Jui-san no Oshigoto in Isekai
Outside Investigations and Naked Fantasia Middle
Once the snakes collected and others were placed in the village, the wind watchers headed to the hills of medicinal herbs.
Along the way, that thing works like this. This has such an effect. and Chloe was very active in explaining grass and nuts.
They seem to be collecting things about blood suppression, suppuration, and deworming in particular.
"Oh, is this some kind of nigga yogi? Surely you could have used it for stomach pills and insect repellents, right? Let's have a taste."
"No, it's poisonous grass"
Liz and Quina were not interested in an endless conversation between scholars, just walking down the mountain path.
In the meantime, when the trees and bushes were dwindling near the hill, Liz looked around her fuzz before staring at Chloe.
I've already finished that herbal story.
"Hmm...... Chloe. One thing I'm curious about is, where did Singo go?
You noticed Chloe too after she told me. I hurried around to look left and right, but there's no sign of him.
We'll both look at Quina and see where she is, but she'll just shake her head "I don't know," too.
... He seems lost.
"I've been thinking about him for a long time, but his covert skills in nature are amazing. I don't even know when he disappeared."
I said it would be troublesome to be played out here. So Liz was in arms.
"How's the smell, so it's awesome!?
Chloe seems to have stepped on it that she should not be able to hide it that far.
Liz and Quina, however, had not all felt his smell.
"Did you take it under the wind or did you even wear sand? You don't even smell a drop of sweat. Well, that hasn't even been attacked by demons before, and it's fine."
"Oh, that's so appropriate! If there's anything in the wind..."
"But he's good at manipulating the anatomical knife, and if he's a demon he's dealt with once, starting with goblins and cobolts, he also remembers to drive blood vessels and nerves. Thing is, if you're just a beast opponent, you're better at it than we are. You're sure you'll lose when you hit the steeple?
"Ho, let go... are you leaving...?
Liz nods softly at Chloe, who looks like she sent her lover to a dead place.
I suppose he's implicitly saying that excessive worry clouds judgment instead.
"You don't have to. In the meantime, you can move this one as planned. Do you have the ether that Singo gave you?
"... I have"
"Then there's no problem. Chloe and Quina are Harpy's stepping stones. Chains or electricity. If you can do that, I'll lock you in with a rock wall, so you're done punching in the ether. The destination is the same, so if you wait there, you'll be here soon."
Liz pulled out the sabel approximating Chloe, who was dripping.
They've arrived at the desired hill, and they'll lose the trees that were blocking their sight.
Then I saw a grass field in front of me, like a castle garden, in which there were some large silhouettes.
People, people, people.
There are four figures of a woman who looks like she was drunk by a plant on her lower body.
But there's no way there's a normal person in a place like this. I don't wear any adventurous gear or costumes - it's a demon.
"Stand up, both of you. It's Harpy's front seat. Let's start by cleaning from here."
"Is it Arlaune? It's a pain in the ass when you get caught."
"Oh. Stay back because it's not compatible for Quina. If you get caught, you're gonna get shaved with that big bottom mouth, right?
It was Arlaune's lower body that Liz pointed at with the blade.
Is it a collection of snails gathered in a spherical fashion?
It had a mouth like a haedzigok, and the fold, which opened all the time, looked well scattered with clear lysate.
Arlaune hangs out a man with that look.
If a man is also a demon opponent, he can do what he wants, so he approaches me warmly, but for the most part, he is disarmed while he is snoozing and wrapped around a snail.
The goosebumped prey is slowly digested in that lower body.
Melted and eaten alive - such a vision came into his brain. Quina snorted silently at Liz's words, trying to hold herself and took a step back.
The Bunker Shield can't tell you how they did it.
Liz threw her gaze at Chloe that her fist would be full again.
"Can Chloe pull a thousand snaps? I'll give you a knife."
"No problem. Even if you get caught, you can dimension it in chains."
"Oh, splendid. As reliable as you can be."
They cut a thousand by the grass sumo guidelines everyone did when they were little.
Then we don't need rescue from each other. Liz decided to focus on offense.
"There it is, that's crazy. When did I get lost?
The wind gaze tilted his neck when he checked before and behind but noticed there was no appearance of the women at all.
Speaking of which, is it my fault that I feel like I was poking through the woods without a path at some point?
"Hey, you know where this is?
The wind gaze is for now a big radish-sized moving plant that I just captured - hitting on something weird that looks a lot like that one called Picmin.
Brown body. It is like a doll with the roots of a tree tied to a human form.
It was interesting to walk cleverly with the roots that broke up into two strands, and if I had observed them carefully, they were full of gaps, so I caught them.
It doesn't feel like the words made sense.
