Jui-san no Oshigoto in Isekai
Mr. Wolf's job.
Liz put the sabel on her hips and left the city with a knife on her dorsal belt and a bottle of each one mixed with the sunset.
"Excess gear is impure."
Imagine the pleasure of visiting later. She smiles black.
There are other knights heading to the enemy's two strongholds, and Liz is alone. For the first time in a long time, the blood-boiling meat-dancing wolf had a tongue lick and was lost in the clutter of the night.
According to the information, the number of opponents is four.
A woman has been living in a merchant's house for a year now in a camouflage marriage, and more recently the whole family has been replaced by enemy hands. I suppose you think that superficial dating was done by a woman and that her surrounding eyes were well deceived.
But it also did not lead to the diversity of slave knights.
Not only Donnie's brother, but also a secret detective from another country, are the Knights. Groups with a variety of skills, starting with subpeople, stretch multiple nets across the city.
If you bracket a group of slaves and heights, it's spicy acid waiting for you later.
When Liz snuck into the intended merchant without sound, she first powerless two dogs left alone in the garden with a knife.
(Hmm, will this also be a homicide...?
Though thinner as a pedigree, she shakes off her blood and asks herself, naming herself a subrace of wolves as Wearwolves. Especially since it's a matter she wasn't willing to think about at all, she quickly forgets and moves on to the point.
My body is waiting for you to enjoy yourself.
I can't wait to lose the cucumber and dissipate the heat on my chest quickly. She acted quickly by suppressing her mind to do it.
The merchant has two floors of brick. The ground floor is divided into a cooking area, a living room and a study, while the second floor is divided into three rooms.
No nails, no fangs, no strength almost the same as a person, Liz, but hearing has a subhuman specific sharpness. Just to clear my ears in the footsteps was a glimpse of who was where.
Quiet sound in the cooking area on the ground floor. It's probably a woman.
And then there are three upstairs. A grown man makes a mild noise of two and a child.
(Well, you've got something rare for a kid. Looking forward to the reaction)
Liz, smiling belligerently, proceeded to the bottom of the window.
In ordinary private houses, without glazing like a castle, the windows are divided by wooden blinds and plates.
I also don't like Liz because glass is so useless from a defensive point of view because it's expensive. Lucky for some of you to attack, but the windows here are also open wooden frames for lighting, so be careful as one of the escape routes.
(The law isn't much of a hobby, but should I mark it?)
I still feel most comfortable scratching with a blade. It's also a good place to burn incompletely that you and your opponent don't have the "sense of taking" in their hands on a stage where they risk their lives to compete.
That was her conclusion.
But it's not nice to fail at work. Liz breaks her finger at the tip of the knife and drapes only one drop of blood to the ground.
"Leve a cabo Mentira escondida"
Mumbled an auxiliary chant with as much whining as a bug's voice.
Law is the act of eroding an existing world in a world that spreads within you.
The world is full of disorderly powers and laws. This is simply about “energy” and “laws of physics" such as heat and position.
It was an old theory that the legal skilled man temporarily removes the law from the chant of a verse as the starting key, causing a paranormal phenomenon through a filter called Himself to the forces of disorder...
This technique was called the power of God by the religions of the Old Ages, and those who use it were called the use of the word of God. It is unclear how this miracle can happen even in modern times.
All I know is how to use it.
The law shall be expressed in a structure of at least two or, if more, three verses.
Declare the chant, 'EU ESCREVO ISTO', which will be the starting key in a passage.
(ii) Select countless vocabularies that provide for the effects of the procedure. This varies from verb to verb in language, from 'burning' to 'blowing' to 'piercing' and other individuals.
Select several types of aid that provide for the activation of the procedure in the third section. There are not many types of adjectives, such as "fast," "procrastinate," or "lurk," in this language.
It is called the law (spelling) from describing these in the world, and I can reproduce an order that suits my attributes according to a combination of chants.
Legal technicians are distinguished not only from their power, but also from the number of second and third chants each possesses, such as three-tone magicians, five-tone magicians, and so on.
Liz was one of those who benefited from such a law.
She turned to the front entrance with a knife in her hand when she applied a similar procedure to everything under the upstairs window. This is the closest place to a cooking place with a woman.
I don't get caught in the door opening and closing or in the footsteps.
Liz, who silently took the woman's back, held her mouth from behind and at the same time scratched the medulla oblongata.
(Oh. This kind of thing, I need to feel like I'm gonna cut the thread off my life properly.)
Dampen the pelts and lips.
The medulla oblongata is not only the only passage that connects the brain to the spinal cord, but it is only protected by cartilage. If you refuse there, all orders will be interrupted, and higher animals will die almost instantly. It is also for this reason that a special worker can kill a person simply by poking him with a needle.
However, there are exceptions.
Birds, reptiles, etc. may work and keep moving automatically, even if they rarely lose their heads. That's one of the features that people and others are about to lose. In the record, there are also chickens who have lost their brain stem and lived eighteen months.
At the time Liz was chewing on the feeling left in her hand, she felt signs of people moving upstairs.
... Apparently, they caught me off guard.
From the outset, the woman seemed to run away from the window with a knife.
Send admiration to anyone you perceive. At the same time, however, it was also badly regarded as sweet.
"-Eu escrevo isto. You should really see if you can get away with it."
When Liz plays her finger, a dirty light strip runs on the floor.
Earlier marking is latent procedure. If I ordered the activation - when the phantom light went out, two screams went up along with the sound of hitting the rocks together.
"Hmm, that's scarce"
I still feel like I'm talking about another world that would be a truly imminent disconnect if I didn't have the feeling of staying in my hands.
