Jui-san no Oshigoto in Isekai
Introduction to Story Settings
Lists the settings in the appropriate order.
Please note that they may be interpreted differently from normal cases.
Please also note that this may include stories up to date.
About someone summoned from another world. When you call it, it is normal to call it "under" with honor.
Summoned once every hundred years, the fifth generation in the current wind view.
Windmill was applied to Hadrian by Doni and summoned by Liil.
The first generation made the great powers of the North, and the second generation famously fought through dragons.
Historical Malebito seems to have been brave and resolute, magically incapable of capturing, or unknown knowledge.
The languages they speak are preserved by Hadrian clerics for teaching and communicating, such as English and Japanese.
The magnitude of power is considered to be Malevito ≥ Cardinals (Ten) > Archbishops (Oversee Multiple Parishes) ≥ Bishops (Temple Class Leader/Ruling Certain Parishes) > Priests (Head of Church) > Auxiliary Festivals (Nuns and Monks).
It is Hadrian that is widespread in the southern empire, where the wind sees them.
Respect the divinity, greatness, etc. of people's actions, not God. In short, let's each do the right thing first.
Marebito, who achieved such feats as helping those in need in his time of faith in God and saving his country, turns his divine faiths.
Chloe serves the wind as a Hadrian cleric.
It uses a language different from Japanese and English as if it were different worlds.
* But the author is using Portuguese in Yahoo translation. It could be very mislabeled, but I hope you get a taste of just the atmosphere of different worlds.
The identity of the disease is not clear, just avoid the visible dirty because there is no hygiene concept yet.
As in medieval Europe, they bleed or fry herbs against the disease, but there is no clear way to deal with it. They deal with it in ways that each doctor has become his own stream and master.
Most of them can only be done with cheap drugs and bandages because slave knights do not receive a great deal of medical care.
Veterinary medicine
Equal to none.
What is used is mainly private therapy, and it is not certain whether it works with medicine to people.
I raise livestock, but I don't take advantage of demons.
The same species exists as the world of wind sight, such as wheat.
Culture of meat
In winter, meat is cut off, and it is common to lift the ban on meat when the livestock child weans in spring or summer.
Sold on the spot or also processed for salting, dried meat, smoking, etc.
Other cultures
The culture conveyed by Malevito is also pervasive everywhere.
Because of the occasional presence of Japanese food, Japanese houses, etc.
Hemp is the cheapest underwear. Flax if you can afford it. Other wool textiles. Further down, cotton or silk.
First Name, Identity (Position), Family Name, and Attachment
In the case of slaves, they lose their identity and a servi enters the appendage name. Include a title in the appendix name.
Soldier (Sol) - Commercial (Mar) - Industrial (Arte) - Agriculture (Fur) - Cleric (List) - Noble (Ast) - Royal (Lol) - Civilian (Knoll) - Scholar (Fes) - Officials (Ofi)
These ten species are fundamental, but often others increase or decrease.
If you are a follower of Hadria, you belong to them because there are denominations that suit your identity, and you carve into yourself the teachings of your vocation.
So the temple and church also act as a venue for some kind of school and exchange of views, and are closely involved in the lives of the masses, even if they are not faithful.
The rules are presented in the law of yin attributes and the contract is completed if we agree with each other.
Mainly if it is harmful, it can be irreversible because pain and the like sometimes run. Basically absolute obedience.
At the time of the contract, people are treated as things, not people, so no one is in a very good situation.
When you change the contractor, you can visit the slave trader and re-renew the contract, but you can't change it if you remember the original contract incorrectly.
Bandit Knight
A knight who, although a knight, uses his power to do what he strips away.
Basically the same category as in medieval Europe.
The Earl is a man entrusted by the king with the administration of his territory, and in times of need he shall give up armies for the king.
The Count's throne is attacked from generation to generation by his parents, who give up their seats, either hide or enter the Senate to engage in national policy.
The Duke was a regional luxury and held a title that had land from the beginning.
Borderline uncles are aristocrats with territories adjacent to other countries. Power is also great because we are always protecting our country.
Swords are cheapest and a month's salary. It feels like buying a car or a house to spend a whole two years' pay if you want to have something good.
The books are also textbooks and so on, said the annual salary class. About 2,000 yen on parchment?
Squeeze the wine about three times. Alcohol consumed by the general public is thin for squeezing after being filled with water.
It is common to use miles (about 1.6km) and pounds (about 450g) in weight.
He also seems to have taught metre methods and so on to people close to him like Liz and Chloe.
There are several varieties, but the most creditable and valuable of these are the lecion currencies made by the current emperor and also by the previous generations of emperors at a different rate.
The magnitude of the emperor's power = the value of the currency made by the emperor.
There are three kinds of gold, silver, and copper, you can think of them as equivalent to 1 million for gold, 10,000 for silver, and 100 yen for copper.
Some dogs, cats, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. are the same as the planet, but livestock like Catbrepas and Baku also exist.
The medical and sanitary aspects of wind sight can be explained by the presence of similar species of diseases and bacteria.
