Jui-san no Oshigoto in Isekai
What if they suspect an infection?
By night, the children had returned from gathering information and reported back on the details as they had arrived at a brilliant goal.
Whatever it is, Ghoul has once stormed out and already wounded, and it seems that there is already besieged by the inhabitants who fear the spread of Ghoul. It also seemed to be for this reason that information was gathered quickly.
Let me show you the way, and the wind sights will also head to the scene.
Through the entrance alley, it was a place that opened to a small square. The smell like the Dove River, which I've been able to stand in, was also washed here by the wind that blew down from the sky.
When the lungs finally moisten, they all relax and breathe.
"... you're bleeding a lot."
"What, do you smell like that?
At that time, it was Liz who first glanced at me.
But I have no idea what that smells like in the wind.
As an expression of this, blood smells like iron, but the answer is NO.
It's almost impossible to feel the smell coming out of your mouth when you're injured in the air as it is. I didn't even remember feeling the wind sight repeating the animal autopsy more than a few hundred times.
It is a smell that you know because it rolls like wine in your mouth. Spraying blood with a sprayer would be a different story, but the smell overflowing the environment is so much stronger if it just flowed normally.
But not with Liz's nose, apparently. Her gaze was flying straight forward. The wind also followed it to discover a crowd of about twenty people.
People have wooden farm tools, crude sticks, etc., which apparently surround several people.
Some of them noticed the footsteps of the wind watchers and looked back and were stunned.
"Oh dude... why do you want to knight here...!?
"That's not all. You even have white clothes lined up...!
Men and women go to war, lagging behind.
Like Liz said scattered, maybe he thought he was here to burn down the slam.
As far as the surrounded human being was concerned, he was madly trying to escape only with his hands and legs with his hips out, and was in a shape that seemed to even incontinence.
Liz sighed at the indescribable ugliness and turned to her.
I don't know what to do when the wind sights are like this either, and when I'm lost, Chloe walks out.
"Gentlemen, don't worry. We've come to help you. The purpose is Ghoul only. I'm not going to do any harm."
I am still in charge if I leave it to you.
that an even more serene face and voice. Furthermore, there is no equipment or personnel required for burning. Whether they were relieved or not, they lowered the weapons that were clenching like a lifeline, each checking their safety and stroking their breasts down.
But it is also ”except for some”.
For those who have been driven by their compatriots with weapons because of their contact with Ghoul, and are surrounded by them, the word 'purpose is Ghoul' is also tantamount to a death sentence.
The victim was an old woman and a young man, plus a middle-aged man.
These three are like, "Hi-ha! shouting," or begging for help.
If I tried to escape, it was behind them, collapsing from my feet with my eyes on a body that had been smashed to the head.
There was something dull and pointy in the chest of that corpse - a chopped wound, like, for example, caught with a pile or a crane hook.
Perhaps this body was the first to come into contact with Ghoul. But no one else can see the same scratches.
Then why the hell?
The answer to such a question was in their clarification.
"Ma, wait! We didn't do anything. This is my blood out of a wound that was caught somewhere, not his blood back."
That's how the young man was holding his arms up with his voice up.
Rubbing his skin with clutter to obliterate the evidence, his arms are slightly creased with dry blood. It seems to be getting between the wrinkles and unable to remove them. My skin is going to turn red and scrape off because I am forced to scrub it.
The three of them all turn to similar complaints in fright and confusion.
My eyes swollen with tears, directed at Chloe, trying to be compassionate.
But the opponent is in contact with Ghoul and may already be infected.
I can't even put my hands on Chloe, and if I miss it here, it could spread to more people. Danger is best eliminated than there is no evidence to clear up that suspicion.
When she said "... sorry" as she squeezed out, they were uniformly desperate. Is Chloe herself hard, frowning and enduring something?
"Liz, would you at least get him out of the way so he doesn't have any pain? I'm sure it makes me feel painful."
"I say no. The sword gets dirty."
"Liz! I can't forgive you for saying that!
Liz turns her back on such reprimands and is a stranger.
But I guess Chloe, who has bumped into her several times before, realized it was useless to say anything.
She slid and wore a gauntlet of hidden arms on a wide range of sleeves. It is that murder weapon that the wind saw in the liquor store.
"Ah, ah. Please help me..."
"Excuse me, it's just for a moment..."
A voice that rises with tears also dried up.
