I was relieved to hear from Cecilia that your father had arrived at the school during the carriage to Chesgan.

According to Cecilia's story, if you do only one, the strong Warcraft is like your father has captured it and is now wiping out warcraft all over the city.

They're not going to evacuate the people evacuating to the underground shelter at the school until they make sure there's no complete warcraft.

And the city of "Chesgan" is vandalized and seems to be devastated...

Especially the women's knights. They only had seven survivors.

Basically, the Knights don't appear to be dead because they only provide security around the city, so it seems like it may be since the beginning of the kingdom that more than 50 people have died this time.

When they arrived at Chesgan, they first joined their father, who had finished annihilation, and then their mother recovered from the wounded Knights, and their father decided to look around the city.

I can't meet Cecilia because I don't want her relationship to be very well known, so I decided to ask Cecilia to retrieve [Magic Gun] and [Magic Gun Shotgun] after seeing how Lili and Nell were evacuated at the store.

Well, it may be only a matter of time before Cecilia finds out all this has moved, but it won't be a human life.

And I'm going to go see how Cordelia and Cynthia are doing at the school.

I discovered Mr. Cordelia and Mr. Cynthia coming out of the underground shelter in the school.

"Mr. Cordelia, Mr. Cynthia!

"Ray-kun!? Why are you in school?

"Mr. Ray!

"I got information about the school raid and it came with me because my parents were supposed to go to the rescue.

"I'm glad you're here, but it's dangerous if you come at a time like this!

Mr. Cordelia and Mr. Cynthia are a little angry?

"No, I'm worried about you two...

""... worried.

Have you lost any anger?

If you two had listened to me at the underground shelter.

'Master! There is one warcraft traveling at high speeds at the school, so be careful!


Immediately after listening to [Magic Call]...

"Yahari, Aitsha, Shippai Sitanoka! Watashiga, Kawalinikoko, Holovos.

"What is this guy?

There was a woman who often appeared in Lanobe, her body hair in her dog's ear, and she felt like a dog beast man all the way to her face.

And when he noticed the Warcraft, he was throwing a huge [stone ball] that seemed to have 20 meters.

"Guys! You're a warcraft, so run!

"" Huh?

(Shit, everyone hasn't noticed the Warcraft!

Stand in front of Mr. Cordelia and Mr. Cynthia and expand the maximum number of [Magic Walls].


The [Magic Wall] penetrated and was weakened, but was blown away by a direct blow.


"Mr. Ray!


[Instead of a necklace] and [Gravity Counter's Ring] [Magic Instrument] are activated due to a dangerous attack.

"Nanda, Konokaradano, Omosaha.

"Damn, you've never been so damned willing to kill me...

"Omaeha, Sakkikogeki, Husseydayatsdana!

The Warcraft holds a giant stick of dirt in one hand and sticks it into himself with great speed.

Deploy the [Magic Wall] in a vigorous manner, but the speed at which the Warcraft attacks is too fast and the [Magic Wall] is quickly destroyed, not as good as your father's, but I know there is too much difference in strength...

'Master, I contacted Master Sophia about the Warcraft, so she should arrive shortly, so bear with me until then.

'I appreciate that, but maybe it's time for the limit...

"Solo solo, cine.

I was wielded a dirt stick at a speed that I couldn't replace the [Magic Wall] in time, and where all the [Magic Wall] were gone and completely defenseless, I was properly attacked by the Warcraft and lost consciousness...