Jianbao Gold Finger

The first six hundred chapters

After listening to Shu, everyone smiled.

And Yuan Yue is still seriously putting these white stones into his bag, and there is always a word in the mouth.

"I really can't! The spiritual strength of the stones in this monster body is so strong? It seems that I am still not as good as a monster!"

She can't help but feel!

"The spirit of this stone is not the monster, but the great god!"

The equation said before, everyone did not understand him.

"These monsters can become a monster, all of which are relying on absorbing the aura of the ancient gods in many years to succeed as entities, they have been buried under the ground, there is no time, no time The consciousness will integrate these abundant aura from the outside world. It is like people who don't move for a long time. The blood of the body will be stranched. They are the same, the aura is, but there is no real whole body integration, but Soldally blocked a piece, one section, so these aura blocked such a small stone in their body. Just burn it, but these aura beads left! "

The interpretation of the equation allows everyone to understand the origin of this little thing, everyone is amazing, especially Yuan Yue.

"That thing is good, listen to you, I am not willing to sell! The aura of these ancient gods is stretched, I have to stay well, I want to sell ... I will buy these ashes! Anyway, it is also in spiritual power. Ordinary people buy home can also strengthen their body and continue their life! "

In Yuan Yue, I said that I was seriously picked up seriously, and there was a small bag! Then Yuan Yue put those ashes to another bag, plan to use this to get rich!

So, go back to this road, Yuan Yue, will sell the ashes of those who have just collected back! She thought that these similar as ashes will not be easy to sell, but when everyone has a good spirit of the gods in this thing, go back to take a little longer, strengthen the body, beauty skin care, everyone will rush I bought it, especially when I heard that the equation was so relaxed today, I saved the hundred people who were dead, they think this thing is even more god!

Yuan Yue looked at this snapped scene, could not help but have some remorse, just priced is low! I know that you will be able to get a auction!

The equation is really too understanding that this is a small nineteen in Yuan Yue's heart. He can't help but laugh and shoot her back!

"Well, this is to want to give ordinary people strong, healthy body, what you buy is so expensive to be in the end, it is already very powerful, it is already very powerful, then you will lose your meaning!"

When I listened to the equation, Yuan Yu felt that it was really such a thing, and the heart was not so tangled. I was very happy to watch the silver ingot received in my hand.

Nagasaki is still very competent as the Lord of the country! On the evening, I made a speech of the people in the city at the city, and I also made a safe guarantee for everyone. The people listened to the blood, impassioned, I feel that this Changshan City is a strong urban pool. !

Subsequently, he sent people to rebuild the Cuinee School, and the construction workers who were rescued by equations did not have been hurt, and every one is very good. It is very good! The spirit of the equation has been laid in the body, and they will naturally be healthy and strong than many people!

In the evening, Nagasaki prepared the banquet in the main house in the main house, invited people who participated in the rescue of the city today, but those seven hundred and nine-level gods did not participate, first of all, they didn't like to participate in such activities. Second ... ... I have time they are better to go back to cultivate myself, and strive to restore my spiritual status as soon as possible!

At the banquet, Nagasaki has already thrown the prejudice and suspicion of their own, and Zhang Yuan also begins to completely worship the equation, let me say that he likes this person, just his strength is already enough. Let Zhang Yuan have been stunned, and the heart is orally!

With such a strong power, even if the tail is on the sky, you can see people with the foot floor. After all ... people have strength!

During the seat, everyone trudomed to the equation and other people, good, lively sights!

The equation suddenly remembered that he was still looking for the eight-order god of the white face. In view of his relationship with Nagasaki, he seems to have progress a lot, so he decided to directly open to Nagasaki asked about this person!

"Changjiang main, I want to listen to you!"

I heard the equation that I want to listen to myself, Nagasaki hurriedly put down the wine glasses in my hand, respectfully heard it.

"Please say!"

"Just ... There is no eight-step god that looks very young, he ... face is white, it seems to be a bit ill, but I estimate that the strength should be It is not to be underestimated! If he guess, this eight-order god should be very good at illusion, insulting, etc. This is more dark or cold, and the means is very high! "

When I finished the equation, he found that Nagasaki's face seems to be a little less beautiful! It seems that Nagasaki should know this person, and this person is not good!

Sure enough, I wronged for a moment, Nagasaki turned to the equation, and his eyes were in doubts and worried.

"Why do you want to ask about this person when you ask about this person? Is there any festival?" His tone is careful!

"Oh, there may be some holidays, but ... I haven't confirmed it! I have encountered some things before, I have encountered such a person, so we are doubting things we encountered ... It may be related to this person, even ... these two cases that have happened in the Changshan City may be related to this person! "


When I heard the equation, Nagasaki was obviously frightened, and he couldn't help but exclaimed. However, in the feeling of the banquet, I will stop behind him, and he immediately apologetically smiled, but also put his hand, indicating everyone to continue.

"Oh, there is nothing, just chatting with Fangjiang, you continue, continue to drink ..."

Everyone heard the confusion, but because of the happiness, it is very exciting, so it is not true that there is really true that there is really true that the Nagasaki and Equations are nodded, and they will continue to drink.