[Brat point of view.

We will be attending Hunter School, a senior year school, for three years from today.

I used to go to school with Elena a lot, but I decided to go to school alone on the boulder because I was 10 years old too.

Unlike the dorm was next to the school like it was at Chesgan School, the dorm at Hunter School was a small condo about a 5-minute walk from the school.

The dorm is 6 tatami rooms in 1 DK in the private room.

The dorm is liberating the garden for people who want to do bareback and so on, and it seems good to do voluntary training in the morning and evening.

Elena and I can't pick her up in the morning because the dorm will be somewhere else, but is she awake safely...

Let's leave that area to Cordelia and Cynthia.

Hunter School has long been a popular school, enough to say that most kids who want to be adventurers living within the kingdom will come here.

In all, there were 80 students in the first grade of Hunter School, and one class was divided into four classes of 20.

We've applied before school for the four of us to have a party, so unless we cancel the party, we'll be in the same class for three years. Looking at the class chart, the four of us were in class C.

And as I sat in my seat and waited, Elena came to school, taken to Cordelia and Cynthia in critical time.

Even at school Elena was still extremely weak in the morning was not improved.

All my classmates, including us, came in after a while about their seats.

A creative woman among the teachers begins to step forward and talk.

"I am Kara, who has been in your position since today! I seem to be tougher than the other teachers, but good luck graduating! Any questions?

My teacher, Dr. Carla, was a woman with long red hair and a Dwarf tribe, the outfit was wearing bikini armor with not many people to wear it for some reason, a pornographic body with tight muscles and big tits, but an unbalanced feeling teacher with all the old wounds all over her body and not much appeal.

(I've seen them sell bikini armor in the store, but I've never seen anyone actually wear them... But why bikini armor in school?

I had such a courageous classmate to speak for my heart.

"Doctor! Why are you a teacher, Bikini Armor? Besides, is it because of the bikini armor that there are so many ancient wounds?

"You don't ask unusual questions. I'm in this outfit because if you walk in bikini armor all over the city, a bad gala adventurer approaches you for physical purposes and if you refuse to invite him, you'll be attacked by a bad gala adventurer!

"" Huh????

Including me, this teacher didn't know what he was talking about...

"Still, don't kids get it? Hey, what would you do if the Warcraft attacked you?

My classmate who asked the question was being asked by Dr. Carla.

"If I can defeat you, I will repel you.

"Yes, you repel. If you get tangled up all over the city, self-defense can be formed and you can legally fight adventurers. Plus, if you win, you get paid. It's good to fight a warcraft, but the movement is monotonous and not funny, because in that respect adventurers are funny because some people have good fighting taste, even if they are idiots.


"That has nothing to do with bikini armor and all body wounds. This wound was attacked by a man with a shining sword outside the city when he was younger, when he was seriously wounded. Since then, interpersonal fights have been fun and bikini armor has been worn.

(Is this guy really a teacher? The Battle Junkie?

"You can try me, too!

"" (Nobody does it!!

Three deputies were introduced after that, but they seemed like normal people.

(You're the only one who sucks, but Dr. Carla seems strong, but some guys suck at getting serious injuries...

"Hey, you red-haired guy there! You look strong in this class, don't you? You want a mock fight after this homeroom?

"No, what are you going to do with today's class?

"That's in my mood! If you're an adventurer, keep practicing getting tangled.

"Is that okay?

When I turned my gaze to the lieutenants, they nodded silently.

(Is it good... Is that the usual thing?

"Okay. Then I'll ask you later.

"Whoa, you're looking forward to the fight.