Non-animal organisms
Divide it from phantom beasts, demons, warcraft, etc.
They further distinguish and define the organisms that deal with the law and those that clearly deviate from the scope of the organism in terms of the degree of harm to man.
Fantasy beasts are basically harmless, typical of pegasus and unicorns, for example.
Demons not very strong but harmful things like slime and goblins, skeletons and golems.
Things that are particularly strong, have unique positions, such as ghosts, vampires, dragons, and are harmful to people are called warcraft.
As an exception, they also have distinctions such as fairies, spirits, demons and demons of a man's half. Demons' epitomes include Dam Peel, Sacubus, and more.
This one can be symbiotic with people, or it can be symbiotic with demons.
Some demons make them obey with munchies, etc., but the majority do harm to people. Because of headaches and other interference when people are nearby, Doriad and others say. It has nothing to do with fullness.
Dragon species
Normal weapons can't hurt you at all. They're all advanced in strength, but only dragons are called warcraft.
Briefly classified,
Mimizu-shaped dragon-worm
Winged Dragon with Forefoot = Flying Dragon or Wyburn
Four Legs + Wings on Back = Dragon
be. Only dragons are exceptionally stronger than worms, flying dragons, etc. Fei Long is sometimes kept by people.
The world is full of power and law. It was said in the old times that the legal skilled person could temporarily remove the law and exercise the order of his own attributes by passing a filter called himself…. In modern times, the theory is unknown, but the state in which it is used as a technology.
The law (spelling) can be activated by a combination of words within you. How many vocabularies are born. It is divided into third wizards and the like by the number of vocabularies.
Activated by chanting the passage 'EU ESCREV ISTO' in the start-up key.
It can be seen as magic in a normal story.
It is not an invincible or all-purpose move because the effect changes depending not only on the attribute but also on the word you have. Word refers to the characters section.
People who can use it are limited by their lineage.
Flames, thunder, wind, ground, water... five elements. Light is identical to flame.
Poison, ice, gravity...... rare attributes.
Yin/Yang...... specific attributes. Mental manipulations, illusions, curses and other spiritual matters are the former. The latter concerns the flesh, such as promoting and changing cell divisions.
Vulnerability...... attributes held by dragons. Something that manipulates by imparting new laws to the world, such as energy convergence and diffusion.
No dragon loses in an army opponent to be able to absorb the laws of men and demons and put them on the power of his own laws.
additional armament
It is a weapon made from demonic nuclei and materials, and some of the abilities of demons can be used like the law.
However, it also deteriorates, so it can usually only be used for about a year.
The nucleus of the Golem, the Blue Dragon and the Dragon Scale of the Sandworm, etc. become additional armaments.
Instead of becoming an additional weapon of everything, only those organisms that use the law, of which the organs that manipulate the law, are dispersed throughout the body, can be utilized limited to some.
Slave Knights
A combat group made up of slaves owned by Lords of Lavan territory, Doni Ast Lavan.
Old and young, men and women, people and sub-people, are made up of about two hundred people, leaving the gates of Hydra and the security of the castle at their disposal.
It is used as a consumable on behalf of costly ordinary knights.
Place names
Empire of the South: Empire including Hydra and others. It is also part of this country that Doni has territory.
-Hydra: Where the castle of Doni is located. Quite large in a city that serves as a supply depot to front-line bases on the border with other countries.
The population is about 20,000 and 90% farmers.
The original name of Doni's castle is Marxburg Castle in Germany. The city refers to photographs and diagrams featuring Rothenburg.
-Ladarch: A city with a silver mine. Silver craftsmanship and occasional golem additive armaments have become an industry. The population is about two thousand.
· Lake of the Water Emperor Tree: Numerous aquatic demons inhabit. Though powerful, the surroundings are safe in order not to leave this place.
-Scieba: Home of Quina. There is a cucumber canteen nearby.
-Dragon Lake: a day's walk from the dragon's nest. A small village made on Lake Caldera. A rare place selling Japanese knives and such.
The image is of Lake Caldera on Mount Pinatubo.
-The Dragon's Nest: The residence of the Red Dragon. Divided into upper and lower layers, the lower layers are home to many vicious demons mimicking dragon species.
Images include the Erola Stone Groups and the Adjunctor Stone Groups.
-Mountain trees: trees rooted in mountain ranges. It exists far north of the dragon's nest, adjacent to the great powers of the north.
-Agito Grand Valley: A great valley surrounded by rocky walls like the teeth of a beast.
-Stzian Chung Mamma Cave: A group of caves with ceilings connected to the ground by the way. There is a supermassive slime that covers the land.
The image is a group of Schkotzian caves.
-Helion Fortress: Apparently it was an ancient moving fortress.
-Fort Barzi: a fort that protects its borders with its eastern neighbours near Hydra
The Great North: a country raised by the first generation.
West Country: A country ruled by a horseback riding nation but often had internal strife.
Neighbouring countries to the east: countries facing Hydra. Rich in mineral resources but not in crops.