The bead-sized eyeballs sticking to the roots just stared at this one.
I kind of feel like I'm staring at a troll like a wooperlooper, and he stops playing along the way, too.
"Whoa, talked!?
I dropped it by surprise, but that weird catfish thing lands beautifully.
"I'd be scared if there were so many of these out there at night..."
Is it like a Kyushu bird, or is it a wooden spirit (Kodama) to fantasy?
I don't know, but like this voice, the same thing gathers straw from around me.
Determined that this seemed dangerous, he decided to leave this place.
Fortunately, that catfish thing is easy to sprinkle because of its slow feet.
"Uh, if the sun's that way and the slopes are pointing this way, I hope we go straight in this direction."
Branches and twats that are in the way of walking are paid with an anatomical knife, while they continue to progress.
Then the trees became sparse and there were fewer bushes.
I decided that the target hill was approaching, and the wind was rushing to join everyone early.
I was caught in the eye by a strange grass that accidentally plundered the edge of my sight.
Every single leaf that is bright and bushy is big, and I am trying to get a good hold of the slightest sun.
Speaking of which, there was a similar grass growing on the head of the radical catfish thing I just caught. But this one feels bluer and younger.
According to Chloe's story, this is also where Mandrake comes from.
So this is...
"Immature Mandrake...... is it?
Mandrake, they call it Mandragola in a number of ways, and Arlaune says it's the same as it was originally.
That and ripe Mandrake seem to crawl off the ground himself and walk around.
Somehow I was driven by the urge to pull this through and make sure, but the wind sight stuck.
The scream when you pull out Mandrake is famous as Death Voice, which causes those who pull out to die. It is the domain of light acoustic weapons.
"I want it, Mandrake"
There are real Mandrakes, but this is a legendary Mandrake.
I would also like to make sure that the medicine works as a wind gaze.
It's true that the legend is that some of them used this to make medicines that would make them immortal, so that should do a lot of good.
There were ways to get this, such as letting a dog with a string on it, but I feel sorry for doing so.
"It's Liz when it comes to dogs... can't we do this one too"
At first it was an imaginary picture with a rope around her neck, but it's unlikely I could do it.
Or will she let me hang a rope around her neck for the most part, she does?
I also imagined the next diagram I would have her take using the law, but this is also a method that is going to get some screaming in my ear.
I just want to think a little more and get this by some means.
And that's the time. Giyee!! and I heard a pretty loud scream from nearby.
If you try to clear your ears, you can also hear the sound of treading heavily on rotten soil and something like a combat noise.
I thought maybe Liz and the others were fighting ahead. The wind rushed in that direction.
And when you draw out the bushes, and you go beyond the curtains of the branches of the trees, there's...
"Guys, safe - huh!?
As soon as the wind saw through the bushes, it was the naked woman - not Arlaune - who flew in.
Just unlucky where Liz cut off Arlaune's lower body and kicked him off the hook in a spinning kick (?) The wind appeared.
It was so sudden that he couldn't avoid or accept it and was crushed.
"Hey, softie...... heavy!
Something on your face.
And when I let go of my body, it was the woman who was there.
The upper body, anyway, was entangled in the lower body, and the place where the knee would have been was cut off from the bushel and nothing.
It wasn't painful, and besides, I quickly found out from there that I wasn't human because of the leakage of green fluid.
- Rather, the feeling of sucking skin is only real...!
I wanted to keep myself forever, but the wind saw signs of change in the emotions riding the gaze coming from the women around me, so the wind sight pushed away the crying Arlaune.
"Ko, is this guy a demon!?
"Arlaune, a fine monster."
"Naked Fantasia......"
Even when it comes to feminine monsters, I thought it wasn't necessarily a beauty, starting with the mountain granny, but the wind view that was betrayed in a good way was shaky.
White, thin shoulders.
Nice and luxurious body.
There's no man whose heart can't move on a beautiful woman who reminds me of flowers that are going to break right away if I don't protect her.
By the way, the four women of Arlaune covered the age group: Lori, about middle school, about high school, about college students. It is too strong a formation.
The fantasy town was here.
"Predating anything from humans to livestock for abundant nutrition gives birth to Mandrake. They can strangle you if you get stuck in your neck, so get rid of it early."
"Damn, even if they tell you to dispose of it..."
Return your gaze to Arlaune again.
She creeps up like a mermaid raised to the hill. Maybe I'm begging for help.
It feels like a happy arm to be picked up.
… distress disperse.
I'm glad, but I want you to stop. Especially in front of the women.
What a complicated face, I felt that the gaze from Quina had kind of turned into an eye that looked at the bug.
I can see that the unprecedented status I've built has also broken down.
But it's also true that I don't want to kill you in vain. The wind gaze asks Liz.
