There was a betting hugging event from Cordelia and Cynthia in the morning.

I thought I'd tell you about my plans for today after breakfast.

"I have plans for today, but I'm going to go to the profession information office this morning to register my adventurers for the [magic guide doll] that Piris and the others will manipulate. And I wonder if you're going to register a total of 20 to contribute to this city.

"Are you registering 20?

"[Magic Doll], but if you had 20, you wouldn't need an intermediate class, adventurer.

I won't do that because once [Magic Doll] acts as a normal adventurer, there will be no adventurers from [Lakeheart] to intermediate classes, and I will be in trouble.

"I'm not taking my job away from any other adventurer. The request for Pilis and the others to do it is basically limited to the apprenticeship class and the beginner class, and is limited to those who have no one to ask for it and are in trouble. I was wondering if we could take a less popular request in the intermediate class.

You don't have a lot of oversold requests in the intermediate class, do you?

"Then what are our basic activities going to do?

"Dungeon, attack?

"I look around at intermediate dungeon strategies and water countries as a full-scale adventurer activity after Flora participates, but the basic purpose is different.

"Is that a purpose? The purpose of the party was to look around the world, right?

Simply put, it's like half-tourism, but I can't tell you to suddenly play with boulders. Because then they'll think you're a complete loser. So I also add my original purpose......

"Yeah. The basic purpose of our party is to find a place for [giant crystals] and treat the people affected by them.

"Does that mean treating someone with a demonic eye like my father?

"Yes, and heal the treatment of those whom Cecilia and the others have demonized, precisely the [magic] accumulated in their bodies, but once they do, Cecilia and the others will be able to use it as their own power.

"... is that a good thing to tell us? That's a pretty amazing story about being able to absorb [magic] in your body, isn't it?

"Don't tell anyone else, but I was going to talk to you two. So it will be a good range to teach with my skills in the near future, but I'm going to teach you.

I was going to tell both of you about the content that the Episcopal Church hasn't told you no, because if you don't open up some information because you're going to throw a party or live, it means you should work alone.

"Thank you. I'm happy to be able to share information with Ray.

"Yeah. It's nice to know about Mr. Ray.

"Then it's time to go to the vocational information office.

We brought the [Magic Dolls] to the Vocational Information Office with us. I thought it would be a good idea because it's only the first time I go with this number of adults, but I got a total of 25: 10 females of the Beast Nation and 5 males of the People Nation, 5 armor and 5 penguins.

Initially, Isis didn't intend to bring the penguin-shaped one, but he had no choice but to bring it because he really wanted to be active and appealing.

Naturally, when we entered the vocational information desk, the receptionist who was at the Adventurer's Counter rushed to our place.

"Mr. Ray. What happened to the people behind you? It annoys other departments when too many people enter a vocational information office......

"These people are the adventurer hopefuls we were talking about yesterday. It's a party of 25, and the name of the party is [The Rainbow Apostle]. For once, there is also a letter of recommendation from the Episcopal Church.

"Chi, wait a minute. If there are 25 people first, should it be 5 parties and is the letter of recommendation from the Episcopal Church real?

The receptionist woman was lightly panicked, but I don't think many criminals are brave enough to forge an Episcopal Church recommendation. Maybe they'll say no to the five Isis, but I didn't think I had a choice. As a precaution, Maria wrote me a letter of recommendation that said that 25 people were competent.

"I won't forge it on boulders, but I'll keep you waiting outside except for delegates, so you can check the contents of the letter of recommendation and so on.

"Wow, I get it! Wait a minute, please.

The receptionist hastily pulled into the back.

"Shall Sodom and Isis wait outside? All you have to do is leave a few bottles and wait for the others where they won't get in the way outside.

I don't think registration will be a problem with this.