This will be Dr. Ronald's point of view.

I was having a great time talking to Dr. Karine, who had just started dating on my way home from my sophomore work tour.

"Dr. Ronald, it's hard to have a cultural festival for your next school event.

"Right. We're not supposed to be that busy because our teachers keep an eye on us.

"Was I? I'm under the impression I'm busy, but are you busy differently depending on the teacher?

"Perhaps so!

"Then if you can afford it on the day of the cultural festival, let's go see the exhibit together ~!"

"Oh! You definitely want to go!

My class is Maid Cafe? decided on.

It's my job to be a teacher when it comes to cooking, but it looks like Ray and Elena took the lead and the food just warmed up.

If I'm just gonna warm up, do I have to join in? I was chilling to see how it was going along the way but it was showing more completion than I expected......

I realize those guys aren't always in low school like they're in charge.

Then I thought I'd leave it to autonomy. I can see the exhibit with Dr. Karine, too.

"Will Dr. Ronald's class be free to serve?

"Oh, my class looks fine.

"I also made my class a brief exhibit, so it's okay. It's about time to see a little on the way. I envy Dr. Ronald's class for its many excellent students!

"There are a lot of problems...

"That's everywhere together ~. Next time, tell me even the trick of teaching your students how to study.

"Oh, yeah? I'm always available.

First day of the cultural festival.

"Okay, I think you guys worked the hardest part of junior year, but there are times when everything doesn't go as planned.

"Talk to Ray in that case!

(I've watched it from the beginning, but I've also learned to survive just by my students to the end.

"No, Dr. Ronald...... Isn't that for the teacher?

(As always, Ray makes tough points......

"I'm Callie, no... I'm busy looking around security, so I tried to talk to Ray first and tell him to tell me if he still can't...

(Oops, you were about to get half the real deal leaked.

When the cultural festival was over, three people, Bratt, Elena and Ray, had won the competition. It was unexpected to beat Deanna and Amelia in particular.

And I was in a pinch now.

"Dr. Ronald! In the case of food and beverage exhibits, Dr. Ronald, the teacher, will decide to cook! I can't tell you the source, but it sounds like you weren't involved at all on the day, huh?

"No, because the food was just for warming up...

"That rule would be for teachers, not students, to take responsibility for problems with hygiene! If anything happens to you, your student's life could go crazy!

"Yes, no, my students have excellence, and...

"Dr. Ronald's student would be 7 years old! I know you excel in the competition, but you haven't studied hygiene knowledge, so it won't be enough!

"Some students know more about hygiene than I do..."

"Isn't that because of Dr. Ronald's lack of knowledge?


Whatever you say, you're starting to feel bad.

"And there's a story in there about the sophomore A class magic trick section.


"I'm told that the score Dr. Ronald Ray-kun put out was a machine defect.

"No, if Ray...

"Even 4th grade Amelia, who is said to be a magical genius, has 2520 points, right? What is it, 20250 points! Almost ten times that!

(Regarding that, you don't even know if I told you...

That's what I think, another teacher raised his hand.

"May I speak?

"Dr. Creston, go ahead.

"First of all, there is no defect in the machine. And that score must be definite, too. The teachers who were in charge of the magic trick would know.

And when Dr. Creston saw the teachers, they all nodded.

"I may be rude, but he's not in the dimension compared to his student Amelia! Not so much. His [magic manipulation] is God's hanging.

"Oh, what is it so?

"Can you hit five [balls] in one targeted second? And it's 50 damage per shot.

"No, he said the machine was defective because he couldn't do that...

"His target is half gone. The vendor has explained that you need 200 damage to blow that target away. Submit your target wreckage later.

"It's unusual for Dr. Creston to praise students that far?

"He's already beyond me.


Everyone shut up about that statement.

Excellent [magic manipulation] among the teachers and beyond the prized Creston teacher will be the most amazing thing in the school.

"We should cover it up when it comes to his prowess. Speaking of magic trick inquiries all the time, you should give up one day.

And in the end, only my problems remained and my salary was reduced...