It's been two months since the pool class started and the fun pool class is over.

First grade pool classes are basically classes that feel used to water while playing.

They also have a solid swimming class when this is 3 or 4 years old.

Most school students seem to be able to swim 50 meters at graduation.

Kids in this world feel pretty high spec.

By the way, Alan still doesn't seem to be able to water......

Sounds like I'm scared of water, but what am I supposed to do?

Summer is over. Dr. Ronald came out to talk about new extracurricular classes around autumn approaching.

"Well, I'm supposed to go on a hike to a nearby mountain tomorrow. The school will provide you with the tools you need for the excursion, but make sure you have a good outfit even if it is somewhat dirty. I'm leaving school in the morning to get to my destination barbecue site by lunch, and I'm going to be back in the evening. The teachers will escort you on the road, but make sure you have your weapons ready just in case.

When I was listening, I questioned the need for a weapon even though it was an excursion.

"Doctor, are you leaving Warcraft or something?

"I'm going somewhere where I won't leave for once, but I'd better be prepared because I'm going out to extreme highness, not absolutely. There may be more pigs and wolves than warcraft.

(Complete the protective gear? I guess I'll also make some joke goodies for after lunch later.

"Well, protecting yourself because the teacher will defeat you immediately even if the Warcraft comes out

Just think. "


in the dorm room.

"Yes -. Are you messing with that bump again?

"Tomorrow, I'm taking a hike to the mountains, just in case.

Still no other attributes can be used in Magic Instruction.

And because the lightning attribute is a strong but difficult attribute to apply or subtract, I thought about relying on [Magic Gear] because it would be good if I were alone, but my companions would also be harmed during group actions like excursions.

I can't tell you about Cynthia...

There is a weapon in this world that can shoot [balls] of wearing demon stones: demon guns.

I had previously modified that to make something that compressed and shot out all the attributes using [Rainbow Demon Stone] called [Magic Compression Gun].

This is a gun that determines the attributes you want to shoot, charges the surrounding magic and compresses the magic and shoots it out.

The advantage of this gun is that it uses all attributes and does not use magic.

Cons are weaker than their [demon missiles] if they don't charge and shoot compressed ones every time.

It hurts not to be able to fire in a row.

One more thing, [boots of shedding].

For some reason it doesn't seem to work normally or during battle, it is a shoe that only makes the escape foot super fast during the pinch......

And then I keep the various potions in my bag.

The only thing I can make my own is the small effect, so just in case it's a little expensive, I also bought a few things that are working.

[Recovery Potion Small] 20 pcs

[Reinforced Potion Small] 10 pcs

[Detoxification potion small] 10 pcs.

[In Recovery Potion] 10 pcs.

[Reinforced Potion In Progress] 5pcs

[Detoxifying potion in progress] 10 bottles

[Sleep Potion Small] 5 pcs

[Sedation Potion Small] 10 bottles

If you keep the potion in [storage] even if it's excess, it won't be a waste of time, and you can keep it when you have a grocery store.

Tomorrow is a blemish, too. Yes.

"That's right. I've never hiked before either, so I'm looking forward to it.


Name/Ray (6 years old)



Job Title/Magic Technician 3.3 Magic Swordsman 4.1


Passive and people-friendly, architectural, civil, culinary

Extreme, Forged and Parallel Thinking of Materials

Sympathetic, Magic Science

Active and Magic Operation, Appraisal, Clean, Storage

Weapon Enhancement, Lightning Attribute Granted

Magic Workshop, Magic Gear Creation, Magic Missile

Magic Guide, Magic Wall, Magic Sword

Inherent Skills Job Hopper

Appraisal Demon Eye

Gear/Kamiki Kotai

Magic conductor compression gun

Silver bracelet with impression inhibition

Change of appearance pendant

substitute necklace

Gravity Counter Rings

Thunder Attribute Virtual Ring

Detached boots
