Jianbao Gold Finger

The first thousand four hundred and eight chapters investment;

The equation saw that everyone was so passionate and grateful, and immediately raised the cup and sat together with everyone. After drinking the wine, he suddenly took a meal, and I thought of my own purpose today, his face expression is slightly unatthly natural, it seems It is a bit of a sense of arrogance.

The equation puts down the cup, and everyone has put down the cup, I want to open, but I have no Zhang to say a word for a long time.

The owner of the lead seems to see that there is something that is difficult to open, and it is not helpful to put the wine glass on the table, and then open the mouth.

"Fang Xin, what is wrong, what do we have opened today ... This is the truth, in addition to money, can you help you? Don't open it, but instead It is us, worried that you can't help it, this is the most embarrassing! "

The leader of the leader is a bit constant.

And I heard the equation of his sentence, and he immediately looked at the old man's slowly.

"That ... you don't have to be difficult, because I want to please you, you really want to make your building a little money!"

I saw that they had said that they have been said, they don't twil, and I have said my idea directly.


Nothing did not expect that the Founder is really wanting to let them take the money, there is no reaction between the house owner all the time, dull, looked at the equation in front, no one speaks.

The equation saw that everyone is full of peace, can't help but look at the owner of the people in front of you, is it ... Is it just saying some guests? Nothing is willing to really take money to invest yourself. This is awkward. The equation grabs the hair, and some unnatural clear clear throats.

"That ... If you are not convenient, we are mainly gathered, not to take money ..."

"It is not convenient, what is inconvenient!"

The one of the leader said that the equation said that this immediately responded.

"Fang Qin, our reaction you can do don't mind, we are not because I don't want to take money, but I didn't expect that our Founder is such a direct person, it is directly good! We all like direct .... .. "

The master is rushing to explain with the equation, and the owner behind him is rushing to nod.

Equations listened to listening to them, I seem to be a little less right, I thought I would like to know that they may be misunderstood, so I hurriedly explained.

"No, you misunderstood! This money is not given me yourself ..."

The equation is helpless, and it is really not an official, and it is easy to speak to ambiguity.

"Isn't it for you? That's ..."

These rich people who have the money listened to the equation that this money is not given to him, not from being strange, and the idea is not solved.

"I want to raise funds to establish a flyer college for our broad sea, I hope that young people who want to practice the dream can realize their dreams. I want to get a school to teach them how to practice the school, let everyone Have the opportunity to practice! "

If the equation, everyone is shocked once, and his words should be shocked by them than the main money to these home.

"Although this practice is indeed needed to support it, there are some people who have no very good qualifications since ancient times, but they have practiced the big society. We can find more Potential, contribute more people with more capabilities for our broad sea. "

"Good! Great!"

Someone shouted at the seat.

"This ... I can also send our family's kid to see if there is any talent, can you practice until the upper stage, so that our home is not allowed to make a eyebrow!"

"Yeah, it has always been a family that we have all the empty money, because there is no cultivation to practice the upper Gods, you can't lift your head! Hey, if our descendants really can practice, then prove that we can also Have the possibility of practicing aura! "

The people have said that they are full of joyful joy.

"Fang Wang is the benefit of us ordinary people! You said, how much!"

Leader's refreshing open mouth.

"Yes, you said, how much!"

"Yes, you said a few!"

The owners have actively speaking with the equation.

The equation looked at the owner of the eyes. Suddenly felt that it seems to be less than I want to come, he felt that these owners had to pay some strength, but they did not expect that these doctors were so active, this saved him. Many tongues, he sorted out his surprised emotions, let yourself look at normal.

"Actually, it is not small, but it is not a small amount of aura, but it is not a small amount of every household! I will make people make a very detailed expenses, I will give you a look. At first, then share with the total amount to each of you! "

Equation is a serious look.

"What details are used, we don't look, don't understand, you will see how much you need, how much we take!"

The generosity of the people make the equation, and in his plan, he will build a hospital in the broad sea, to build a school, and to build a modern culture, it is necessary to open up, which can be supported by these owners, so once Can you have to be too strong!

"How do we do it, we still have to be a code! The brothers will still be accountable, wait for you to go to the hand, you will take the investment, we start building a college, to ensure that every money is spent in the college At each pen will have the correct record, you will give you a look! "

The equation is still very detailed in this regard. After all, it is involved in money, sensitive, so I still have to carefully!

"Okay, then the Lord of the Lord, the Lord of the Lord, give us what we look!"

"Well, good, the end of the quarter said."

The owner also seen the equation what kind of personality, so they have attached to his statement.

"Okay, just look at the character of Fang Xin, that is, people who do things, all of us must support the idea of ​​Fang Xin, what needs to be said to us, we must do our best."

The leader leader said blood.

"Well! I am here to thank you first, I am worried!"

The equation is also somewhat bloody by this master, and the wine glasses are dried. Everyone saw that the people of the Trenons had already dried a glass, and they immediately followed, drinking wine in a cup.