More than a month has already passed since we came to [Lexion].

Flora and the others told me that it was time to defeat the 20-layer boss, so we came to the dungeon together to see him challenge the boss.

The 20-story boss's room was split between the pond area in front and the back land area, with lots of small but ferocious demon fish swimming in the pond area, and he had to attack the pond area before going to the back land area.

Myself and Mr. Cecilia could fly through the sky, and Mr. Cordelia could walk to the surface of the water while preventing it with a [water membrane], and even Mr. Cynthia was burning down the demon fish in the water with a black flame.

Compared to that, the three struggled in the pond area and were unable to move on.

Flora's song did not work on the demon fish in the water, and Amelia's good light magic worked on the demon fish in the water as well, but it was inefficient and immediately out of magic.

Justin-kun's wind attribute granting didn't make much sense before the massive demon fish because [magic manipulation] was weak.

Well, I was looking forward to seeing what happens this time.

"Brother, look at our new way of fighting!

"I'm looking forward to it.

"Mr. Amelia, Justin, I'm coming!

Flora went as close to the pond and seemed to have used her sound-related skills toward the water, and found the Devil Fish gathering in one place.

"Amelia, please!

"Yeah, I get it!

Amelia was releasing high-fired light magic into the water to sweep away the demon fish from that gathering.

Then, Flora wrapped her special magic around Justin-kun's weapon, and Justin-kun confirmed it and ran to the surface of the pond area where she had no wind attributes on her feet, all at once running to the land area. Is that like the partial use of the crystalline ability [wind demon costume] used by Mr. Cecilia? If I could wrap that around my whole body, I'd be able to use it as a defense.

The boss in the 20-story land area was a crocodile type demon, but his back was made of magical minerals or resistant to magic and physical attacks.

Justin can be slaughtered alone by such a crocodile, but Justin's offensive power should be pretty harsh......

If I thought so, the crocodile would have gone straight into two with Justin-kun's blow......

"What's that cleavage...?

I didn't make much noise when I slashed something, and Miscellaneous Fish Warcraft would know, but the cut is too good for that hard crocodile.

"I was wondering if it must have been the effect granted by Flora. Given the master's knowledge, did he combine it with water attributes and ultrasound to put the surface of the sword in a state of ultravibration?

"If Mr. Cecilia's going to make it happen based on my knowledge, maybe she can, but she hasn't given Flora any knowledge, has she?

"You don't know that......

I was able to defeat the 20-layer boss and the three of them came back happy.

"Good luck to all three. As promised, it's nice to meet you as a full [Eternal Ring] member.

"Thank you! Brother!


"Nice to meet you, Ray.

Later, I asked Flora about her skills when she was fighting, and it was like an ultra-vibration blade in the water attribute that she granted Justin-kun's weapon, which seems to be an application of her skills called [ultrasound] acquired within the dungeon.

The super vibration blade is not a skill, so there were limitations such as being able to grant only one blow on top of a short amount of time, but it was a cut to the point of horror. Of course, it was forbidden to use it on people.

Also, it was the application of water attributes and [ultrasound] that collected the demonic fish in one place, causing multiple [ultrasound] to be generated in the water and pushed into it.

The genius talent of Flora, who arrived at the idea uniquely, felt close to Bratt. As for Amelia and Justin, the growth rate was normal compared to Flora, but it was good because they were growing well and working together.

The next seven of us were going to attack from 21 to 30 layers.