Since we decided to leave the treatment of the second princess in [Lexion] to Sodom, we decided to go to [Empire] for the next [giant crystal].

There is a ship out of the harbour on the south side of [Water Country] to the Empire and it is scheduled to be a nearly week sailing journey.

And speaking of ports, they have example dishes, so I was so excited to bring Cordelia, Cynthia and Cecilia along to shop for the ingredients I might need for my journey, etc. Flora acted differently to buy a broken long sword.

"Ray-kun sounds like a rare pleasure. Looking forward to the [Empire] on its way tomorrow?

"I'm looking forward to the harbor I'm going to head to tomorrow. Make sure you want some sashimi.

"What!? Is that [Empire] a raw fish food of origin?

"Raw fish food... Well, no doubt about it, but maybe a little nuanced.

Still, is the sashimi also from [Empire]? Knives, sashimi, science and technology. There's definitely a reincarnator involved. I'm not going to tell the Cordelias that I'm a reincarnator, so I don't want to get involved.

"Mr. Ray. Raw food is dangerous, isn't it?

"It depends on what quality fish you have, but I guess you want to eat it once and see it.

I also liked sushi in my previous life, so I would like to eat sushi if I could. Salmon may not be possible, but normally condiments such as soy sauce and vinegar are distributed, so you should be able to eat sushi that looks like it as long as you have ingredients.

I saw fish books in the library but never asked if they had different names, and I wasn't sure because there were no paintings.

"I've got a fishing rod, but should I make something that I can fish with [Demon Props]?

"Master, if that's the case, shall I use a net with the [Magic Doll] and take the fish?

"Oh! That's good!

We need to see if we can use nets to get fish, but if we're going to get a lot of fish, we're going to be efficient.

"Then I'll do my best to get fish with water spirits too!

"Me too, with [blackflame]......, burn?

"Mr. Cynthia, because if you burn it, you can't.

We also need to build some simple equipment to cook nets and fish.

On the day I left for [Empire], I had come to report to my parents because it would be a long journey.

"Ray, [the Empire] has a lot of cases where its own rules apply, so if you're going to stroll around town, you should hire a local guide in the beginning.

"Right. That country had a strange church. I forgot what the name was.

"Sure, it was [the Justine Order]. It's like the Knights of Goddess Worship, but [Empire] is unauthorized. [Fingerless] It's a different idea, but similar.

Speaking of [fingerless], it's a dangerous group that wiped out the [Ethereal Knights] by [supergravity core]. We can't get our hands on it because we still don't have the confidence to fight it more than the advanced classes, but once we have the strength, it's not Mr. Liliane's vendetta, but the dangerous group wanted to crush it.

But since it is resistant to even murder on a boulder, if it is the difference in strength of the position that can be captured, it may become the fatherhood.

"But why are [the Empire] leaving such a dangerous group alone?

"Well, it's a group that hasn't been born with a [certified ring] in the self-proclaimed Knights, so the crime can't be controlled unless it's also the current offender.

"That's a difficult problem. Be careful with [the Justine Church] and let the local guide be introduced via the Episcopal Church.

When the Episcopal Church was [fingerless], Maria said she couldn't make a stand.

"Oh, an introduction via the Episcopal Church would give you peace of mind. If it's gonna be the worst, you're gonna come running, aren't you?

"Yeah. If that sounds dangerous, I'm going to get away with [mass transfer]. I'll consume 200,000 colts worth of stuff in one [mass transfer], so I can't really use it, though.

I crush one [rainbow crystal] every time I do [population metastasis], so I think it's pretty fuel-efficient but I can't help it when it's pinched.

"Let me know as soon as you can.

"I get it.

Thus, the next day we traveled towards the [Empire].