Our class was on a carriage to Gasdale to take a workplace tour.

10 teachers, 10 helpers and 30 students. 12 carriages.

All sophomores participate, so it's a good number of people. I thought it would be pretty hard to move this number of people in a day, but I was naming fantasies......

The main street through the carriage was well paved, the carrier used weight reduction [magic equipment], and the horse was given regular recovery potions to reduce the rest time, etc. It felt like he was on the bus.

And he had lunch in a lounge like a service area on a highway on a regular basis.

"And that carriage is amazing, I always use it for homecoming. It felt completely different than the carriage.

"Whatever. This carriage is just for rental, it sounds like a great amount of money.

"It's amazing how free we are for such a rental, isn't it?

"The national, schools, like this, we support, the Episcopal Church, it's too awesome...

"God, that's so powerful.

"Whoa. God, you have all the power.

Talking to Elena, Cordelia, Cynthia and Bratt like that, the teacher came into the conversation.

"You guys, I'm going to correct you because you're going to have trouble getting into society by mistake.

"... what is a mistake?

"I don't usually use such expensive carriages because it's a school event. This is insurance against problems like last year's Demon Wolf raid. That's why they're letting us use paved roads for nobles and rich people. I've never been on a carriage like this before because I usually have to pay my annual dues to use this paved road.

They maintain the pavement every year with the annual dues paid by the nobles and the rich.

"And I'm looking forward to the blacksmith factory and the construction company."

"Is that it? Is Ray-kun interested in blacksmithing and construction?

"As a candidate for a job.

For the reason that I wanted to see blacksmiths because they have skills but they are not available, I wanted to know how much difference the construction makes compared to previous life's technology.

"Ray-kun's job title [Magic Swordsman] is avant-garde, right? And yet you're in a production job?

"You think I'm better suited for productive jobs than avant-garde jobs regardless of my job title.

"... I need to review this (future design with Ray)?

"Huh? What are you talking about?

"No. Nothing, right?

(Don't think hiding [Job Hopper] skills is inconvenient at times like this. But I'm only going to tell Cecilia a secret when I'm a kid.

In the carriage, I asked Cordelia and Cynthia about the cultural festival.

"Speaking of which, did Mr. Cordelia and Mr. Cynthia think about what would be good about the cultural festival offerings?

"I wonder if I want to play cafe, you want to serve in cute clothes like a Cecilia shop clerk.

"I'm, I'm still worried,

"Does Ray-kun want to do something?

"I want to do a maze system if I can get some space."

"Maze system?

"Like Warcraft Panic or Slime Panic?

"... that's some kind of noisy naming.

"You wanted to do the one that made the maze and used the warcraft and other things that surprised the students. It's a secret what warcraft will come out, though.

"... I think it leaks or faints that I'm a junior year student, is that okay?.

"... it's possible. You didn't think that far.

"And the teacher is sure of a pay cut......

"You guys seriously stop the problem...