are only half-breathing and on the verge of death? Are they in a hurry? Are the people who are already mad enough to cut people up in a hurry? Who gave us the criteria of who we should save and who we should not save? Is it you?"

These people were already crazy, so Qian Yuyang could only fight violence with violence, and he raised the sword in his own hand and pointed it at those people.

"We have people to save first, you ...... We will naturally save them too, but not now! You guys ...... Just wait here, and soon ...... It will be your turn!"

After saying that, Qian Yuyang pushed vigorously, pushing those who were making trouble in the front row away viciously, then turned around and flew away.

"Eh, you ......"

The people watched Qian Yuyang leave, a little helpless, but there was nothing they could do, they could only leave resentfully.

Fang Cheng and his party arrived at the Chen family, before they reached the door they already heard the noise inside!

"Oh no, big sister and third sister must have quarreled again! These two ...... The original daily quarrel, recently may be affected by the kind of compulsion you said, the quarrel is more powerful, the other day actually moved weapons! This is another quarrel ......"

Chen Zian helplessly said to Fang Cheng and them, and then rushed to the Chen family gate.

Fang Cheng and others also hurried to the Chen family, as soon as they entered the gate, they saw two young girls full of anger by two groups of people tightly pulled, one girl holding a kitchen knife, the other girl holding a long gun, look at the stance is very scary!

This is to start a fight the stance ah!

Fang Cheng and Yuan Yue, Xiao Qi, Liu Nanyu glance at each other, revealing a helpless smile. Then Yuan Yue and Xiao Qi stepped forward and each struck a blow on the back of a young girl's neck, and the two young girls fell to the ground with a sound.