When we were practicing [sealed phantom chains] using Dinobot in the Fire Dragon's Nest, we had an earthquake-like vibration.

And I was hearing voices that sounded out of nowhere.

"Omaeta Chica, Wagas, Alas Monota Chiha...... n?

I don't know who the voice is, but obviously what I'm talking about was from a super giant Tenryu.

"What, we can talk about Tenryu!?

"A, a, a...

"Um, if you're in the Tenryu class, intelligence is all around humanity.

"A, a......

"Is that it? The condition of Tenryu......

You were close until just now, but after you talked to me, you stopped moving...

"He's going to run away. Ray, I'll show you the original performance of [sealed phantom chains] and [steel manipulative threads] just fine.

"What, to Tenryu?

As soon as Uncle Gain said he would show his original performance, dozens of huge chains, like fixing a luxury passenger ship from around him, were stretching toward Tianlong and instantly wrapped around Tianlong's body.

Well, Uncle Guyn is too insane to wrap chains around the body of a Tenryu who has a few km...

Unlike myself, the [sealed phantom chain] had a huge range, and the phantom chain was too fast, and when I realized it, it felt like it was wrapped around a Tianlong.

"Ga, Gain...... Ma, Mate......


Does Tenryu know Uncle Gain? Are you scared?

"Uncle Gain, is Tenryu saying something?

"I don't know. Next up is [Steel Yarn].

Uncle Gain turns his right hand toward Tianlong, hundreds of wires of unspeakable thickness pop up and stab him one after the other by Tianlong.

Looking closely, it was the same as the phantom chain, with a giant sword on the tip of the steel thread, which seemed to be stabbing at the Tenryu.


When [steel yarn] stabbed one after the other, suddenly the figure of Tenryu, which could have been seen even from afar, had disappeared.

"Is that it? What about Tenryu?

"Hmm, he's going to humanize and run away... Ellie, do you think we can get him tied up?

"It feels pretty deep down, so it's okay.


That said, Mr. Ellie disappeared with the smoke.

"Uncle Gain, do you know Tenryu?

"You know each other when it comes to knowing each other. Once upon a time, when Tenryu attacked Dwarf's country, he exorcised it and shut it down in [a volcanic prison].

"[Volcanic prison]?

"With that said, does Ray not know the official name of the Fire Dragon's Nest? This is a place where Tenryu is confined [Volcano prison], and because Tenryu caught us and Fire Dragon and Dinobot came together, it became known as the Fire Dragon's Nest.

If I was a little doubtful, your father told me so I could understand.

"Nevertheless, why is Tenryu closed without defeating him? Isn't it safer to take him down like your father?

"The Tenryu that I defeated and the Tenryu that I defeated earlier are different in character, so if I defeat them, the dragons' force map changes and seems to be very difficult.

"Uncle Gain treats Tenryu like that as a child...

"He's stronger if he's true. When I got rid of him back in the day, there were 500 of them. That's when I confessed his name and skills, so I could use the [sealed phantom chain] so easily.

"I see Uncle Gain is like a natural enemy of Tenryu.

"Get off me!!"

"Grow up.

After a while, my uncle, who had been rolled up, had been dragged by cheats and Mr. Ellie.

"Who? That uncle.

"Who the hell is Tenryu's Behemoth?

"That uncle is Tenryu?

"Oh, at the level of his position, dragons can also be humanized.

"Ugh...... Where is that supermassive...

"The principle seems to be secret, but they say the body is flying to another safe place and then leaving only the mental body to simulate the human body with [magic].

"I see...?

I guess that means moves beyond intelligence.