Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 777 Lurkers

"Mr. Qin, my daughter is right. His mother, Xu Zhengguo, has a broken head." About an hour later, Xu Zhengguo found Qin Lang and took a low profile.

Of course, this is not only because Xu Zhenguo realized that he was wrong, but also because he was a named disciple of Qin Lang. Xu Zhengguo could not stand tall in front of Qin Lang.

"It seems that your daughter has cured your brain disability." Qin Lang chuckled, "I will stop talking nonsense, now let's talk about the situation, I want to know the Ye family's deployment."

"Old Chief ... Ye Shiqing contacted me and said that there is something that needs my assistance. He sent someone to contact me at noon." Xu Zhenguo said the phone and then offered a suggestion, " Otherwise, Mr. Qin, if you go with me to see this person, you will know the layout of the Ye family. "

"Good." Qin Lang nodded and accepted Xu Zhenguo's suggestion.

It was not long before Xu Zhengguo met the man. Qin Lang prepared a little and acted as a security guard for Xu Zhengguo. He met Xu Yeguo in plain clothes to meet the Ye family in the city.

The place where the two meet is in the free market in the urban area. Obviously this is to prevent being monitored. It can be seen that the Ye family are very careful.

In such a noisy place, and both sides are wearing plain clothes, it is indeed very concealed.

The Ye family's contact was actually an old man selling dried fruits. Although the old man hunched his back, his eyes were sharp, and he noticed Qin Lang behind Xu Zhengguo.

"My guard." Xu Zhengguo explained in a low voice, and then said to Qin Lang, "Xiao Wu, go to the side, I will say a few words to the old man."

Qin Lang nodded and stood a few meters away. This distance not only meant that he could not hear the conversation between the two, but also took care of Xu Zhenguo's safety.

The old man really put down his guard, and then said to Xu Zhengguo: "Boss Ye has a batch of 'dry goods'. Tonight, he will go over here to the Tibetan area. I hope you can do me a favor and make sure that the goods are safe. The specific situation, contact me when the time comes."

"Please tell Boss Ye that this is okay." Xu Zhenguo seems to have agreed to the matter.

The old man nodded, and then handed Xu Zhengguo a bag of dried fruits, and Xu Zhengguo paid the bill pretendingly.

Subsequently, Xu Zhengguo took Qin Lang out of the market. After getting in the car, Xu Zhengguo said to Qin Lang: "Have you heard?"

The driver started the car.

Qin Lang did not immediately answer Xu Zhenguo's words, but said to the driver in front: "Master Zhuang, please concentrate on driving."

"Master Zhuang drove a car for me for ten years, and his technology is good." Xu Zhenguo was a little puzzled, thinking that Qin Lang was not talking about the business, but instead worrying about these idle things, it was indeed a bit strange.

However, at the next moment, Xu Zhengguo felt that the situation was not right, because he realized that Qin Lang's remarks were by no means unfounded, but that he had doubts about his driver Zhuang Dashan.It's just that Zhuang Dashan has been driving Xu Zhengguo for more than ten years, and his honest character is a typical veteran from the countryside. How could there be a problem?

As soon as this thought started, I saw Zhuang Dashan in front of him suddenly raised his hand, and when he raised his hand, a pistol was exposed. Zhuang Dashan raised the gun in his hand: "Commander Xu, please give me a careful explanation, next to you What is the origin of this guard? I hope you do n’t really want to betray the old chief. "

"You're actually the spy Ye Yeqing inserted next to me!" Xu Zhenguo was really angry. Zhuang Dashan was one of the people he trusted most. It was unexpected that Ye Shiqing arranged the chess piece beside him.

Fortunately, Xu Zhengguo did not fight against the Ye family in these years, otherwise this Zhuang Dashan may have informed Ye Shiqing of his affairs, and he may have been out of luck.'

"Commander Xu, don't be surprised. We all do things for the old chief." Zhuang Dashan said, "Okay, please explain carefully, what's going on with this guard?"

"No need to explain." Qin Lang snorted. "Because you can't hear it!"

"Are you looking for death!" Zhuang Dashan raised his hand and pointed his muzzle at Qin Lang with his backhand. His movements were very fast, obviously he was specially trained.

Xu Zhengguo sighed inwardly, he had never noticed that Zhuang Dashan's skill was so good, it was better than his best guard.

Zhuang Dashan's movements are indeed fast, but Qin Lang's movements are faster. A palm slashes out, which is in the middle of Zhuang Dashan's wrist. This time Qin Lang has no mercy. He only hears "click" and directly breaks Zhuang Dashan's wrist bone Under such circumstances, where can Zhuang Dashan still shoot.

Zhuang Dashan screamed and tried to resist, but Qin Lang had nailed a steel needle on top of Zhuang Dashan's head. Suddenly Zhuang Dashan's body was stiff and could not move at all.

After losing Zhuang Dashan's operation, the car suddenly vibrated, but Qin Lang had already left Zhuang Dashan in the co-pilot position, but he quickly and flexibly sat in the driver's position.

"Commander Xu, what do you want to ask about Zhuang Dashan, even if you ask." Qin Lang said.

"You dream! I won't betray the old head!" Although Zhuang Dashan couldn't move, his mouth was hard.

"You really don't see any tears in the coffin!" Qin Lang sneered and pricked Zhuang Dashan with another steel needle dipped in ghost porpoise toxin. Zhuang Dashan immediately screamed like a pig.

Fortunately, the sound insulation of this car is good, and the outsiders simply heard the screams in the car.

Zhuang Dashan's screaming continued for dozens of seconds before stopping.

Subsequently, Qin Lang sneered disdainfully: "Now, do you want to be loyal to the old head or the new head?"

Zhuang Dashan has completely lost his temper, and he said: "You ask."

"Zhuang Dashan, why do you betray me?" Xu Zhenguo asked.

"I was originally the underling who was arranged by your side to tell you about your movements." Zhuang Dashan said, "You are a piece of the old inning in the autonomous prefecture. He will use you when he needs it. It ’s just that you do n’t know it yourself. "

"Really? It seems that Ye Shiqing is really good to me." Xu Zhengguo said, "What purpose do you have besides monitoring my behavior?"

"I'm sure you will betray the old head, I will kill you." Zhuang Dashan said very simply, "Now, you know my identity, you can kill me."

"You are indeed dying of death!" Xu Zhengguo's face was blue and he was betrayed and deceived by someone he trusted. This kind of feeling was really uncomfortable.

"I can't kill him yet." Qin Lang said, "Doesn't it strange that Commander Xu is so committed to death?"

"You ... what else do you want! I have said everything!" Zhuang Dashan's tone was very hard, but he showed a little guilty conscience, because he found that his secrets had been seen through by Qin Lang.

"No, you haven't finished talking about it yet." At this point, Qin Lang stabbed again and sneered. "The first stitch didn't make you completely succumb. It seems that your loyalty to Ye Shiqing is extraordinary What. "

The screaming sounded again.