Jui-san no Oshigoto in Isekai
Is it a disease that sprays blood out of your nose
There are several servants permanently stationed at Doni's Castle.
Because of the innumerable arrays of conditioning products, it could not be cleaned roughly, and the effort was too heavy, but the main reason was the size of this castle.
On the ground floor are cooking rooms, armouries decorating brilliant weapons, simple reception rooms, etc.
On the second floor, there are a number of rooms available in addition to the large hall and the dining room surrounding the long table used for the table. Chloe had been given a room upstairs, and the wind view had been given a room for guests on the third floor.
Early morning to night.
These days, most of her time was spent on the third floor, but today she was on the fourth floor with Doni and Mrs. 's room.
The requirement is to discuss the progress of the language of wind sight and the necessity of going out because I can't help just learning in the room.
But you don't need that either.
Because the Church is in charge of the management and guidance of Malevito, and the state and lords benefit from it instead of investing.
In front of being greeted as a guest, Chloe doesn't feel compelled to talk. It's just a distraction.
It's just that even with her these days, this report has been depressing.
(I hope not this time......)
It used to be untimely, and Doni had brought her village daughter into the room and ran into places where she was full of emotions.
Besides, he seems to think of it as an open right, and as Chloe, he wasn't blushing because he tries to talk to one hassle while continuing his act.
You won't even see that when you're on your way to do your lord's job, but that's going to come out again, so I can start early.
At the end of the day, she was still only able to visit near midday.
You haven't done anything suspicious in there, have you? and stare at the slave knight of security with anxiety in his gaze.
But they didn't respond to anything in particular.
If there is anything in there, it will make me laugh, and it will give me a look that seems complicated, so apparently it's also different.
Apparently not today. She relieved herself.
In the meantime, I try to knock to get it done early because I also study wind sights, but inadvertently I hear voices coming from indoors.
Because you mustn't get in the way of the story... She listens while making excuses to herself like that.
Apparently there were several of them inside.
"You understand why I called you here this time, right?
Donnie put her hands behind her and kept a close eye on those in front of her.
It is a gaze that includes intimidation, and one that cannot help but tremble slightly from those who have experienced it. Speaking of the only exception, it would be about Liz standing in an upright position with no particular expression.
All before him are young women.
Downstairs is from Quina, who should be called a girl, up there is a woman about mid twenties. The figure of a slave knight stands out, but the maid was mixed in with it.
What they have in common is that they have had some contact with the wind.
No matter how bad you look at it, if you have all this, you will know the requirements. At least they already understood the requirements, and stood still for Donnie's gaze as if she deserved her body.
"Well, of course that's beneath you...?
As each and every person's gaze shifts, Nora answers as she manages to fix the place where her gaze fits.
Donnie nodded loudly just saying it was natural.
"Do you have a head that understands that extent? What, I didn't call you to scold me this time, so don't get hard. Rather well done. Keep it going, and I'll watch it with peace of mind."
That was truly unusual.
From Quina and Nola, I had only seen enough of Doni sniffing at the wind he looked down on.
Eh, and he gets distracted, but he looks at them equally as they are, and he walks back and forth in front of him and mouths the rest.
"I guess I hate that identity. Poor food, no loco holidays, dangerous work or heavy labor. If it could have changed, it would have changed."
They are silent.
But the answer stands out because it is silent. What seeped into their faces told it as it were.
At that time Doni puts down a word emphatically saying, "But -".
"Don't get me wrong. You guys are already things. I don't care how they treat me. They agreed that it was the owner's freedom. Besides, there's no way you can buy yourself back or anything like that. It is only logical that we continue to solemnly accept the same day tomorrow and the day after."
Yes, that's the reality.
It's a painful life, but if you keep putting up with it, there's bound to be hope one day. A miracle like the one I dreamed of helps me.
Such legends and rhetoric existed there and elsewhere, but I have never seen anyone grasp it.
They were shaken by the grim lies that kept fooling themselves to live now.
It may be that there is no other love, but this is the only place I can find my heart to lick my wounds with my peers. It is a painful thing to be trampled around your mind.
Their bodies, which were atrophied by tension, were even smaller.
Donnie shakes her head exaggerated when she sees it.
"Oh......" he shouted pitifully as if he'd just noticed it, placing his hand on Nora's shoulder, who looked the worst.
"No, no, I'm sorry. I don't want you to look like that today."
To cheer him up, Donnie, who often slapped him on the shoulder, looks serious.
Something was different about the attitude that made me turn away from my previous treatment and feel deeply sympathetic and concerned. No, it could have been a play move, but to that look you were given the first time, is that it? and I'm going to be fooled somewhere in my heart.
"Anyway, I thought I said you guys were doing great. I value those who work well right. You guys have that chance. It's easy, you just have to get to know me better. If you can see her because she has a good personality, she will be adored. I hope so, too."
Doni, once away from Nora, looks around everyone and says clearly:
"It's okay to be a child. It's okay to sneak up and get a favor. I'll leave the method to you. This is your chance to get back to your rightful way of life. If I can do that, I will gladly bless you. I can't even get a slave status if it's someone I'm dealing with. Instead of returning to her normal daughter, I will give her extraordinary help to serve her properly beside her. I hope you will continue to encourage me as I am now."
It was something I had been ordering for a long time, but there was a reason to put it even more precautionary.
