My stomach is swollen and I have enough energy and strength. Sweet things are still a source of energy.

Charlotte rose fluttered as she rubbed her stomach.

"Then everyone, it's lets go to treasure hunt!

A walking group chases behind the girl pushing on with Subi.

Except for the leisurely, side-by-side Mejed-style Frey, the three of them are finally following.

Ask Charlotte, where Rias goes ahead loud.

"Hey Charlotte, can we just keep it straight? Turn right where you just passed by and you'll have one room for a candidate (...)"

"Yes, apparently, fate is the most definite place I've ever assumed, so even if I'm stopping by, the Numbers will be ahead of me"

Marianne frowns.

"Are they going for the same place?

"Sounds like it. We've been moving irregularly all over the place since we got down to the basement, but we've been headed straight to our destination for a while now."

On one eye of Charlotte, a special junction is affixed by Shiva.

It's something that interacts with the transmitter-type junction he was sneaking up on Alexei beforehand and lets him know where he's going through the labyrinth.

He seemed to be just so interested in tee time that he was actually keeping an eye out for enemy trends.

Though he's still young, he has a lot of thoughts, and even as Rias wraps his tongue around him, the question arises.

"Isn't that a coincidence?

"It's possible, but given your safety, you should decide 'yes' and move this one too"

The battle is won by the early.

Even if you don't have the treasure of purpose ahead of you, there's no problem if your opponent is aiming for the same place.

In doing so, we encounter demons.

A man-shaped demon in armor waited in a neat line, not in unison.

"Hey, isn't that Wondering Night? ARE!?"

"Hey, what's that? Are you strong? '

"Alone, Magic Level 30 is the enemy we need."

It doesn't sound like the Charlottes, but the students in the audience make a scene.

"It's annihilation! Or something!

But Charlotte does not panic without fear and waves the stick.

Anyway, I fought him once. I had direct support from Hart then, and now I have a lot of special junctions affixed to the stick.

Numerous light bullets are fired. Though he couldn't crush it with one blow, his nose was completely frustrated.

"Huh! Ha!

A series of punches with Irisphilia fleshing out his frightened target. This one just couldn't be defeated by a single blow, but it doesn't give it time to attack and breaks the armor to pieces.


Dear Mejed, Style Frey also stuck to the herd of demons. Although you can't attack with your proud nails because you're wearing a big cloth, a special Yakuza kick bursts with a blow.

"What the hell, these guys... You're gonna lose confidence."

Rias covers with light magic from the rear. I couldn't get in there to crush my enemies in a flesh-bomb battle.

"Mr. Frey originally said that Mr. Iris's growth in these days has been very weak."

"He didn't have a magic level until now."

"Awakening, is that the one? Let's do what we can."

I will carefully cover the two of you and the demons as they move to keep them out of the way.

"Oh, my God!"

"Don't you dare!

Rias screams at Charlotte, who emits light bullets.

"Rest assured. This magic stick has special features to prevent accidental friendly fire."

"What's that cheat?"

That's how the Charlottes swept away the herd of demons in no time -

Alexei and the others descended to the lower hierarchy at one toe.

(Hmm. Apparently you chose the same route as us)

Alexei doesn't have that technique against the Charlottes, who can accurately grasp their opponents' trends in Hart's special junction.

But to be able to control the demons of the ruins, he had captured an approximate movement by knowing that the demons he managed had disappeared.

(They're reading this move... No, are you being grabbed? That's a hassle)

They seem to be doing special work, but I'm not sure.

Perhaps there is something finely crafted on this body, if you will.


I heard a noise so small from my back that it was scratched off by the footsteps.

Breaking the line by releasing magic. I couldn't have done it before, but now that I can use one end of the power of the Demon God, I don't have any creation.

Now this trend should no longer be detected.

(Well, at this pace, we're going to be able to get Mija's Crystal first...)

I can't feel safe.

It's not an instant victory with treasure in your hands.

Even if this one got the treasure first, he couldn't admit victory unless he took it home.

I can't wait to be deprived of it in a direct confrontation.

I don't think I can win, but if Shiva secretly puts a cross spear in it, it would be troublesome.

If you're aiming for the same place, chances are you're just on your way home. Bringing it on, there was also a danger that it would become a battle at that moment of obtaining treasure.

"Proceed without rest. Everybody follow me!

The current situation, in which this trend is no longer captured, is taking an overwhelming advantage.

We no longer think of petty labor or fraudulent cover-ups, but we also take advantage of deception.

(Come on, Shiva, how do we get out?

Alexei's interest has already been - no, it's been in Shiva since the beginning.

I don't see Charlotte in my eyes. No matter how high the qualities, he bracketed the high because without Shiva's support, he was a concurrent wizard.

- That's what makes him lose.

Immediately after each hierarchical difference opened and he was convinced of the victory.

"Defeat the opponent in a direct confrontation, and then you can relax and find the treasure!

Charlotte and the others showed up at the end of the day.