Juvenile Medical God

2811 Born-28 Aug

"Yes, Master Mingjian." Xiumi said.

"I really can't think of it, Xiuyou, the monk of the Buddhist monastery, even moved his heart and gave birth to a daughter." Qin Lang laughed.

Xiu Mi said with a red face: "Once I reached the overlord of the era, I thought that I had surpassed the fate of the fate of will and the laws of the universe, and naturally I would not be afraid of any cause and effect. Therefore, how could I be at that time Ideas are bound, any era overlord will not be bound and restricted by anything! So, when I saw her mother, we did not hesitate to be together, and then there was Qingyue. However, although I am Era Overlord, but there is no way to ensure that their mother and daughter can safely survive the destruction of the universe. At this time, I made a choice-I spent all my hard work on teaching Qingyue to practice, I hope she can achieve Era Overlord In the end, Qingyue achieved this kind of cultivation before the universe broke, but soon after entering the bloody void, she was captured by 'White Lotus'. So— "

"So, you pretended to join the Void alien, and then use the power of this organization to find the whereabouts of your daughter, because you know that in the bloody Void, you are insecure. If you do n’t have a strong organization as a backing, you ca n’t find it. , Rescue your daughter, is my guess correct? "Qin Lang listened to half of it, and had completely speculated about what happened to Xumi and his daughter.

"Yes, the master guessed it right. I joined Xiong Xian to save her. But now, I have no other choice but to continue to imprison her here." Xiu sighed, looking very Helpless.

"You have already done what you should have done. You have done everything. As for this sunny month, you can rest assured that since 'White Lotus' can transform her into a stranger, then I can also transform her back— — ”

"What! If the owner can change her back, I will take the life of Xumi, even if you sell it to the host!" Xumi is like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, so even if it is Clearly know that it is just a straw, and it must be held firmly.

What's more, Xiumi felt that Qin Lang's words should be more reliable than a straw.

"Your life is mine!" Qin Lang snorted. "Don't forget, you are also a member of this void and alien species. No matter what purpose you join, you are my men." Since this little white lotus is your daughter, I will naturally help you with this one. "

"Crazy! The person transformed by 'Bai Lian', do you still want to change her back?" At this time, Xiao Bai Lian's voice sounded again, apparently did not regard herself as Qingyue.

"Everything is absolute!" Qin Lang sighed, "You can be purified by 'White Lotus', then I will naturally be able to transform it back, nothing more than the existence of the force of existence."

Existence is the truth, and existence is the reason.

If the woman named Qingyue has completely disappeared, then even Qin Lang is powerless and impossible to convert it back. After all, even as an era overlord, it is impossible to achieve nothing.

However, this woman named Qingyue should not be "purified" for a long time, and thanks to her powerful father, Xiu Mi left part of Qingyue's existence in her memory, otherwise, If the power of Qingyue's existence completely disappears, then he will naturally not remember such a daughter.

As long as you want to understand the truth, then everything will be simple.

To convert the former Qingyue back, it is nothing more than to take back the things that "White Lotus" took from her, which is like rejuvenating, which is relatively easy to understand and accept.

Now, Qin Lang has agreed to Xiu Mi, then he will not care how this little white lotus will oppose, and directly stretched his hand to the white lotus.


Xiao Bailian seemed to want to resist Qin Lang, but Qin Lang's palm released an eternal bubble, and this shot immediately suppressed Xiao Bailian completely.

When Qin Lang tried his best, even "Black Scythe" was trapped to death by Qin Lang, not to mention a small white lotus in this area.

However, trapping this little white lotus is just the beginning. The real problem is how to "soul" her. First of all, Qin Lang naturally has to figure out what this white lotus is, but it is not difficult for Qin Lang, after all, he The study of the force of existence is relatively profound.

"Xiu Mi, take advantage of your daughter's presence!"

Qin Lang said to Xiu Mi, he took a little memory from his memory, and then turned this memory into the force of existence, and hit the body of Xiao Bailian. This force of existence was like a little vitality, and began to quickly follow Its body melts and grows.

This power of existence is like a first-line vitality. Once it is blended with its body, it will inevitably release a powerful vitality, and then the whole body and soul will begin to recover quickly.

No matter what the "White Lotus" organization has done to this woman and how it has been transformed, her body is still her body after all, and will naturally not repel her own power of existence.However, just when she was about to "wake up", the white lotus under her began to devour the force of her existence. This was to prevent her from "turning back."

"Humph! Sure enough, you're fucking this thing!" Qin Lang snorted and pulled the white lotus directly, and then pressed a hand on the white lotus. "In front of me, you still want to devour the force of existence, It's just a dream! "

Now that Qin Lang has intervened, then Bailian cannot naturally devour the power of Qingyue, and Qin Lang will naturally not do so, but instead uses that Bailian to reverse it, hoping to regain its greater presence.

After all, the little existence force obtained from Hume ’s memory is too weak. Even if Qingyue can be awakened, it is just as fragile as a candlelight in the wind and may be extinguished at any time.What Qin Lang had to do was to completely regain her lost power of existence, so that Qingyue could be fully recovered, and Qin Lang had completed her commitment to Xiu Mi.

This is not an easy task, but Qin Lang understands the power of existence very well. He knows that Qingyue ’s power of existence is very weak, but when her body is combined with this power of existence, it is like having a The center, as long as it belongs to her, will begin to gather here.However, because of Bailian's prevention, Qingyue couldn't get more power of her own existence.

"Existence is the truth! Give me soul back!" Qin Lang sternly hit the white lotus with a fist, reversing the exercises and preparing to take back the power of Qingyue's existence.