Both were the voices of men who seemed to be adults, but Liz didn't care.
Somehow when I looked him in the eye, through the window on the ground floor, he was pierced by a rock spear cut off from the ground, and he raised his ugly voice and saw a limb twitching.
"Well, this one is sloppy. Kids are the best hands... Kuhaha, I guess. Yeah, it's worth killing, boy!
Liz moved as she continued to feel the signs move.
Jump out the window and step on the rock spear in the garden to fly to the roof of the next house.
Tan's light-hearted figure is like a wild beast. There's no big difference from a flat path if you try her for as high or low as two meters.
I pulled out the sabel and looked in front of him.
He was a boy who was trying to escape to tell the roof, but was anxious to be packed while he saw it, and he realized that the escape was futile.
I stopped his legs. He came across with a look that seeped through his bitterness.
"For once I ask, is there a will to surrender?
"Hmm, I see."
Setting up a dagger silently was the answer. A move that holds it backwards and doesn't let you decide where to aim at every inch gives you a definite sense of sophistication.
It was obvious that there was an elusive difference in strength between Liz, who kept smiling at the beast even before it, and the boy who tried to push the tension to death with his will.
This is not a battle I risked my life for. It's a deer hunt by wolves.
"If I can bring you a minute, I'll let the boy get away with it. If you can't... well, needless to say. Shall we play with your sister?
The moment Liz put Sabel on her shoulder to show her room, the boy took the lead.
A flash of silver slashes and rips the sunset and chases Liz.
The attack was fast on top of the variety. The throat, the cut off precisely aimed at the wrist, and the spike aimed at the belly are also randomly woven together.
Despite this, no blade can be captured with a single piece of paper as if it were aimed at a leaf of a tree.
It didn't even bother the boy to drive Liz's center of gravity crazy when he made an attack that woven more kicks and walks than just a monotonous slaughter.
Even sloping, poorly scaffolded roofs are in that condition. The boy feels like a nightmare as to whether he is being read his thoughts.
"Look, I'll poke you, okay?
Sabel that cuts the air all the time and pokes it in front of you.
The boy, who had avoided the spike by ordering him to put it between blatants, was no longer even able to hide his expression.
- Scary. Scary.
Liz is just wearing a mask of cold mockery. The look underneath has no color, no emotions.
I'm just trying to keep my instincts handled because I'm an enemy.
It's been a long day since I was brought a blade with a boy. Sometimes he was acclaimed by murdering dolls and others, but Liz was more “something” than that.
Being able to understand that was the greatest misfortune for the boy.
Fear dulls the blade.
"It's late, it's a reduction."
The boy noticed in that voice that Dagger's manipulation was neglected, but it was too late. The wrist is grabbed by Liz's hand and I can't move it.
That's the state. There is no way to avoid the kick she let go.
Shortly after, the kick relentlessly kicked up the boy's groin and caused him to fall.
"Whoa boy. If you were born a man, you'd have both advantages and difficulties, wouldn't you? Not to mention cowardice in the battle for life."
Liz kicked the boy's head off, which was no longer able to stand, and let him fall off the roof.
The boy who crashes into the crate without even taking a lok reception wakes up groaning and still rebuilds the dagger.
It's brilliant to stand on trembling feet and stand like one - that's all. There is no art of fighting reapers before them, who have descended almost silently.
"Well, it's still twenty seconds or so. What do we do?
"... eh,"
The boy throws the short knife he hid in his pocket.
That's not just one bottle either. Behind the one sword ahead lies a matte black second blade. If you play it normally, you can't avoid it. It's a special move.
But the wolf laughs at it too.
When he avoided the first sword with his body, he deliberately let the second sword play with a sabel.
"Come on!"
But his posture collapsed.
When the boy jumped into Liz's pocket so that he could say so, he was about to swing a dagger at the grump and let it arrive with just one knife.
But such an attack only reproduced the attack on the roof again.
At the end of the day, he was cut off from Dagger's orbit and cleverly wound up when he turned his body around.
Turn up the sound with Karan and Dagger falls.
"I'm glad you're not a rapist. It was broken because I would put my finger through the ring."
Liz throws it back when she picks up the dagger after walking slowly past the boy's side.
It's not a hand either, go under his feet as he commands you to pick it up.
The expression of the beast also had the pleasure of abuse, but gradually began to see the colours of boredom.
"Ugh, ahhh!
"All right, at least be polite. I'll do everything I can to help you."
As the boy advances, Liz herself joins the advances.
This progression is chicken lace, so to speak. The boy, prepared to lose those who loosened momentum, also tried to meet Dagger ready for the clash.
There is almost no difference in weight no matter how well the other person hands-on. Then let his arm say things - he was so optimistic.
But the reality was different.
The moment the blade was met, the servel fell out irresistibly, like draining water.
If you notice, Liz is taking a position off the front to the side of her body, flashing sideways with a slippery sabel as it is.
That was the moment when the wolf's claws ripped the deer's belly.
"Ha, you don't want to. It doesn't really fill me."
I paid for the blood all the time, and Liz blurred alone.
Crawling and grabbing the boy's hair unconstitutionally trying to escape, Liz stepped on her back and, as she turned her neck, tore the large blood vessels in her neck with a knife for a moment or so.
A trachea like a hose, as well as the spinal cord further back, if turned down, was a sure treatment. The flowing blood spreads.
This ends the sweep.
Liz contacts the knight under her command by means of a dog whistle. I'll leave it to you to handle the bleeding, but she couldn't have stolen the remnants or anything, so she pulled the boy's body back to her original house.