Chloe eats up her teeth and grips her fist.
Yes, just for a moment. The silver armor covering most of the arms also looks as if it followed the dragon's hand. A man's skull would crush like a sugar candy. You won't even see blood if you give it a break.
Chloe bit her lips softly,
"Yes, yes, that's where the noise stops, stop. So can you tell me where you got hurt?
But when the wind stopped grasping the fist, he gently relaxed and stepped out in front of her.
Do you want to say that the stage of tension is over?
He slapped his hand lightly to neutralize the seriousness, kneeling one knee in front of the young man who was in front of him the most.
"Wow, this is again...... You can't do this because it's like rubbing dirt in. The first thing we need to do is to flush it down and disinfect it."
That's like when you get a worm bite and you get a terrible itch.
Windmill let the man stop his hand with leather gloves as he slipped through the hedge and approached the man.
Skin is like a barrier with several layers, such as keratin. It's an exterior wall that protects me from dirt, substances, etc., but if I let it rub like this, it will make no sense.
"Or, Dear Windmill!? Step away, it'll be tough if you move!
"Right. That's tough, but how?
"That's ghoulish from those people..."
"Oh. So to be specific, what infects and gools from these people?
"Oh, that's..."
That would be an extremely serious question.
Ghoul is Ghoul.
If it bites, it could be infected, and it's a demon who was an ex-human. Nothing more or less.
That's why Chloe didn't know the answer. I can't even hit bullshit more than I don't know, and I'm having trouble holding back the wind.
Then I was frightened by the gaze from him, which could also be directed in between, and I lost recently.
"Okay, if you don't have an excuse, then stop killing these people right now. Chloe's a girl too, so it's not good to be in this mess. Well, even men shouldn't do this."
"Ha..., yes"
That's how Chloe stayed quiet when the wind slapped her on the shoulder. He even looks saved without having to kill people.
I guess I was relieved to see the face of the wind like I would teach.
But if she shut up, the wild horse began to raise her voice.
Do it. Do what you're doing. But do it. You can criticize and say whatever you want to the good things that are cluttered with killing.
We're making a scene because the firepowder that someone is supposed to shake off is flying again.
When the wind saw took it with a chilling look, he pointed to the head of the wild horse, "Well, there he is," he said.
"What the hell is a gool? How are you going to be born?
"Ha, don't knights even know that!
"You're right. I still don't know who it is, and I just asked people what it's all about. I'm ashamed to say I made a big mistake, so if it's okay with you, let me know."
"Ghoul is born of poisonous dragon poison or necromancy. I don't even know a kid like that!
"Yeah, so?
The man with his chest stretched and said away had his eyes dotted on the words he had been cut and returned.
Still nothing. That's all.
That's what I said. I get the wild horse momentum back by nodding around to agree that I'm so confused.
But before I put it back on, the wind saw it again, and I spoke out.
In the first place, this word does not include the answer I asked Chloe.
So ask again.
"You don't know that then. As I've asked this Chloe, what exactly is the poison of a dragon, what makes a ghoul of necromancy? What kind of ingredient? What kind of poison wave is it again? Something more different and different. Tell me what's at the heart of it. It doesn't make sense for these people to be killed without knowing."
At all, the wind gaze lowers its voice.
He seemed serious, but one step short of that now was deliberately trying to make him take an unscrupulous attitude.
"If that's the kind of reason that makes sense, you can't answer my question. Killing you makes sense, right? Maybe something you can't see is infected."
"Hmm, that's why..."
"Yes, then your wife there next? Um, can I have your wife? Shall I say Obasan? Ma'am, answer me instead."
"Oh, hey... I'm..."
The moment she was hit, the woman began to wander off sweating.
Liz clings to that appearance and raises the edge of her mouth, pulling out the sabel and swinging it under the woman's neck.
She seems to love this kind of play.
"Hmm? If you have an answer stuck in your throat, you can let him out. Is that okay with you?
"No kidding. Or will you stop!?
Masses taking two or three steps back.
Liz was banging her shoulder with the back of the servel she put back on, and she had a smile that she said was not funny.
But Liz is not the kind of woman that ends with this.
She muttered like this with a madly intertwined face as she returned her cut to the wind's throat.
"Then it's Shingo's turn next. Without a satisfactory answer, I'll have trouble finding a place for the blade. I expect a good answer."
