It's been a month since I joined Hartley High School. I've gotten used to my classmates a lot, but for some reason my friends only had girlfriends......

The boys were all gathered in Salia, and it may be bad that they were supposed to hold weekly women's parties to behave as sweets. It's a pleasure to get along with a girl student, but I want a boyfriend somewhat. Besides, Dr. Milva was a good participant in the girls' party for some reason. It took a few days for the girls students to find out that their purpose was the treat they prepared, but now they were all making demands about what they wanted to eat. I sometimes wondered how much sweets the girls wanted... but I didn't feel bad about being praised for the sweets I made, so I kept preparing them.

And today, skill measurement begins.

This seems to be to find out how far I've studied in my junior year with six exams in basic knowledge, mathematics, language, history, physical ability and magic, but the content seemed to be something I could do if I studied well in my junior year. You're not sure about history and physical abilities because of amnesia...

Exam Day 1

The basics, mathematics, language and history of the written exams end on day one today, and tomorrow there will be exams of martial arts and magic.

The written exam was all 100 with 25 questions each, and it was a question of my 5 best choices.

The basics were [the ring of certification] that people who didn't know about relationships, the unit or value of currency, etc. wouldn't be able to get out of society. It was an easy win because it was a common sense issue.

Mathematics was an arithmetic level in a previous life elementary school. I'm a little sorry that I'm cheating because I'm like a little computer in my brain right now [parallel thinking] or because it's so spec that I just see the problem in [ultra-fast processing] that I know the answer.

Language was also a simple question that could be answered if the letters could be written and words such as courtesy could be understood, and if I thought history was also the history of the country, it was the beginning of the world and other issues such as God. It felt like history or a myth.

I feel like I got a full score, except for an exam in history like that.

It was day 2 and the physical ability, which is a practical exam, just ran, flew, threw, reflexed nerves, body softness, grip and other things I had done in a previous life school, but the results seemed bad as expected.

Measurements of magic looked at the amount of magic, the speed at which magic unfolded, the power, the hitting rate, and so on.

Looks like my classmate and I got a different level because it's my specialty on this......

If I had any memory of my junior year, I would have been able to adjust it by hand, but if I did everything I could without knowing the strength of the other students because of the first order for some reason, we would all be pokans...

"Ray-kun may be a genius, but let's remember to add and subtract...


Dr. Mirva gave me some light attention.

"Everyone shouldn't care if they can't do it like Ray-kun. Ray-kun is an amazing category when it comes to magic.

"" Yes!

Are you out of your mind that they're saying it's like some kind of bad sample...?

When everyone's magic measurements are about to end well, I ask my girlfriend why because when it was a girl's turn they all started to leave.

"Why are you leaving only when that girl?

"Oh, you didn't know Ray-kun. Not that she hates me, but she's away because when she uses magic, she runs wild for a certain amount of time.

"Do you measure magic when you're in a runaway state?

"If you don't even get close, you won't be in a runaway state.

"There is such a runaway state...

I was curious, so I decided to [appraise] someone else for a long time. If you're in a runaway state, [appraisal] would be fine.


Name/Karin (10 years old)

State/Magic Saturation Rampage, Madness


Job Title/Mad Warrior



I still only know this much about my [appraisal], if I could get permission from someone else to [appraise] I would know more details, but I didn't want to know until I bothered to get permission.

Because her job title is [Mad Warrior], can't you control it if you keep using magic?

When I was thinking about that, the magic saturation runoff ended in about 3 minutes.

"You'll be right back.

"It is. So we've known for a long time. We're used to it. Be careful when you get close, you'll get hurt badly.

"I see, I got it.

It was the first time I knew that some people couldn't use their job title.