About a month had already passed since I stumbled into Justin, a classmate of Flora's, in the city.

At first, I thought the enthusiasm resembled Mr. Liliane, and if I did, I'd like to work out some.

Justin taught me only the basic training methods for [magic manipulation], and later, if I was going to ask you to work hard on your own, I would be missed for some reason, and I would call myself a master...

What I noticed when I coached Justin was that he was a very hard worker.

The effort was made possible by Justin's [toughness] and [guts].

It is a skill that seems to be in the protagonist of Spokon.

[Toughness] Stronger physically and mentally.

[Guts] guts.

Justin isn't retarded, but he doesn't like motor nerves or [magic] relationships, he grew slowly, but he covered it with effort.

Even though I said I would take care of Justin, it was to the extent that I would give advice if I saw the results of my training from time to time.

My self today repeated experiments every day to recreate something called the [Magnetic Amplifier] that was used for [ultra-gravity core] and to make [range transfer] practical.

Both had some eye contact.

[Magnetic amplifier] There is no technique for creating precision machines, but as long as the functions of each part were known, biological parts could be made and substituted.

[Range metastasis] has been shown to be able to [metastasize] the range you want to metastasize as part of your body if you fill nearly 80% with [magic] or [magic guidance].

Even though I understand the theory, it takes money and time to [Magic Instrument], and it's even harder to shrink...

The [magic amplifier] used for [ultra-gravity core] used the Demon Stone's savings energy to root, and I decided to call myself a [magic device] with something that activates great magic.

Currently, because of testing, it is mounted on [Magic Armor], but it has improved its performance considerably. Is the only downside to not being able to use it completely except yourself or Mr. Cecilia?

It can also be mounted on other people's weapons, but by using up the magic in the body in an instant, there was a risk that the user would die.

As a result, thanks to the [Magnetic Amplifier], the output was up to four times, but continuous use may not be possible because it is a prototype.

If you were watching Justin-kun train, did the Cordelias tell you Flora was going to play? Coming. With that said, you've never seen Flora come here before.

"Brother! What have you been doing in your training space lately?

"I was watching you train Justin, Flora's classmate.

"Ah, Mr. Flora!?

"Who's Justin?

"" What!?

Flora looks like she really doesn't get it, but what do you mean? Justin was pretty surprised too and it doesn't feel like he was lying......

"Flora, is this Justin?

Flora sees Justin as a jerk. Can't you see if we don't look so closely?

"Oh, you could certainly have been in the same class.

"Oh, no. I can't believe it's a level to remember......

Justin fell off his knees and cried out. Flora, that's a boulder...

Or did you like Flora as far as Justin's reaction goes?

Then I decided to send Justin home because I was worried after I sent Flora home first.

"Master, I will be strong...

"Yeah. It's good to be strong...

I don't know if it's mental or physical strength, but I wouldn't have done it to get stronger......

I'm worried about Justin, but I'm getting worried that Flora will be okay too because she doesn't know her classmates.