Win the fight against the Numbers and take them, and the well-intentioned Charles will make it to the final showdown with the Demon Gods. Good luck, that's a super simple reminder until last time.

It was a round table on the quiet shore of the lake, where the usual faces were gathered.

But it's not usually funny.

Master Mejed was full.

Cover your whole body with a white cloth, just creep out over your eyes, each with his or her favorite number on his or her forehead.

I don't know, I've got three "seven" on me, but that's...

Anyway, don't get me noticed because I'm the only one out there who's black.

"Now, nascent Camelot - we have participants remotely this time, so we'll start a round-table meeting with the tentative name 'Kronos' for the outside"

Char strictly tells me that he wrote '1' on his forehead.

As my sister said, this is a meeting with one of your outsiders in Shiva's (my) communications community.

The screen floating in the void showed Senior Alexei Gooberk wearing a headscarf.

Sometimes at first, he doesn't participate in the other facets of the Numbers, he just seems to be one representative.

"Does it make sense to purposefully hide who you are? No, I don't care how you look at it. I don't understand your desire to hide it because it's on the edge of a communications magic tool... '

Gigan, right? I understand.

It's like before the dismissal of a giant Buddha statue.

"Kaji is important. I don't think we should neglect style beauty."

"Numbers were all called in numbers under the philosophy of reciprocity, but it seems to me that you have a clear sequence. Wearing a mask, with numbers...... or '7' so it really doesn't make sense?

Have you noticed there after all? That's Senior Alexei.

"Anyway! It is! We and the Numbers are going to work hand in hand in the sense that our clear and beautiful friendship sprouted after we beat each other in the background (back) against the sunset in Kawahara. Together! To beat the immense evil!


Senior Alexei has such a sad and complicated look. You can tell by wearing a mask.

"So what is giant evil? Yes, a giant organization of evil that plots the demon god resurrection! I thought so, but the situation seems to be changing more seriously."


The person with the mejed number '13' asks.

What about this "god of time" thing? Keep it in 24-hour notation? 'It was Professor Tier where she was a strange woman who made the strange choice.

"Two demons appeared in our confrontation. Again, isn't the demon god resurrected?

As always, Charles is going to poke around the core.

"If the demon god is resurrected, why don't you come out directly?

It was Mejed "4," Liza, who told me it was a blush.

"Las bosses sit and wait, but are therefore las bosses. It's hard to imagine that holding the letter of God is more direct. I think we have a situation where we can greatly exercise the power of evil from where we have created two of our powerful relatives."

I see - and some nod.


Senior Alexei has said something, but he won't.

Because you've reached an agreement to shut your mouth in advance with me.

I contacted him and asked him if he was possessed by something demonic because I didn't like it.

I see, surprise.

I hear the body of the demon god Lucifera is taking over Queen Geezerotte's body.

He says it's not complete yet, but that he might do a lot of bad things from now on.

On the other hand, they put a collar on Geezerotte and are on guard against me for ever getting in the way of scattered (though not intended).

What happens if I say to Charles, "Queen, I became a demon god"?

"That's my brother. It must be resolved even if we do nothing - '(stick)

Who wants to see my angel with the highlights out of his eyes?

Again, I want Kuroko to enjoy it thoroughly.

So I'm thinking a lot, yes.

Dear "0" Mejed (Frey) responds to your forehead.

"Don't hesitate if your enemies are set. Let's just make him Gittangittan!

"But I'm still not sure where the demon gods are or what they look like."

To Shall's words, the '10' man - says Illis in a serious way.

"We have to get behind the wheel. We need to gather information while we deal with the action from over there."

"I can't give you any trouble," said one of the "7," Lias.

"That one was clearly aimed at us. You're just exhausted to remain vigilant at all times..."

I don't know why Princess Marianne chose '8'. The same goes for the other members.

"That's what righteous allies are. It's an evil way to put it out there, crushing every wax, but still empowering the middle boss and destroying the lass boss."

That's true in cartoons and specialty hero stuff, right? If I finish with a few stories, it's a mess.

The reality is just ruthless.

I didn't know the demon gods would politely keep such 'promises'..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I already know the nature of the enemy.

Besides, I'm the geezerotte who holds the right to life and death.

If you stab the nail with one voice, can you even proceed as this one thinks?

If you don't protect me, you can make me protect you. Like that.

Well, the other guy is a godly thing called a demon god. Must be strong. But it hasn't reached a full resurrection yet (optimistic prediction).

There's a little bit of a problem with Russ Boss being a Geezerotte, too.

For one thing, I headed to Uncle Borderline's castle - my father's - in order to make a certain confirmation.