Two months after I started my training, my uncle Gain taught me swordsmanship instruction and blacksmith skills, and my father told me that my strength building training was going well.

However, the [ultra-accelerated] skills that should be copied from Ellie had not been copied after two months had elapsed.

"It's time to learn something from Leon because it's tough if you're not getting [super accelerated]?. [Ultra-acceleration] is Ray, but I'm starting to feel like I should try it after I've grown a little bit more.

"I have one more month...?

"I've been looking at Guy's [sealed phantom chain], but even if I can make a skill copy, I don't have time to teach you how to use it. I'm anxious to use [ultra-acceleration] on my own stream, so I want to coach you well.

Sure, [sealed phantom chains] also figured out the basic usage when I copied the skills, but it was very different from using it just because I knew the basic operation.

Even [sealed phantom chains], which had successfully copied their skills early, struggled considerably until they got a minimum pass from Uncle Gain.

With that in mind, [super accelerated] struggling with skill copying seems even harder to use.

"What Ellie teaches you is that you make a copy of your skills from your father in order not to change [super acceleration]?

"That's right. [Ultra-acceleration] will teach again in a few years.

"But we're not sure the number of [demon eaters] will increase, are we?

"Ray-kun feels like the number of skill copies of [Demon Eating] is going to increase someday?

"Sure, I think there's going to be more in the future, but there's no certainty.

"Skills say that. The feeling is pretty important. If you feel like it's going to increase, it almost increases depending on your efforts.

"Is that what it is... Then what skill copy should I make from your father?

"There are a few skills that may be useful in my skills, but [lightning] [lightning blasting] [lightning beastification], and then there is no use [electromagnetic wave]..."

"What, [electromagnetic waves]?

That, but isn't [electromagnetic wave] light?

"What, does Ray know [electromagnetic waves]? Skills I've had since I was a kid, but you still don't know how to use them...

"Dad, I want to get [electromagnetic waves]! Oh, maybe your father can't use [electromagnetic wave]?

I'm not familiar with [electromagnetic waves] in my previous life's knowledge, but I felt it was the one that helped me develop science, so I definitely want to remember, but if I can't use it, I can't copy my skills.

"No, I can use [electromagnetic waves], but I'm not sure how it works. I thought it would be a good idea to use such skills for a valuable copy of skills......

"Sometimes there are those skills that I've acquired since birth that I don't know how to use to say that, but was Leon?

"People born with skills they don't know how to use will be stronger in the future.

"Do you actually want to use [electromagnetic waves]? It's hard to tell by the looks of it, so you can make a copy of your skills...

With that said, your father kneaded his right hand toward the rock that was nearby. I don't see it, but I feel the flow of [magic], so I guess the [electromagnetic wave] is activated.

Immediately after I tried activating [Magic Eye/Magic Eye], I realized that [Electromagnetic Wave] seemed obtainable.

Then a few minutes later, smoke came out of the rock.

"For once, this is what [electromagnetic waves] look like. I'm not sure how this works, but it's the one that can warm things up. But it's hard to use because things can change their effectiveness to the extreme, right?

Is that an infrared effect?

I'm an [electromagnetic wave] and I know I can do a lot of things, so you should try it carefully after making a skill copy.

"I decided to [electromagnetic wave].

"Oops...... Really?"

Thus, I decided to put [super acceleration] behind me and copy [electromagnetic wave] skills.