Jui-san no Oshigoto in Isekai
First Anniversary Epilogue
After a while when the booze was gone, and when the moon rose high, the wind was beginning to clean up.
Even then, there was no response from Liz at all, and as something he had already fallen asleep, he carried her back on his way home when he finished cleaning up.
"Too late for that, Liz?
I still haven't heard back from you when you asked me that while I was walking.
I couldn't feel a single sign of being awake, and the wind was carrying her with the intention of not saying a word.
I think when I'm quiet like this, I can finally feel them twitching with my mind and body.
Breathing quietly tired at the back, for example. The feeling of your chest hitting your back slowly up and down. And then Liz's temperature will be the same.
Neither the sense of normality nor the sound that should be commonplace around you is actually different from what I painted in my head. The sound of the wind, the sound of the bugs, the sound of the water flowing plus the sound of your walking. Just look for the sound and you'll find it for as much as you want.
It's hard to feel that way for yourself or someone next door when it's primitive. It was easy to drink alcohol and feel it when there was a big change in my body.
So I also feel somewhat grumpy that she's on her back.
Whether you realize it or not, it was also like that apology for the windsight pointing the words at you like a soliloquy.
"Liz, thank you for distracting me today"
".................. nothing done"
I just thought I was asleep and I didn't hear a voice she was going to answer, but she actually seemed only conscious.
Her eyes open with words.
"No, you don't. I thought you were doing a lot of things."
"What do you think? Instead, isn't it all Singo who is making fun of it? This."
"Oh, my God!
I had my head on my shoulder, Liz, but when I wake up with words, it bites my neck muscle. It's not enough to bleed, but the tooth shape is likely to stick.
As for her, I guess this is the limit when she tries to show no harm to herself and willingness to defy.
"Oh, sorry! I said it was bad!
Even though I'm about to let go of my hand supporting her in the pain, I manage to endure and keep getting bites.
If I found a gap and apologized, the chewing power gradually weakened and settled me down to about the sweet bite.
But still, not letting go of the bitten mouth must be an excuse to make a ruling following this.
The wind gaze was strongly mindful that the next word choice seemed important.
Today she looked as usual, but I knew she was taking it into account in the first place.
You can't be unaware because that's what hangs in front of him.
"One day today, Liz dated me, but I don't know how easy it is for Liz to take those cuffs off in the first place. It's up to you to suit me for a reason. I want to say thank you there."
I didn't answer anything, but she took her mouth off her shoulder.
And I thought I had a small voice in my ear with "EU ESCREV ISTO LAGRIMA" and the brown phantom light wrapped around my handcuffs, with pakiri and a muscle of crack in it.
When it's over, she puts her head on her shoulder again and leaves herself sloppy. Though awake, I'm sure the drunkenness is turning to the body.
Ungrumpy looking air until just now, however, faded and was almost gone. He seems to have forgiven me enough.
"Hey, Singo..."
"People's backs are warm."
"Right. I remember my father and my mother's back being so calm."
As for Liz, who doesn't remember that, I guess it's almost my first experience to be borne by someone.
Was it after the battle with Highlizard that I did this negative before? I wouldn't have felt immersed in the senses then, but now I was different.
"That was punishment just now. Take me down to the mansion."
"Right. It's still cold this time of year, and this might be just fine because it's warm."
Unlike earlier, it's a tongueless voice. The wind gaze laughs and answers.
She exhaled as deeply as a deep breath. She didn't speak that clearly. Probably really fell asleep.
Tomorrow I start working busily again.
Well, that's nothing I don't like. That's all we can do for someone, and it means we're making progress.
Windmill went back to the Mansion step by step remembering what it was like to remember the memories of the day.