"The purpose is harpy. If you're not going to be attacked, why don't you stop fighting?
"Unfortunately, the only one who hasn't been attacked - see, this is the only street Singo. With these guys, it's only in the way of capture."
One twat waved like a whip at Liz, who was some distance from the other three Arlaunes, but she cut it off under one knife.
The dropped snake is like a snake, but eventually becomes quiet.
Has she been targeting a gap that turned her consciousness to the story?
He's got a big face, but Arlaune also seems to be doing a good job of demons trying to prey on humans.
Next to it, Chloe also had a few twats coming at her, but she was doing everything she could to make Arlaune scream.
On the contrary, catching an escaping twat without any extra room relentlessly cuts a thousand.
I couldn't see her face with a nagging addition or subtraction, but I could see her hands and body trembling smugly.
"... ok. Then I'll catch Harpy alone. These guys are just rooting here, and I feel sorry for them if we kill them for coming to vandalize the land."
"Oh, as gentle as it is and above all, but......!
Chloe was nagging with a bump and chisel of a snail tangled in her arm like she said something.
Something from her feels more black aura up than usual.
"I... my way...! The place is......!" The wind gaze decided on my mind to decide what I was bumping into but didn't ask.
"I don't mind that, but can we just capture Singo?
"I'm not going to try to find it. Let's just get out of here and find Harpy's bunk."
"Yes, yes, I got it. Then we're just gonna throw it away, right?
"Oh, wait a minute! It could stick because it's a plant, and it could stick, and then I'd drop it off where it's broken."
"Oh man, you love it at all. It's a monster, isn't it?
"Even demons are creatures."
"You're a doctor's mirror. Respect."
The wind still tries to carry Arlaune in her princess's arms, even as she receives a frightening gaze.
But when he did that, his chest would stick to his eyes irresistibly - so he decided to wrap it around them instead of exposing them when he took the bandage out of the sidepack.
(This is also very bad for me)
Exposure, naked T-shirts and naked Y-shirts were more than naked in the wind view, which I consider to be three kinds of artifacts.
I still reaffirm its destructive power in front of all the ripped exposures.
Anyway, he carried Arlaune to the cut lower body, which would make him feel a little painful, but he did some work on the base and the cut part of Arlaune with an autopsy knife, and connected him somewhat by the tangential tree procedure.
I wondered how much hostility would be exfoliated because it's a task with an anatomical knife, but is it also a feeling that every twat connects?
The other three Arlaunes did nothing but stare at it like that.
It's kind of like visiting a woman's family home and being entrusted with wiring computers.
I appreciate it as far as he is concerned because he even made me grow up to be an Arlaune to be shredded.
However, during that time, someone was throwing a punctuating gaze at the back of the wind.
The tree that there was a harpy stood at the foot of the hill with some trees and sets.
Is it a fairly old tree or was it originally two trees? In the middle of nowhere, I was making a small, tiny space.
The wind gaze creeps closer to such a place.
"... you're really good. No close sounds at all and no signs. Is he a cat?"
"Naturally, it's the wind."
"I don't want to be one of them."
The wind sight reached a position where I could peek inside of us while my three daughters said such a thing, sneaking a peek in the distance.
Inside, as the information suggests, a half-man half-beast harpy lies in a lie.
They're skeletally close to birds from such areas as the scapula and femur.
Wings are about 50% bigger than people's arms, and if you spread them out, they're going to be just like hang gliders.
The big wings in the colors are so beautiful, her hair has a similar color, and she has long hair that has left her growing.
She slept with such feathers on her pillow.
"And I knew you were a naked fantasist."
Although he would react as a man, he was also in trouble because his gaze from the women would get colder than this.
Sometimes some natives don't even care about that, and it would be natural for demons not to care.
However, as for the wind that came from Japan, I really have trouble finding a place for my eyes.
For now, I've run out of bandages, so I'll have the towel wrapped around my chest when she wakes up. Anything else.
I regret not having a tank top.
"Uh, anyway, the injury..."
He ran his gaze to see if he could just locate or type of injury while he was still motionless.
Wings - no abnormality. He wondered if he had broken a bone by hitting the ulna, radius, etc. that touched a person's forearm somewhere, which is not surprisingly the case here.
Waist from the back - it was the eye poison for a single man with very loose and clean skin.
Last leg.
And I finally saw an anomaly here. The location is the left ankle. There is a strange swelling there.
The swelling, cream-colored from white as the pus accumulated, was swelling the bird's feet scales.
"He said he attacked livestock, and a carnivorous woman, what is it? Because Harpy is a bird, and unlike people, that's the final product of protein...... No way..."
Hmm, the wind gaze took into account.
