Today is the day to celebrate the birth of a child who is 5 years old, and the ecclesiastical people are here to bless the Morot.

I first saw someone from the Episcopal Church, but he was a normal uncle, but would the only discomfort be to say the outfit is black? I expected someone like a priest in a white robe because I say Episcopal Church, but he wore a black suit, a grey white shirt, and a black tie.

All parents and children who would be 5 years old were coming to the biggest rally hall in town, but would it be about 20 overall? Naturally, two of my childhood friends were here.

Don't look at Bratt's father the first time. He's a Dwarf who works in a blacksmith, he's got red hair, just like Bratt, and he's not a little Odishan because he's a Dwarf.

It's a long golimacho in this world...... He looks like he's 2 meters tall. My face feels wild and I'm going to cry if my kids see it, even if it's cool.

My father was fine with a fine matcho.

And since the Episcopal Church people spoke the Word of Blessings, they were handing out [the Ring of Certification] to everyone in turn. I didn't do anything every time I gave it to you, I was just giving it away so I wouldn't duplicate it because all I had to do was wear a [ring of authentication].

Some people wear a [certified ring] on the spot, but mostly when they get home, they put it on while they settle down, and report it to the family when [job title] turns out. And it feels like a family celebration.

I also got myself and Bratt and Elena a [certified ring], and the kids go home, and the families clean up the assembly area, and then they come home.

"Bratt, Elena. See you tomorrow!

"See you later."

"Ooh. See you later!"

We both broke up and went home.

My parents came home after a while to finish cleaning up.

"Father, Mother. Can I wear the ring after I've settled down on my own?

"Oh, you should like Ray!

"Fine. If I put it on, we'll all celebrate.

"Thank you. You're going to be alone in the room for a moment.

(Because [Job Hopper] has a job skill in [Unique Skills], I expected that something might not be normal, so I want to calm down and confirm it.

In the meantime, put the [ring of certification] on your left index finger, and then it will automatically resize as you grow and the [ring of certification] won't be able to take it off your finger.

[The certified ring] is soft as if the material was unknown and fused with my skin. God in this world is spreading all sorts of flying mystery technology.

(It also feels like an item of curse that I can't take until I'm dead. Besides, it seems no one has been able to destroy it.

Okay, [Status Screen] Open.


Name/Ray (5 years old)



Job ➡Title/Unset


Growth Speed Force 3 Dexterity 8 Speed 3

Intelligence 8 Magic 8

Passive and people-friendly, architectural, civil, culinary

Material Extreme

Active Magic Manipulation, Magic Sensing

Appraisal, Clean, Box

Ball, Shield, Hand

Storage, Wip

Inherent Skills Job Hopper

Appraisal Demon Eye

Weapon/Kamiki Knife


(Not set...)

When I tried selecting➡ Unset, the item appeared.

Please set up a job.

[Magic Swordsman] [Summoner] [Magic Instructor]

* ➡Job Hopper Description

(Let's just select a description.

Job Hopper

① Multiple jobs can be changed. (Suitability jobs only)

② Job proficiency is numerically displayed.

③ The latest job needs to be at least 3.0 proficiency to add a job.

• Jobs of the same lineage are integrated once they have attained a certain degree of proficiency.

⑤ It is easy to remember the initial skills and difficult to remember the extreme skills.

That's a subtle, unclear explanation. Ultimately, can you take all the jobs you can choose? I don't know how hard it is to be 3.0 or higher, so do you want to take it from a job that seems usable?

It may have been easier to remember skills for a long time because of ⑤, indeed [JobHopper] has difficulty excelling that position because he may remember his job quickly because he will repeat his transfer, and before he becomes a veteran.

And there's going to be other skills like [material extremes].

[Magic Swordsman] A swordsman who manipulates magic.

[Summoner] The magician who manipulates the summons.

[Magic Instruction Technician] Technician who makes Magic Instruments.

(Don't get lost because there aren't many explanations... I'd like to take the [Summoner] I used to use in online games in the mood, but if it was a mine, I'd make it [Magic Swordsman] because I'm scared.

Then I got lost, but ended up choosing [Magic Swordsman].

[Blade Retrieved.

[Weapon enhancements acquired.

(Is that a job-specific skill? This kind of place in this world is really like a game.

Also check the [Status Screen].


Name/Ray (5 years old)



Job Title/Magic Swordsman 1.0


Growth Speed Force 3 Dexterity 8 Speed 3

Intelligence 8 Magic 8

Passive and people-friendly, architectural, civil, culinary

Material Extreme

Active Magic Manipulation, Magic Sensing

Appraisal, Clean, Box

Ball, Shield, Hand

Storage, Blades

Wip, weapon reinforcement

Inherent Skills Job Hopper

Appraisal Demon Eye

Weapon/Kamiki Knife


Something's different from the [job title] system I was thinking about... But maybe it's more fun to look like a game.

Do you want to talk to your parents about the rest?