Zaran then apparently recovered safely and went to school, but he was a good young man as if his personality had inverted......

Zaran-kun came to apologize to herself after school, too, but one half of Flora's fault, so she and Flora and Zaran-kun only met, told her what was going on and she and Flora decided to apologize for the [fascination].

I thought it was something that would piss me off, but Zaran had a cloudy memory from before school and didn't care so much about [charm].

So when I told Zaran that I was also in a [brainwashing] state, he said that I had a strange look, but I felt it, and he even said thank you for telling me.

Five days after that, Zaran-kun was told by Flora that he had been forcibly returned to the Dwarf country.

A month had already passed since the match with Zaran......

Our own party is currently attacking 32 layers of student dungeons.

"If Ray-kun is equipped with that huge armor, he's going to be able to easily attack it to nearly 30 layers alone, isn't he?

"I don't think you can be a team, even if I'm the only one protruding and strong. I want Karin to be stronger than Flora in the future.

"Yeah!? I'm the one for you, Flora? I don't feel like I can win...

"I can't do it as it is now, but the goal is to beat Flora's song, and you want Mr. Karin to build up his resistance to magic. If the magic resistance is higher than Flora's song, we can prevent it.

"I get the logic, how do I become more resistant to magic? Ray-kun taught me [Operation Magic] has been practicing since I got back to the dorm.

"The difficulty of the dungeon offense increases, but I want Mr. Karin to fight under constant magic loads.

"What do you do with magic loads?

"I have a [magic prop] that I made for Mr. Karin, so I want you to put this on your hands and feet.

Pass the [Magic Instrument] to Mr. Karin.

"... Ray-kun. Is this look okay?

"Was something weird? The effect is gravitational loading, so that you can build up your magic resistance and muscle tread at the same time.

It looks like a black power list and a power ankle, an iron collar. After all, when it comes to muscle trenching, I thought it would be heavy training.

"Something. This looks like a restraint put on by someone who did something bad...

"Sure, when they say that, does it look that way? Then I guess I'll have it equipped exclusively in the dungeon. Or pink the color from black?

The emphasis is on the performance of [Magic Instruments], so you can't help but look gotten worse because you're getting bigger.

"If you don't want to put it on in public, you can keep it up. Looks extra noticeable even in pink......

"The load value starts at 1.2x and keeps going up.

"Uh, by the way, how far does the load value go?

"For once, the cap is 300x, but I don't think Mr. Karin can do it, so I guess I can even use it up to 5x.

"Sa, 300x!?

"Yeah. It would be a load of instant death if you used it on people with low resistance values due to [magic].

I gave your father the same thing to try, but he was running crisp with 300x the load, wasn't he? After all, your father realizes he's on a different level.

"... don't use 300x on me by mistake, okay?

"It's okay, don't worry, you won't get to 300x unless you release the safety multiple times to use more than 10x.

"Then is it good?

Thus began Mr. Karin's plan for strengthening.

Flora joins the party on the day the freshman unleashes the dungeon offense, so there's about two months left. He wanted to improve Mr. Karin's ability as an avant-garde by then.

Ever since Flora enrolled, I went to Flora's classroom when myself and Salia were after school, and I was home with Flora.

"Brother, thank you for picking me up!

"Yeah. Can we go home now?

"Yes, I'm fine.

"Every day, you're getting used to the boulders because you're picking up Flora. You were scared at first, but now it feels like we don't all care, right?

"Rude that your brother is kind but frightened is a story!

"Well, I don't have a choice. Looks like he made too many impressions in the game with Zaran.

Now that I think about it, it was a mistake to mistake me for only trying those [Magic Gloves] on Salia and thinking it was ok...

I didn't think it was that effective against mentally weak people.

"With that said, today is the date of the presentation of the results of the first-year skills measurement, isn't it? I know you got good grades because it's about Flora, but how'd it go?


... You look like Flora is rarely going to regret it.

"Is that it? Could there have been something more amazing than Flora?

"I regret not meeting your brother's expectations...... He was at the top of the discipline, but he came second in fighting and magic.

"The top of the martial arts and magic tricks are the same people?

"No, it's another boys. They're both in a different class, so I don't know what they're like.

"Well, I can't help losing to boys for their physical abilities and stuff, and I think magic moves would be awesome if they came second. In fact, my grades are better than in my freshman year.

"Thank you. I'll try to win next time.

"Flora's gonna be at my party when she can go to the student dungeon, after all?

"Yes! I will definitely be at your brother's party!

"You can go on the way or into another party. We're not here when Flora's three years old, so we have to go to another party somewhere.

"That's okay. I won't be in the dungeon after three years. You don't have to go to the dungeon without your brother.

"I see. Do you also have a choice not to throw a party?

You don't have to go anywhere else because the student dungeon strategy is free to participate like a ministry activity, and if you don't want to attack a dungeon, you don't have to organize a party.

"Yes, when I graduate, I'll be at a party with your brother, so you don't even have to sell your name as a student.

"If Flora's thinking that much, you can do whatever you want. I'm not going to travel far until Flora graduates.

"I've consulted with Cordelia and Cynthia around there.

Flora is close to Cordelia and Cynthia, so don't be helpful in that regard.