Has it then gone out of consciousness and missed the signs a little? Harpy moved and woke up.
"You're young, but it's hard"
The wind gaze says to Harpy sympathetically.
I thought she would neck a strange visitor in a way that didn't solve words like Arlaune did.
I've raised my alarm sound like a cat and stripped my fangs off.
The surprised wind glimpse flew away, but at that moment the green phantom light fills the perimeter of the harpy.
This looks like the light that leaked around the wind-cut feathers on both her wings.
"Yah, yah!?
As soon as he fled, the deceivers swept away where he was.
Will there be a degree of power from the power of the earth and the leaves of the trees to which they have sifted heavy whips?
If hit, the protective equipment looks pretty painful even if it is not pierced.
"Are you all right, Windy?!?
"Oh, no injuries. I'm surprised you hated the others so much."
"It's natural because demons are demons!
"That's what it is...?
Chloe, who had rushed over earlier than Harpy had come out of the woods, set herself up to make sure she was safe.
Something tells me she's more killer than usual.
Liz and Quina also came to both sides when they were surprised by the air like that.
"Singo, what do we do? Do you think I'll catch that one by myself?
"Hey, it might be a little difficult. Oh, but I'd freak out if people were up and out, and maybe I'm just being extra nervous because my body's unwell -"
"No. It's dangerous, so please stand down, Mr. Windmill!
It's a strong Chloe tone sometime.
I also forget to argue with the wind sight before such a thing and nod, "Ah, yes..."
Chloe immediately threw the chain-divided copper.
He seems to be worried about killing him for once, but he also made him a prisoner ready to injure him.
But it was suddenly distracted by the wind across the street that rolled around Harpy.
And even the wind blows, and the rising sand crushes the eyes of the four.
This is Harpy's usual means.
Opposite wind distracts the opponent from attack, crushes his eyes, and even rides the wind to attack the opponent with hook-toenails from sudden descent.
Or a long-range assault.
Attacks that utilize wind attributes and flight skills are the main axis.
Harpy was about to launch a sudden descent attack on Chloe, who jumped up a few meters after aiding her while bringing about it because of swelling in her leg.
but she hasn't just been hit either.
Turn away and throw the chain again.
Then the wind prevented me again - it was that streak. Harpy moves fast, and it seems the bone breaks thanks for capturing him.
As a capture officer, there are some Quinas, but they seemed to be having trouble fighting-speed too fast to figure out how they stepped in.
"Liz, take a look at this place for a second. I'm gonna set up a little trap for capture."
"Did you bring any tools that could do that?
"I didn't bring it, but it's just... Can you tell Chloe to hold on?
"I don't mind that. But you don't have to let me follow Singo?
"Fine. We'll figure it out."
The confidence laughed where it came from. Liz flaunts her shoulders and tries to follow the life of the wind.
"Oh, yeah, I was wondering one thing."
"What's up?
"I'm surprised Harpy's chest actually felt like hiding in his feathers, unlike Arlaune...!
"It's natural for animals to protect the weaker areas of their skin, isn't it? That would be what Singo knows. The only thing that's flattering like that is something that hangs out and eats people, like Arlaune and Sacubas. You were expecting that? You skanky bastard."
The towel I had prepared was wasted! and they laughed at me when I tried to show it in gesture and it creaked.
She seems to understand what a man is like and is tolerant.
When I laughed a bit like that, the wind gaze revealed the question that was caught on my head.
"Hey, was it just to hang out and eat that Arlaune didn't attack me?
"Well. I don't know because I'm not Arlaune. It's just that when you're hungry, you can always count on your strength to eat whatever you want. I still hear it strikes when I can get away with it. Goblins and cobolts didn't just try to hang around and eat you, and I don't think that's all. You don't look unconditionally hated or unconditionally liked."
"I see. That's certainly the way it is"
Demons attack people because they unconditionally dislike them. It is unclear why this is.
But I don't hate the wind, so depending on what I try to do, I like it - maybe it feels like it.
When I saw him as the person who would treat me for making it Arlaune, it was about as favorable.
Then maybe there's also some reason why that harpy hated me. I thought so.
"So, you really don't need protection, do you?
"Fine. I'm sure you'll be fine"
The wind gaze ran away with a bright face to see if he could even see the thread of the resolution where it had somehow flushed.
Well, Liz also performs the job he was asked to do, seeing as how it would work with his autopsy knife if it was about Arlaune.
"Hey, Chloe. She wants you to hold on because Singo wants to see you brave!
Chloe's movements, which reacted perfectly, were quickened as soon as possible.
Somehow, can we say that an attractive element has been added to attract and avoid attacks to the brink?
"Damn, it's cash."
Liz laughed and watched.