A year and a half had passed since I met Dr. Aria.

Myself and Mr. Karin were at Hartley High School's graduation ceremony today.

My parents, Cecilia, Brat and the others had come to the party and Maria for the graduation ceremony.

There was also a lot of student life at Hartley High School, but I think it was a lot of fun. It was an important memory I wanted to remember the last three years of my senior year because I don't remember my junior year.

The graduation ceremony was greeted by the school director and by Mr. Liliane's graduate representative, while Flora greeted the school student representative. After the graduation ceremony, he returned to his class and listened to what he had to say from his post.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to be greeted at the graduation ceremony for three years without anyone missing. I know the path we all take apart after graduation, but if you get lost or frustrated, you can come talk to me. For once, you can come and see me lightly because I'm a minor until I'm 15......

Dr. Mirva's story is over, and the graduation ceremony came to an end for now.

"Ray-kun, are you sure you want this knife for free? If you buy it, it's definitely expensive, right?

"Originally, I was going to give it to you for graduation if you liked it, so it's okay. Thanks to Mr. Karin, I could do a dungeon offense, and I'm so sorry it's just a knife because I let you hang out with me so unscrupulously. What are you going to do after graduation?

"Once I return to my native empire to be an adventurer. Ray-kun's an adventurer, isn't he? Come and see me when you have the chance to come to the Empire.

"I get it. When you go to the Empire, you will visit Karin, the adventurer. For now, I'm going to stay and be an adventurer in this city until Flora graduates, and when Flora graduates, I'm going on a journey.

"Oh well, Ray would surely be a famous adventurer. I can't beat you either. I have to work hard.

"I don't know. I don't want to stand out too much, so I might be an anonymous adventurer.

"... I can assure you that's not all. Ray-kun can't be unremarkable.

My parents, Flora, Cordelia, Cynthia, Bratt and Elena were there when I headed to the school gate.

"Happy graduation, Ray.

"Congratulations, Ray, on your graduation.

"Thank you. Mr. Cordelia and Mr. Cynthia will begin tomorrow as party members of the Adventurer. Brad, when is Elena leaving?

"We're leaving the day after tomorrow. Adult rituals are meant to be done in Morot. I'll be back on a regular basis because Ray's supposed to lend me a high-speed carriage.

"Fast carriages are helpful.

"Damn, you two take it where your parents are. You can tell Salia if I have business.

Bratt and Elena's party, [eternal bond] decided to lend a fast carriage to Salia, who is a [magical guide doll].

The increase in the number of [demonic life-forms] supporting him allowed Mr. Cecilia to afford it, so he was in the business of lending high-speed carriages to acquaintances and ecclesiastical churches for a fee. I loaned the brats for free, but they set prices that weren't high for the others, so I booked them completely.

"Happy graduation, Ray. It's a bar mitzvah in two weeks, so don't be a jerk.

After that, as a graduation celebration, he rented out a shop he knew until morning to celebrate.