Last day of the Cultural Festival at the Ministry of Magic Arts.

I'm Creston.

I used to be in the Defensive Wall Unit of Wangdu, and was so confident when it came to protection that I was called the [Iron Wall].

But I offend a lethargy at last year's athletic party.

That was during the ball-hunting competition.

At the time, I was quite confident in [magic manipulation] deploying my defensive shield.

So even then, I was wishing for the front defensive shield officer who was supposedly the most dangerous.

The day of the sporting event.

It was going well at first, but it was soon over as well.

And I doubted my eyes......

Yes, I saw the [magic manipulation] of the position where I think the genius is exactly for this boy.

When I started [magic manipulation] as early as I was about 3 years old because I was only 6 years old, I felt confident that my [magic manipulation] had lost to 6 years old after training for nearly 20 years, and I was too upset to [magic manipulation] successfully.

The child's perfect control had also held back the upset that the attack was preventing it from reaching the defensive shield.

And the incident happened in the next group.

My defensive shield was pierced by the girl's [ball] that I would have prevented by the original me, and I blew up.

It is a major injury for a full month.

Well, the injury is good because I deserve it, but I was told that the student who caused the injury to me had suffered a heartbreak.

From there, I abandoned my chronic mind and exercised [magic manipulation] to avoid sending out the same students.

And now he's the chief officer of the Ministry of Culture Festival Demonic Arts.

This time, equipment for adults was introduced to ensure safety.

This is naturally strong, but even if removed, a powerful defensive shield is automatically deployed behind it.

All you have to do is let the teachers, including me, get into magic.

I tried it too but it hit 7 targets with an average damage of 30.

In total, it was 1470.

I thought the results were acceptable because I'm good at protecting but not good at attacking.

The freshman year ended well.

The equipment was complete and there were no problems.

And it was the sophomore's turn in question.

A student by the name of Cynthia who blew me out was in.

He had a good smile when he saw it. Looks like the girl's been okay since then......

The result is 945 points.

It wasn't as good as my score, but it was overwhelmingly lost in average damage.

A little, damaged by my pride.

The next kid didn't know what he was doing...

Prayer? I had it all figured out even though I wouldn't move while posing for the

Even I wouldn't be able to hit it all on purpose without doing it again and again.

The 7-year-old has done that.

The result is 1000 points.

Damaged my pride again.

And last year, there was a boy who made me think I'd lost in [magic manipulation].

Shock ran to the teachers early in the start!

Half the target blew up. Fortunately, the bullet that penetrated was prevented by the defensive shield behind me.

The second target was missed, and while he was relieved that he put all his efforts into the first shot, the furious attack began.

Everyone desperately poured their magic on the defensive shield as it nearly ran out of magic along the way.

The result is 20250 points......

When I understood what numbers meant, my pride was at zero.