Juvenile Medical God

Question 2283

As a creature in the Great World of the Templar, or as the existence of other races, it is impossible to accept that a person has several religious beliefs at the same time. Presumably, only the Chinese world has such a different kind of existence. This is the so-called Chinese characteristics. This is the iron hammer. Something the Pope cannot understand.

Because it is impossible to understand, it is impossible to preach in the Chinese world, let alone take root in the Chinese world.

Hearing this Pope Hammer said that China will meet the world, Qin Lang felt interesting, and even a little so proud.

Because the Huaxia nation is indeed a peculiar nation. Although this nation has many shortcomings, it is also very interesting. The most interesting thing is that he can accept any foreign teachings, but it is almost impossible to become a truly devout believer. The doctrine and purpose of the assimilation and integration into the characteristics of the Huaxia world are beyond the reach of other ethnic groups.

After some nations were conquered by other nations, they did n’t have many teenagers and began to use the language of the conqueror or the conqueror ’s beliefs, and soon lost their own characteristics and beliefs.But the Huaxia nation is a special case. In the long history of the Huaxia nation, we have experienced many foreign invasions and countless outsider missions, but what was eventually changed was not the Huaxia nation itself, but the foreign doctrines.

Once Huaxia was invaded by the Hu people, it can be said that it was deeply affected, but Huaxia learned to wear and shoot Hu clothing, but did not like the Hu people to graze and become "savages"; Huaxia was also conquered by the Mongolians, but Huaxia still did Living in a tent makes the Mongolian people think it is comfortable to live in a big house, and the Mongolian people are finally white. Huaxia also had pigtails, but in the end those who wore them began to learn Chinese, but their own language was assimilated. Too.There are also beliefs. The belief in the Buddhist world entered China, so the Buddha statues in the Buddhist world naturally integrated the characteristics of the Huaxia people, and are no longer the hooligans.Even, the Buddhist believers in China will worship Taoist gods, as the Pope Hammer said, they do n’t know what these believers believe in!

But it does not matter, Qin Lang knows what the Chinese people really believe in, that is, the dragon guarding the Chinese world, this is the true belief of the Chinese people.

What is immortality, what is Buddha, what is the temple, the reason why the Huaxia people are "compatible" with any other faith, and can also make other teachings into the characteristics of the Huaxia world, that is because the Huaxia world has a unique and A firm and sole belief: China Dragon!

The dragon of China is not the dragon of the dragon realm, but the dragon of China. That is the dragon that has branded the blood of the Chinese nation!

The Great World of the Templar, what the main god, what other people are rushing to, the Huaxia world will not be rare at all, because the Huaxia people do not need these foreign teachings.

As for the Templar World, if they want to fight, Qin Lang will accompany them to fight. Today's China World, it is time to face any challenges!

Qin Lang has put two of the celestial veins brought back from the fairy world into the China World. In this way, both China Dragon and Jianmu will get many benefits, and their growth rate will be greatly improved, and China World will also be rapidly improved.Templar World thinks that the China World is still a soft persimmon. If you can pick it up, it is really wrong.

"Okay, with your IQ, you wo n’t understand the speciality of the China World, and I ’m too lazy to explain it to you. However, your entrance to the Great World in the world of the Templar is completely destroyed by us, so what? ? Speaking of it, you should thank us. What benefits can you believe in those brain-damaged believers in the Great World of the Church? It is just to provide you with some power of faith and cultivate some believers in the Great World of the Altar, right? " Qin Lang said.

"Yes! But, we want believers in the earth world, and I have sent the rest of the believers in the earth world back to the Templar World, and they will get the best protection." Pope Iron Hammer said to Qin Lang , "You probably didn't expect it?"

"This ... I didn't really think of it." Qin Lang was slightly surprised. Qin Lang, the believer of the bright Holy See on the earth, didn't know what they would do to the Great World of the Church.

"Yes, you certainly would n’t have thought of it, because you do n’t know the value of a devout believer. Although our Templar world has many believers in all heavens and all realms, the true, absolutely humble believers are still It is from the world of the earth. This is perhaps the best point of human beings on the earth, and it is precisely because of this that we have decided to preserve these remaining believers at all costs, because if we can spend this time If the heavens are in trouble, we will send these believers to many places in the world of the heavens, so that they can reproduce more devout believers! "


Qin Lang could n’t help but applaud, but he did n’t expect that the Great Church of the Templar actually found the most shining point among the white people in the earth world, and they had sent these devout white believers to “Captive” in the Great Church, because These people will be able to train believers for the great world of the Templar in the future, and breed a large number of devout believers.

Faith is also a kind of power, especially a religious belief, which Qin Lang cannot deny.Therefore, the believer is also an invisible force. Templar World found such a great advantage on white believers on the earth. Qin Lang did not want to like it.

Now that both parties already know the other party's ideas and purpose, the last thing left is to settle the dispute, and the only effective way to resolve the dispute is battle.

The Pope Hammer will not come to fight against Qin Lang because he is alone, he directly let the Templars crush Qin Lang, he knows that the warrior of the Chinese world has some skills, this is from St. Ewa Both eyes and memories can be seen.

From the perspective of Pope Hammer, Qin Lang is a "dragon" of China World. If he is to be beheaded, it will be a huge blow to China World. After Qin Lang is exterminated, he will completely break China World according to the plan and then slaughter. The whole world, leaving only a few living mouths, is used to study why the beliefs of the Huaxia world are so unique.

However, when the Patriarch of the Hammer of the Iron Hammer rushed to Qin Lang, they were not facing Qin Lang, but the fairy army released by Qin Lang from the Temple of Undead.

"How could this be! Is this really 'Shen Bing Tian Jiang'?" Pope Iron Hammer thought Qin Lang was fighting alone, but did not expect Qin Lang to "make" a group of fairy Buddhas to fight against the Knights Templar This is something that Pope Hammer didn't expect.