Juvenile Medical God

Question 2799

Of course, Qin Lang knew that Black Scythe did n’t lie, which is probably the case. If according to Black Scythe, then the members of the Reaper ’s Civilization are really too powerful. It ’s not only creating a way of existence, but also able to Using life as a magic weapon, it sounds like a fantasy.

"If you are just a weapon for the reaper, then I want to know who your" master "is, and how does it control you?" Qin Lang continued to ask.

"No, you misunderstood. For me, my master is not time-specific. I'm just one of the many weapons cultivated and manufactured by the reaper's civilization. It's not a special one. So, my" master "also Not specific, only when I become a qualified 'weapon', will the Reaper civilization choose me to become a Reaper's weapon. "Hei Si replied.

In other words, the black sickle is basically one of the weapons produced by the "batch" of the reaper civilization. It is not a special weapon, and the black sickle is not yet a qualified "finished product" weapon, so the reaper civilization is all Haven't come to charge it yet.

"So, are you really proud of joining the reaper civilization?" Qin Lang said, "So, before you said you could introduce me to the reaper camp, it must be fake?"

"Yes, I haven't qualified myself to be a reaper's weapon. How can I guarantee you to join the reaper's camp? The previous words are naturally just a tactical deception. I believe you should understand it."

"It is completely understandable, but I am now more interested in this reaper civilization." Qin Lang said, "Although you are not yet a member of the reaper, but I believe you should know a lot of information about the reaper, such as they come from Where is their real ontology, right? "

"Uh ... I really can't answer you about this question." Hei Si sighed, "I don't know much about the situation of the reaper civilization. I know you may not believe it, but the reaper civilization. That's it-powerful and mysterious, they can't easily reveal their situation to other civilizations. "

"Huh ... you are one of the artificial weapons cultivated by the reaper civilization, don't you know their condition, don't know at all?" Qin Lang chuckled, he certainly believed that the reaper civilization was powerful and mysterious, but he didn't Black Scythe really didn't know any important information about the harvester's civilization.If Hei Si really does not know any useful information, then there is no value in existence, and Qin Lang does not want to bargain with it.

"This ... if I tell you, it means that I have betrayed the reaper. For me, this is more dangerous than being imprisoned here by you." Black Scythe sighed for a long time. Decide.

"If you don't provide me with valuable information, then you don't need to continue to exist. I believe you can understand it." Qin Lang doesn't mind continuing to put a little pressure on the other party. "Of course, if I were you If you do, you should first consider the situation in front of your own eyes. If you ca n’t pass this level, how could there be a future? "

Black Scythe seemed to be fighting violently in his heart, but in the end it shook his head firmly and said, "No, I still can't betray the reaper, I really don't want to be punished by them."

"That is to say, you would rather be imprisoned by me here, and would rather risk my being suppressed to death than betray your so-called" reaper "?" Qin Lang is a little puzzled, and usually his threats are It will work, because few people do n’t care about their lives.

"Yes, you can imprison me here, or you have the opportunity to suppress me to death, but you should know that I still have vital seeds elsewhere, and you can't kill me completely." The original black sickle Another reason why he did not want to betray the reaper was also to know that Qin Lang could not really kill him.And if it betrays the reaper, it is likely to die completely.

"I see." Qin Lang nodded and said, "You don't think I can kill you completely, but the harvester can do it?"

"Yes." Black sickle said, "So, I believe you can understand my decision."

"Understanding is one thing, doing is another. I can understand your thoughts and decisions, but this does not mean that I will give up my decision-you are afraid of the existence of the reaper, and I am afraid, But I will not be the accomplice of the reaper's civilization like you, so I choose to face them, choose to understand them, and then find their weaknesses until they are completely defeated! "Qin Lang barely revealed his thoughts.

Since entering this Bloody Void, Qin Lang felt that he was always in danger at any time, and had to fight for survival at any time, from the predator, to the Void alien, and then to the Reaper ... Blood Void How many dangerous and unknown powerhouses are hidden in China?The longer he survived in this bloody void, the more dangerous Qin Lang felt, but he could not leave the bloody void because of danger, because he knew he could escape, but the Chinese world could not escape.At this time, the Huaxia world should have entered the Fuxi universe and obtained temporary tranquility and peace, but that was only temporary. In the bloody void, Qin Lang had seen too many powerful men fall, many universes were destroyed, once cattle . The coercive race may also die in an instant.

The reason why Qin Lang can survive in this cruel bloody void is that he feels his bottom line and persistence.The bottom line is Qin Lang's bottom line against other predators; Perseverance is Qin Lang's insistence on safeguarding the China World's heart, which has almost never changed.

Now that Qin Lang is determined to face the reaper, he will naturally not stop there. No matter how Hei Si warns, Qin Lang will not change his decision, so since Hei Si is not willing to cooperate, Qin Lang can only torture him.

If you don't cooperate, you will be tortured.

Qin Lang will naturally try this method that ordinary people will take.

"Why, do you really want to suppress me to death?" Hei Qian saw Qin Lang shot, and knew what decision Qin Lang made.

Qin Lang didn't even answer, he shot directly at Black Scythe.

If it is outside, Qin Lang ’s strength ca n’t suppress the black sickle, but in this cosmic cage, all actions of the black sickle will be affected by this “prisoner cage” law. It has a great influence on its actions and power. In this way, Qin Lang will naturally have the upper hand.