Safe off-campus learning excursions? After finishing and resting only for two hours afterwards, he cooked in several sets of classes at a campsite co-located in the lake.

They decide which class was delicious after eating.

Our classes included classic curry rice, grilled skewers, vegetable soup and salad.

Failure is such a menu that you won't have to be without yourself and Salia......

"Dr. Milva! Just me and Salia. Can I cook some other dishes in separate frames?

"... is Ray-kun willing to cause trouble again?

"I won't do that! It's just to make something delicious.

"You've been realizing lately that you shouldn't trust Ray-kun when he's motivated.

"That's not true... Salia?"

"I can't help it because I'm Master Ray.

I felt like I saw some kind of give-up frontier from Mr. Cecilia.

What I was trying to make was a variety of seafood pizzas and paella, and decided to make fried chicken.

"Dear Ray on the boulder, I don't think it's on the campsite menu.

"Normally, it might be, but you wanted to test the [magic conductor] of a compact kiln and a portable fryer that I made recently. Besides, even the camp wants something delicious.

"If Master Ray doesn't solve the problem with [storage]?

"If it's just me and Salia. Now that we have Mr. Karin at the party, we need her even in the sense of disguise.

"Every time Master Ray adds more secrets, you get more [Magic Instruments].

"I have no choice...

Even though it was a lake for some reason, the store near the campsite sold sea ingredients, so I made it a seafood pizza and paella.

The pizza dough is very easy because it takes time to cook from the beginning, so I have lightly baked what I made into a crispy type, and if I bake it with sauce, ingredients and cheese on it, it is done.

The paella is served with olive oil and garlic on a plate for grilled meat, with a low heat, aroma of garlic, stir-fry the minced onions, add the rice that has not been washed when the fire comes through and stir-fry.

Next fry squid, shrimp and paprika as well.

Instead of tomatoes, bouillon, water and saffron, add turmeric and heat for about five minutes. Mix the whole thing gently, add the seafood, then cover and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, extinguish the fire and leave the lid to steam for 5 minutes to complete.

Deep-fried chicken is seasoned into large bites, and when the meat is tender, just add flour, mix and fry to complete.

Because it's not good to taste but overdo it if you put more effort into it...

Join the class where the dish is finished and mix what you have made.

When Dr. Milva tasted it, for some reason he was asked.

The students then start eating around each class, keeping what each class completes with the teacher.

Salia basically doesn't eat, so she ate the dishes made by Mr. Karin and the rest of her class.

The food made by Mr. Liliane's class was for some reason upscale and uncomfortable.

"Mr. Liliane is overdoing it.

"No, I don't think Mr. Liliane wants Ray to tell you either, do you?

"I think what I made was a level I could make in camp, right?

"Ray-kun is too much to say for some reason... Earlier, when I saw where our class was, we were queuing up, and Dr. Milva was crying and preparing the dishes.

"I can't deny that, though. I guess I did something wrong to the teacher.

And the next day on the carriage home, the teacher was to complain.