For some reason, Sarya and I were told family stories about the principals and Dr. Erdo at the water tournament, and they definitely felt unbeatable and were supposed to come to the qualifying venue.

The main battle of the water competition will be fought in schools that have won the top eight, but will inevitably compete in other schools for the remaining four school boundaries because the seed boundaries will be four.

And while the main game was an hour a game, the qualifier had a special rule of losing if three points or more were removed, on top of only 20 minutes a game.

The reason for the special rules is to finish the qualifying in one day, and the main battle will be played one game a day, all on a five-day schedule.

Nevertheless, the handling of qualifying is very cluttered......

According to Dr. Eldo's story, the schools that beat the top eight barely change each year, so he seems to think the tournament will be a success if the tournament side and even the seed-framed schools come.

So far, I had seen all the dreary circumstances of the adults rather than the refreshing sports competitions of the high school students I had imagined.

It felt like we would have to play at least four fights if our qualifying combination were announced and won.

"Salia, without flying in the air, let's swim fast underwater and just finish with three points.

"Okay. You don't use [surface runs], [short range transfers], or [flights] until the finals.

"Yeah. Only the final school in the qualifying round seems strong, so let's let the situation free us up.

Well, even high-speed swimming in the water leaves at 30 km/h, so I decided that I could afford it at the qualifying level, and decided to take it seriously, assuming it was even taken at one point.

And the three qualifying fights were over, and the next time I won, I'd even come to the point of the main fight.

"No. You could afford more than I expected. All three fights ended in about five minutes.

"Probably the people who came to see the example charisma player. Swimming was normal, so even Mr. Liliane and Mr. Karin seemed to be able to afford to win.

"Mr. Salia to Ray. I just want you to work really hard next time! Really, please! Because the next time you win, you won't be fired for now! But the next school to fight is the top eight regular schools, so it's pretty strong.

When I first saw Dr. Eldo, I thought he was a cool teacher with a pretty good physique, but he's getting lower and lower, so you're losing your cool...

"Nevertheless, we are the only two schools that can participate up to five people. I was ridiculed for having only two students in the second war.

"The next time you win, Master Ray will tell everyone how awesome he is.

"I hope it doesn't pass in a weird direction.

At the end of the qualifying round, three other schools had already decided to compete in the main game, and as far as that game was concerned, they thought it would be tough just to swim fast underwater, and decided to lift the [surface slip] and [short distance transfer] bans from the start to try the final qualifying round.

The final opponent in the qualifying round was one of the four boys' girls, and the boys just saw their bodies working out pretty well.

"I heard that Hartley High School is throwing away games this year, but you two are just gonna be in the water competition or are you licking it?

Leader before the game? Spoken to by a man of character, staring at him. Sure, they usually only have two places for five, so they'll look like they're licking it to someone who's serious. They said something similar in the other qualifying rounds.

"We both decided we could win. And we're here to win. I have to go to the top eight.

I mean it in a different vector than the water competition students because the life of the principals is at stake.

"Ah? You're telling me that a high school that can't stay in the top eight every year has licked the water competition, right?

Would it have been nice if you had known that joining the two of us would have pissed off the other guy so much that you couldn't have taken Mr. Karin, Mr. Liliane, etc. even as a team member?

"Well, it's true, so you can't help it. Let's fight each other, good luck.