Hi, and I can hear a modest knock at the same time. This is why.
"Excuse me. Dear Doni, I'd like to talk to you about your upcoming plans. Will your time be all right?
"No problem. Do you have anything special to say?
"Yes, I was hoping it would be time for Mr. Juey to have a better look outside."
Donnie rubbed her jaw when she heard that.
This Hadrian daughter is not a country or a part of this territory, but a neutral - or a daughter sent to the Church.
The Malebit thing is its position pattern, and the powerful want to put it beside themselves. Then they try to cage in booze, women, etc.
It is my duty to protect Marebito from being caught under such marks. Therefore, only the opposite sex is chosen.
It comes from the fact that the Church sends people apart from their country, letting their daughters of their age be beside them, not soldiers of war.
The impossibility of driving this entourage back is beyond what Malevito can call it without the help of the Church. It was essentially the biggest rival for Doni and others.
Donnie turned her thoughts around to see how she could get out of this constantly sticking woman - whoops, I remembered something.
When he returns to the executive desk, he searches for a single report and begins to look through it again.
Then Chloe, who cut the numbness, said, "Um...?," Doni finally took his eyes off the paper.
I have plenty of room for a smile on my face and apologize for the late response.
"Something caught my head a little bit. If you want to go out, it's just fine. Actually, he caught and looked after a unicorn in a nearby village, but he's spraying blood out of his nose for everything and getting pretty weak. If it's a famine or a plague, he said it's a specialty, and it's a corner, so could you look at it? It would be a good opportunity to see the difference between this world and the one over there."
Unicorn itself, unlike the demons there, is a very rare thing.
Moreover, unicorns, unlike ordinary demons, are not belligerent against humans. On the contrary, it was also called the Holy Beast or Patronage because of the great advantage that no strong demons would come close to the area where it lived in a territorial dispute with the demons.
But Chloe was more concerned about the weak cause than she was.
"Huh. Um, unicorns get blood out of your nose anyway?
"That's how I get the report. He could still bleed to death."
"Oh, is that possible...?
It was a mixture of suspicions, but when I saw the report to be handed over, it did state so.
But it is a mysterious disease.
I have used words like nosebleeds with excitement as one of the expressions when storytelling and others talk about laughing species, but I have never actually seen or heard of a weakened creature or anything like that.
I didn't think it was a joke told because of what a habitual trait Unicorn preferred a virgin, but the story seemed true.
"Wow, I get it. Then I'm going to look at it with Master Joey."
"Even thieves are no match on the road. Let's follow these people as auxiliaries. Even slave knights must be comfortable because they remember their arms."
"... yes, then I would like to thank you for accompanying me"
Earlier things had also reached Chloe's ear.
It seems Donnie is actively trying to get women to samurai because they can't get ahead of her.
I hope that's just his idea. However, it is clear from her eyes that the women have considerable expectations for this opportunity due to the circumstances.
Liz and Quina are notable exceptions that don't seem to be ridden, but Nora and others are.
Think again and you'll have a chance too...? And, he can't hide his confused expectations. He turns his face red and has no tension and confusion until his ears. The movement is irregular.
"Then we're going to get it ready as soon as possible. Dear Doni, may I leave the room?"
"Good. Back off."
Only the orders were received clerically. Liz tried to take the slave knight back when she obtained forgiveness from Doni.
but I look back like a pain in the ass when I realize that Nola doesn't mix in that row.
"Nora, don't be frightened forever. I'll be there."
"Ah, yes. Excuse me!"
Nora, called upon by Liz, saluted Doni and rushed after her.
Chloe, who saw it, also exits the room when she bows politely.
When I went out in the hallway, Liz said, "Oh, boy." But she looked blurry.
"I don't mind being sent on an expedition, but selling the festivities is a hassle. Damn, why should I stick around?"
"Is the captain okay? Because it's a jade, isn't it? Even when I say they're adorable, they don't treat people like lords like toys, they're really like this... they're sweet, aren't they?
"I don't have a hobby for waving my tail and showing my stomach. It's easier to just kill each other. First of all, the neighboring clergy won't allow it."
Nora glances at Chloe, who couldn't get inside Liz and the others.
It wasn't like Chloe was hostile to see if there was anything to include, it was like she had something backwards.
But as for Nora, there was something else on her eyes.
Clear white skin, unlike my own blurry, mixed skin. Chloe sees a feminine line even with her wings woven in a white robe, against herself who can only have as much muscle as she needs and not be very feminine.
It was called a blonde blue eye with no blemishes, and the difference was historic.
I'm no match...... and I'm sad, and I shrivel to the ear of a rabbit.
But it didn't snap.
As soon as she shakes her face and re-switches her mind, Nora puts her face on and re-engages herself.
"No, I don't care if you're a concubine or anything anymore. Shh! You can be merciful. We're still satisfied. If you miss this, you'll regret it for the rest of your life, so if you say you have a chance, we don't mind pretending. But I want to go grab it!
"That's right, Cleric. Anyway, we'll get gear and a carriage ready. Do you decide if you want to go right away because the preparation will be done soon?
"Let's go. We're talking about a weak unicorn, and it's important that the Holy Beast in the neighborhood of people dies. Let's do something."
Like Nora, Chloe also says that in the way she regained her mind again.
Listening to the words, Liz took Nola and the others to the barracks to prepare them.