Juvenile Medical God

1645 War Game

Because of the high tensions in the world, the global financial industry is in a high crisis, especially the stock market in the Asia-Pacific region, which has almost suffered a great deal of damage. However, the financial stock market of the initiator of the Huaxia region has the least impact because the Huaxia stock market The regulators are very wise. They have already pressed the stock index to the bottom, so it is difficult to fall out of nowhere.

At the same time, the stock markets of countries such as Japan and Nan Han have fallen into disrepair, and they have fallen into a complete mess. The empire finance on the other side of the Pacific Ocean has also been affected.The rich in China are afraid of war, and the rich in the rice empire are actually even more afraid, because once the war starts, the rich in China can run to the country of rice, but the rich in the country of rice have nowhere to run.

However, even so, none of the three parties to the confrontation will compromise.

The Huaxia military will absolutely not allow the Rice Empire to intervene in the wormhole, and the Rice Empire will absolutely not allow it to withdraw its troops without any benefit at all.As for Xiong Russia, they have obtained some of the "military products" provided by the Chinese military. These things make them very interested, so they hope that the confrontation between China and the rice empire will be longer, so that they can get more Interests.

The eyes of the world are almost all focused on the South China Sea in China. The extremely tense atmosphere makes people feel that the world war is almost imminent.

However, no one expected that the first ** was not issued by China or Xiong Russia and the Rice Empire, but by Bei Han.

Bei Han is a very interesting country, their shells and ** will always only aim in one direction, that is the direction of Nan South Korea.

Whenever Bei Han starts a war, the first target of attack must be Nan Han, and Nan Han immediately responded.

As Nan Han ’s rice empire, he immediately drove the fleet towards the peninsula, which was also a means of borrowing donkeys. The confrontation with China and Xiong Russia made the rice empire not get any benefits. They did not expect China to behave this time. Unprecedented toughness, and did not expect the people inside the Rice Empire to be so tired of war.During the confrontation between the two sides, the anti-war demonstrations in the Mi Empire reached almost an unprecedented height.

The allies of the rice empire have also retired. For these allies, this time they came with a slice of soup. In the past, they could always pick up some leftover food behind the ass of the rice, but this time they have any benefits They didn't get it, which naturally made them quite uncomfortable.

Only the Japanese fleet flew to Bei Han, because the Japanese army had been looking for a presence since World War II was castrated, so once they had the opportunity, they always could n’t wait to show off Their self-defense force.

However, this time, the Japanese dreamed that they had been taught by Bei Han. A submarine of Bei Han lightning attacked a military port in the country and completely destroyed it. All the soldiers in this military port were destroyed. .

For this incident, Bei Han called it: Sword of Vengeance! And international public opinion called it: the 951 attack.

For Bei Han, launching ** and shooting. It is normal for each of their leaders to come to power. The first thing is to bombard Nan Han to prove that they are in power, but this time no one expects To the real target of their swords is actually the Japanese.Shelled Nan Han, but just swayed a shot.

As the protector of the Japanese kingdom, the rice empire should have shown a strong response, but this time they did not hit the killer against Bei Han, and Bei Han also responded uncharacteristically: if the rice empire wants to intervene in the battle between Bei Han and Nan Han, They will launch the strongest revenge against the United States!

The Americans are rarely threatened, especially since they usually ignore the threat from Bei Han, but this time they are silent.

Because the US military analyzed the attack on the Japanese military port, it finally concluded that Bei Han ’s submarine named "Sword of Revenge" actually surpassed the nuclear submarine of the US!This is why this submarine successfully attacked the military port of the Japanese nation, but the United States and the Japanese nation did not notice it at all.

Although a "sword of revenge" could not defeat the combat carrier group of the United States, the people of the United States would never take the safety of their own country to take risks, so the next day the Empire of the United States announced that it would "end the Pacific Rim military exercise" and the fleet returned to the homeland Sea area.

Although the rice empire did not declare defeat or received any threats, people with a discerning eye saw the problem. The powerful rice empire was threatened by Bei Han for the first time. This is something that I dare not imagine internationally.

However, this is the international situation. Otherwise, it cannot be described as a "sudden change". Several powerful countries know what is going on, so they are speculating on Bei Han ’s submarine named "Sword of Revenge." What the hell is going on.

Countries familiar with Bei Han know that it is impossible for Bei Han to build a submarine that exceeds the technological level of the United States because the technological level of the two sides differs by at least fifty years.However, the submarine "Sword of Revenge" really exists, and this is an extremely advanced technological submarine.

After many efforts, the intelligence officer of the Dragon Snake Force finally obtained relatively credible intelligence. Although the radar and military satellites of the United States and Japan did not find the existence of this submarine, when it appeared from underwater, it was still Some pictures were captured by some satellites and some nearby camera equipment. These pictures should have appeared in the science fiction movie of the United States, but they appeared in reality:

Mech warriors, force field defense shields, single soldier dead light weapons ^ ... These are all based on modern technology, but they are higher than some future-level preparations of modern technology.It's ridiculous that both the military and civilians of the Japanese country like to develop robots and machine armor, but the technology in this area is still in its infancy, far from the level of military application.

The mechs and weapon technology displayed by these fighters of "Sword of Revenge" are very advanced and mature, which is unacceptable, as if a group of primitives who have just learned to fire suddenly use **.

Qin Lang and Wu Caiyun also saw these pictures and video information. If they did n’t see it with their own eyes, no one would believe that Bei Han had such a sophisticated weapon. After seeing it, Wu Caiyun could n’t help but ask Qin Lang: "Does this submarine really belong to Bei Han?"

Qin Lang can only report a bitter smile, if not because of the distinctive Bei Han mark on this submarine, no one would believe that it really came from Bei Han.