Juvenile Medical God

Question 1431

Ren Meili naturally did not leave. Of course, she also knew that the word "serving" was only Qin Lang's jokes, but Ren Meili also had some fascination for the Wu Sheng level. If you can see Qin Lang stepping into the Wu Sheng level, she would like Ren Mei's martial arts. There are also benefits in spiritual practice.

Speaking of that, Ren Meili first entered the Wuxuan level before Qin Lang, and also received the support of Mozong, but now it is just barely forming a Wu soul, which is behind Qin Lang.Moreover, Qin Lang knew that the problem was the key. The reason why Ren Meili's realm improved quickly was because Ren could not have taken the holy womb of the unlucky ghost Tianyuan Taoist, and then suppressed it in Ren Meili's body.

The Demon Sect practiced martial arts, specializing in the techniques of picking up and looting. It was natural for the Taoist Taoist to be suppressed by Ren, and then suppressed. However, although Qin Lang had already guessed it, it had never been broken. The Taoist Taoist Yuan is also damned. His holy tire can serve Ren Meili, which is also a "contribution."

Qin Lang came here to practice, not to swim in the mountains and mountains, so Ren Meili did not intend to interfere with Qin Lang. Instead, she kept her mind focused and focused on Qin Lang ’s practice, hoping to learn from it.Even if Mozong tried his best, it was impossible to directly promote Ren Meili from Wushun Realm to Shengtai Realm.

In order to form a holy womb, it must be that Wushun Realm has reached its peak, and after many years of tempering, it can only reach that step. It is impossible to borrow any external force.

Of course, although there is no shortcut, it does not mean that there is no other way.

Qin Lang also reached the peak of Wuhun in a short period of time, and found a way to complete the realm, that is, to use his virtue and noble integrity to learn through his life, so as to achieve the state of perfection.

The power of merit, nobleness and integrity, are strictly not considered to be kung fu, but precisely because they are not kung fu, Qin Lang's kung fu can be fully connected together.

What Qin Lang learned in his life is too confusing. Although his realm and strength are advancing by leaps and bounds, especially those with strength far superior to those of the same realm, there are some costs. It is difficult for various martial arts to be fully penetrated. Qin Lang ’s kung fu has Buddha Zong, Du Zong, Mo Zong, and even some things in Taoism and spiritual practice, this is really too confusing. Although Qin Lang has fully coordinated a lot of kung fu with Yulong, but he wants to be completely satisfactory, but it is greatly not. It was easy, but fortunately Qin Lang accidentally discovered the power of merit, and practiced the Tianxin Pill, and got the awe-inspiring righteousness, and finally got the baptism of the Confucian saint chapter in the imperial city, which laid the foundation for great consummation.

So up to now, Qin Lang's savings are enough, just need to sort out a lot of martial arts, to save the essence, and the state will naturally reach the great consummation.

It is not difficult to form a childbirth. What is rare is the childbirth that achieves the "true saint". What is a "true saint"?Strength and virtue complement each other and match each other. This is the true saint.

True saints, with virtue and vigor, can serve people with virtue, or they can use force to suppress people.Only by having these two can we be regarded as true saints.

So the Holy Child is like this. It is not enough to have strong power alone, but also to have strong momentum and merit as the basis.

Qin Lang found the key, so he was fully sure that this time he became a holy child.

Noble righteousness began to burst out in Qin Lang ’s body, and Ren Meili immediately sensed it, and felt that this momentum made her very uncomfortable, but she knew that this was not any martial arts, so even the body protection was not defensive. Fortunately, Qin Lang's noble sense of integrity did not reveal the meaning of hurting her, so this uncomfortable feeling soon disappeared, and Ren Meili was shocked, and then noticed that Qin Lang seemed to have a feeling of sanctification from the ground at this moment. .

Although Qin Lang did not use any effort, Ren Meili clearly sensed that the momentum around his body was getting stronger and stronger. There was a feeling that she did not dare to face up to. There was even a holy singing voice around Qin Lang ’s body. It seemed that he The sanctification will go up at any time.

However, this is only because Qin Lang used the whole body of awe-inspiring integrity and merit.

Both of these are the methods of Confucianism. Although it is not any Kung Fu, it is because it is not Kung Fu, so it can be used as a program and center, and then through Qin Lang's whole body.

In addition, both of these are very pure things, forming a holy child with this as the center can also ensure that the holy child is holy and flawless, thus laying the foundation of the holy word.

After washing the body and mind with the power of virtue and the noble righteousness, Qin Lang is now a real body without dirt, and the heart of the glass is now. At this time, Qin Lang revealed his holy child, because now it is time for the holy child to transform It's time.

From Wuhun Realm to Shengtai Realm, it is actually to make Wuhun form a Shengtai.

Many warriors think so, so once they reach the peak of Wuhun Realm, they begin to break through desperately and eagerly, but many warriors cannot really understand the important role of this step.

The soul of Qin Lang ’s martial arts has already been completed, and even the soul of Qin Lang ’s martial arts is more complete than anyone else, and Qin Lang ’s martial spirits have basically been condensed into a solid, just like an eight-foot-high "spirit", giving a kind of kill Qi.His martial spirit still wears a "mask", can't see the face, but has a taste of looking down on all living beings, but at this moment the killing spirit of the martial spirit begins to subside, or it may be swallowed and assimilated by the noble righteousness.

You can get a moment of joy by pressing people with strength; you can serve people with reason and morality for long-term peace and stability. This is the so-called "the way of the saint".

In short, it is "combination of grace and power" and "integration of morality and martial arts".

In the past, Qin Lang's martial spirit demonstrated strength, but now his martial spirit gradually began to transform into "German martial law".At the same time, Qin Lang ’s body style and the whole body ’s kung fu are also changing, and the kung fu of various schools have begun to merge with each other. This time it is truly and completely blended. This is because the foundation of the holy word is found and Center, so various genres of kung fu can operate with this as the center and program, and will no longer affect each other.

This time Qin Lang did not drive his own kung fu, but let these kung fu run naturally. In the process of operation, these kung fu naturally and peacefully went away and started a new round of transformation.

After every kind of kung fu runs, it naturally precipitates, and the essence of this kind of kung fu is combined with his "holy way", and then a new round of kung fu starts to run and precipitate, and then surrounds the holy way. All around.