Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1650 A New Law of Heaven and Earth

There are many patterns on the Pisces jade pendant, Xie Luowei and others even scanned and analyzed these patterns very clearly, but they are not as good as the scars on Qin Lang ’s hand, because the scars on Qin Lang ’s hand were What is left when activating and accumulating power is simply what it left when it worked.

Although there are many patterns on the Pisces jade pendant, only when it is working can it be more conducive to clarifying the working principle of this thing. This is like many machines. It needs to be in operation to understand their working principle.

But Qin Lang really didn't understand the scars left by the Pisces jade pendant. The Pisces jade pendants have completely disappeared, but there are still weak forces flowing in these scars, and these forces come from the surrounding space.

In other words, just the scar mark can extract power from the surrounding space, which is simply incredible!

Suddenly, Qin Lang felt that his guess might be correct. The patterns on the Pisces jadeite might represent an advanced and civilized "circuit board". When these circuits are activated with the right force, this thing starts to work. Space draws a lot of energy.

These patterns seem to be simple, but they are actually quite complicated, so although these researchers on the earth got these patterns, they could not decipher the mystery, because no one knows how these patterns work and how they work.

As for Qin Lang leaving this scar, it was purely a coincidence.

However, this also means that Qin Lang may have some unexpected discoveries if he uses the pattern of Pisces jade to carry out the exercises.

Subsequently, Qin Lang did so, he let his own mental power start to run according to the trajectory of the energy of Pisces Jade Pei. I felt a little disappointed, but something unexpected happened to him, and the scar on his palm started to shine!

The light blue light looks very soft, but it gives a very mysterious feeling.

It is indeed very mysterious. Although the light was emitted from the wound on Qin Lang's hand, Qin Lang himself did not know how the light was generated and what role it played.

Therefore, Qin Lang injected more spiritual power into this strange scar, and at the same time Qin Lang's spiritual field began to operate, and the energy track of the entire scar was completely printed into his memory, so that even after the scar disappeared, He will not forget.

The more spiritual power injected, the stronger the light. When the light becomes stronger and stronger, Qin Lang faintly feels the attraction of an inexplicable force. If it seems that the strength is strong enough, this force will establish contact with him.

"Boss, stop!"

Qin Lang was about to continue to inject more spiritual power, but was stopped by the young monk Dan Ling.Under normal circumstances, the young monk Dan Ling would not interfere with Qin Lang's practice unless it sensed something wrong.

Qin Lang is quite at ease with Dan Ling ’s young monk, so after listening to it, Qin Lang stopped continuing to inject power and waited for Dan Ling ’s young monk to explain.

"Boss, don't study this ghost thing for a while!" Dan Ling monk reminded Qin Lang, "I think of it now. The scar on your hand should be what the innocent calls the ghost ghost."

"Ghost Run? What?" Qin Lang couldn't help frowning. The name sounded a little unknown.

"This is something from another world. Some ancient practitioners have found it in some ancient ruins. They thought it was an ancient rune, so they printed it down, and then studied the doorway. Of course, there is no shortage of brilliant people, but once the secret person is found, he will die quickly! "

"Dying quickly, why?" Qin Lang asked puzzled.

"Because the power generated by the ghost runes is not absorbed by the practitioners at all, so the stronger the power is, the faster the death will be naturally." Dan Ling little monk said, "Many monks in the realm of truth have no intention Peeking into the power of ghost runes, they thought they had picked up the treasure, and as a result, they all became futile ghosts! "

"Oh? Is this a lesson?" Qin Lang began to figure out. For the young monk Dan Ling, Qin Lang paid great attention to it, but he would not give up his research on things, not because Qin Lang was addicted to these patterns. It contains power, but because in the near future, the human world may be at war with this world. It is always good to know the situation of opponents in advance, especially a powerful opponent.

Dan Ling ’s young monk naturally sensed Qin Lang ’s thoughts. The little guy could n’t help but sigh: “Boss, I think you ’re really a thief. I tell you this thing is too dangerous. You actually want to fight it. The idea of ​​the thing-However, your idea is not unreasonable. Since this thing has already appeared, then the friction between the two parties may be inevitable. You have no problem studying this thing, but it is best to be careful, especially Do n’t cause tragedy. "

In Qin Lang ’s style, if there was no reminder from Dan Ling, he was afraid that he might actually take the risk, but after reminding him of this little thing, Qin Lang also became alert. Die on this "ghost rune", then Qin Lang could not be careless.

The so-called "ghost charm" does not mean that this thing is related to ghosts, but because it is too dangerous and may even be killed, so it is called a ghost charm, which means that it is equivalent to a cursed thing.

Qin Lang did not inject more spiritual power into these "ghosts", but continued to study their peculiarities. People in the cultivation realm may have obtained similar ghosts, but they should not have activated the ghosts. It is impossible to speculate on the real running track of these ghost symbols, so it is normal to produce tragedy.

People in the realm world think that these patterns are "fu", but Qin Lang doesn't think so. He thinks these ghosts should actually be circuits, and this can also be explained clearly. If these mysterious patterns are very advanced and With a complicated circuit, if the energy runs in the wrong direction in the circuit, a natural situation will arise:

Short circuit!

Once the electrical appliances on the earth are short-circuited, the safety switch will be burned down, and the burning or even explosion will be blamed. This circuit is far more complicated than many electrical appliances on the earth, and the power contained is naturally stronger than many things on the earth. Once this thing explodes, its power is also extraordinary, and it should not be a problem to kill a few innocents.