Three days after contacting the [Demon Eye Users] of the [Demon Eye Association], they discovered the boss room of the [Dungeon of the Dunes] and were successful in their attack.

The boss of [Dungeon of the Dunes] is a monster like a giant mite, he's not strong against it except he throws up the lysate, and he could easily be defeated.

"All the demons this time Mr. Cordelia and the others were the NG type, but is the next [swamp dungeon] going to be okay?

"For once, I hear it's a reptile-type demon.

"Ahhh, maybe that doesn't work either.

In the end, Mr. Cynthia was fine, but Mr. Cordelia didn't like reptile types either, so [swamp dungeons] didn't participate either.

Mr. Cordelia's [water membrane] is very useful, but I didn't want to impose much if he couldn't do reptile type, worm type, etc.

Except if it involves life or death, because if not, I thought it would be good if members who could participate. I know very well because I don't like bug types or anything.

By the way, if you don't want to participate in the dungeon, then, on an ad hoc basis, Mr. Cecilia has decided to make a difference in remuneration.

I also asked Cordelia to gather information this time, but I was anxious to let her act alone, so Cynthia and Flora were to accompany me.

Because sometimes I wondered if it would be a good idea for just the three of us to do some shopping and stuff while collecting information.

For that reason, [swamp dungeon] I was to attack with myself and four of you, Cecilia, Justin-kun and Amelia.

[Swamp Dungeons] was, as the name suggests, a field-based dungeon full of wetlands and swamps, with only one layer being the same as [Dungeons of the Dunes].

The mites in [Dungeons of the Dunes] dropped the ore, but the reptile type in [Dungeons of the Swamp] had dropped the skin of the reptiles, etc., instead of dropping the ore.

The boulder is only a dungeon supposedly made by God, and the specification of dropping material when defeated by demons is like a game played scattered in a previous life. By the way, money doesn't drop from demons, but it can be very convenient because there is a place near the dungeon where materials can be redeemed.

"I would have been happier if you dropped the ore from the demon. I want my master to make an iron hammer.

"Then I'd like Mr. Ray to make some weapons, too.

"I don't think there's going to be any ore in the swamp. Mr. Amelia's armor may be made of leather, but after all, the weapon is made of metal, right?

"The master's wooden knife was very strong, wasn't it? Can't you make a shield or hammer like that?

"Ah, you mean a wooden knife specializing in attribute granting.

"Master, there's something about Mr. Karin, so why don't you make it a sturdy, light weapon without thinking about attribute granting?

"... Mr. Karin's knife? I did use a special [demon stone], but I wonder if I would make a regular weapon because something similar might happen.

"Mr. Karin is a berserker senior who was partying with his master as a student, right?

"It's a little nuanced, but it's Karin.

My junior called me Berserker......

"Since you started using the long knife, Senior Karin's peril has been the subject of a misdigit, but it was the one made by your master, wasn't it?

"Sort of. We had a lot of problems, but it wasn't that dangerous......?.

"I want shields and hammers with trees and skins because I may not be able to handle weapons that far away!

"When I hear that, could I just skin protective equipment too......

"Then I'll make something out of the dropped material, so good luck hunting demons.

"" Yes!!