"Liz, get that sword out of the way.... I'll kill you, won't I?
A tightly gripped gauntlet leaks a vicious roar.
The leaked voice was so frozen that I didn't think it belonged to Chloe. Apparently this girl did have something that bears the alias “white clothes," “red and white," etc.
Gaze is the battle between Liz and Chloe, but the damage to the surroundings was immense.
They released a needle called killer from all over their bodies, and weak hearts like those around them were unable to move as if they had been sewn.
… but it was also accompanied by the wind, which is the representative of ordinary people.
"Ku, Chloe......!? No, I don't know what to say......!? You both need to calm down. I have the right answers for what I've done!
"That's okay, just keep it down. I can't help it."
The thorns gradually subside, and the wind gaze exhales with relief.
Then Liz laughed at him for teasing him about how he had fallen out.
"I thought so. Look, Singo, I wonder if you could tell me quickly. My arms get tired when they wait forever."
"Then put it down, too, because I'm afraid of cutting tips"
"No,” Knight. "Half the time I spoke great, a man who can't keep his word is of the nature of believing and not being able to work. I'm in trouble if you don't let me know why I'm convinced. Of course, anything is fine when you were right. You don't mind asking me to apologize for that, do you?
Liz in the face of Kekeke and Little Devil.
Well, if you say it sounds like her, it's normal driving like her. I'm used to it.
I don't know, I can't even remember the nervousness. The wind sight pushes Chloe to shut up just in case she was still in a one-touch state for now.
Because as soon as I didn't stop here, but Liz was going to jump on me.
"Chloe needs to stay put, okay?
"So, but Liz could be something......!
"I'd be in trouble if they did, but still"
She seemed to still have a claim in her, too, but she was a good girl who would be quiet with a "please" voice.
The good listening around here is not in Liz the Wolf.
That's how the same gaze gathered.
When the place was ready, the wind saw his hands on his hips, and he really started by coughing.
"... er, sorry. I can't explain it yet, okay?
"Oops, my hand slips"
Moment after moment, an unmistakable spike was released into his throat.
I had a bad feeling the wind sight would pay the belly of the sabel with its inner arm and somehow distract the orbit.
Although the blade plundered the skin of his neck, it did not manage to cut the blood vessels.
"Oh, jeez!? -"
It's really a piece of skin. It was dangerous.
And not while I'm at ease. The other guy is this guy, so here comes the second blade without a stray.
Liz has been paying for another servel that will remain in opposite hands.
I think I'm hungry for it.
If you take this sword, which seems to have a good cut, your small intestine/colon area is going to be split clean even if your spine can't be cut off.
Yeah, I'm dying.
That's already a big mess, as typical of Japanese harakiri culture.
It hurts like hell.
Pain mostly works in the direction of awakening so that you wake up if you hold your legs when you are sleepy. So painful and faint is not much of an actual thing.
It's severe pain - vagus nerves surprise - capillaries spread - blood pressure drops in the big blood vessels because they take it that way - not enough power to take blood to the brain - not enough oxygen, etc. - something that happens in the path of fainting.
In the case of the stomach, he said it was often too painful to faint, and there were many examples of him suffering considerably until he bled to death. Incidentally, burning suicide is also a terrible thing to suffer.
So for that reason there is also the phrase "let's grasp the error"......
Well. I never want to eat a blow that hurts like that, either.
"Hey hey hey!?
Sabel bounced with a kid for reflexively pulling up his hips sword.
"Oh, you're good, huh?
Liz raises her eyebrows in an honest manner that impresses her.
The bounced sabel was also immediately returned to hand and delivered to one end sheath.
"Oh well. Singo has experience in martial arts, right? Hmm, it was a good move, so I guess I'll let you do something you didn't have right now."
"No, you know, if I'm the only one who understands, I don't have enough tools to show everyone the evidence anyway! I almost said after I got it, you're the one...!
"Oh, my God, that would be dangerous if you didn't say so. Damn it, I wouldn't have done this if you'd let me hear it."
"... Saudesne. Ha...... So let's just go home and get our stuff, huh?
No, you don't have to.
She whistles her dog out of her nostrils several times.
Apparently, he's willing to call for backup.
"Let me carry your stuff. And security here. I just have a job to do. I hurt these guys because Ghoul still seems to be more wild."
That's what she said. When she did her hand on the Sabel pattern, she sighed at him.