Juvenile Medical God

Question 2973

As the destiny overlord of this universe, the Alliance of Buddha and Demon controlled by Bailian not only defeated the Alliance of Immortals and Demons, but at the end of this battle, countless trillion monks from the two realms of Immortals and Demons demanded to join Bailian's camp. The gully of the devil no longer exists, and the battle between the ancestors does not make any sense, because Xian Wujiang and Tianji Moxing were completely killed. Seeing that Xian Wujiang and Tianji Moxing were finally "dead lords" When the army was completely divided, any monk in the fairy world and the demon world had no thought of contending with Bailian.

In fact, since Bai Lian defeated Xian Wujiang and Tianji Demon Star, even the Buddha's Tao also disappeared from this universe. In the end, there is only one morality left—Tiandao!

Bai Lian, as the destiny overlord, then nature is the spokesperson of heaven, and all the creatures and monks in this universe must agree, even the epoch overlords of this universe must also agree with this, because this is originally the fact.

Who can compete with an era overlord that combines the will of destiny?

When Bai Lian dominated the world of heavenly Buddha, the Buddha's Taoism was no longer there, because the will of the Heavenly Buddha has been suppressed by Bai Lian and Qin Lang, and the foundations no longer exist, so naturally there is no Buddha's Tao.

In fact, any kind of religious belief has a certain utilitarian heart and can be artificially shaped. No matter whether it is a fairy devil or a Buddhist demon, once there are a variety of religious beliefs, there will inevitably be disputes over orthodoxy. , There must be a killing.In contrast, a simple belief is a good thing.

Now, the white lotus universe has begun to develop towards a single lineage. The only lineage is "the rotation of life and death", and the only god he believes becomes the monarch of death. Many gods and gods previously believed by the deities and monsters have been swept away. Into the dust of history.

Bai Lian has hardly received any obstacles to implement the new teachings, because no one can hinder him. Even if the era overlords of this universe do not interact with Bai Lian, they will not stop Bai Lian from doing anything.Why?Any epoch overlord is not bound by Confucianism or doctrine at all. Any epoch overlord has the qualifications of an open sect, so even if these epoch overlords do not like Bailian, they will never choose to fight against Bailian.

After the killing of Demon Star and Xian Wujiang that day, the members of Huangquan Nine Prisons also returned to the Bloody Void. After all, the Bloody Void was their base camp, and all the members of Huangquan Nine Prisons were all fierce and evil, Qin Lang Will not let them stay here for a long time, bringing burden and trouble to Bailian.

In addition, the members of Huangquan Nine Prisons have their own gains this time. As long as they suppress and snatch the Heavenly Killing Demon Star and Xian Wujiang Doppelganger, they all make a lot of money, although there are some powerful ones in the bloody void. The predator can kill, but compared with the existence of Demon Star and Xian Wujiang, it can only be regarded as a small shrimp.Therefore, this action has made Qin Lang's prestige within Huangquan Jiu prison a lot, and many Huang Quan Jiu prison members realized that following Qin Lang was really promising.Although the original builder of Huangquan Nine Prisons was Lord Huangquan, how long Lord Huangquan ’s "Huangquan Overlord" plan was clamored, but there has been no progress. The benefits of the members of Huangquan Nine Prisons are minimal.Later, after Huang Quanjiu was under the jurisdiction of Qin Lang, the benefits he got were actually tangible, not to mention that Qin Lang and Bai Lian also directly sent "high-end nutrition" like Tianji Moxing and Xian Wujiang to Huang Quanjiu. On the lips of prison members, can these guys be unhappy?

As the "General Director" of Bailian's reincarnation plan, Qin Lang does not seem to have any direct benefits, but in fact Qin Lang is the real big winner, even Bailian can't compare.Although Bailian is already in charge of the overall situation in this universe, he can mobilize most of the resources and vitality in this universe, which is beyond the reach of any era overlord.However, because Bai Lian turned the universe ’s ethics into the “Life and Death Rotation” and the death monarch ’s ethics, then this universe is the souls and monks, naturally subconsciously beginning to believe in the doctrine of life and death rotation and the existence of the death monarch, and derive The benefit is naturally Qin Lang.Moreover, this is the power of faith of all the souls and monks of a universe.

Qin Lang had of course absorbed the power of faith, and knew how to transform the power of faith into the power of existence and power, but at that time Qin Lang ’s power of faith was only from small-scale creatures and monks, or from Huang Quanjiu. Inside the prison, although the members of Huangquan Nine Prison are all epoch overlords, the power of faith provided is also considerable, but after all, the number is still too small.Today, Qin Lang has gained the power of faith, but it is provided by a trillion monks of the universe and by the trillions of creatures of this universe. What a spectacular scale!

It was at this time that Qin Lang really understood why Lord Huang Quan attached great importance to the Huangquan hegemony plan, and also understood why those so-called higher creatures spared no effort to control the universe of the lower plane.Even though those so-called advanced creatures look down on the creatures of the plane universe, they still have to continually lay out in the plane universe, spread the sermons continuously, and obtain various resources and beliefs from the universe of the plane.

Perhaps, for those so-called higher creatures, the plane universe is like a piece of fertile land, but these fertile soils have a master, although the creatures in the plane universe are in the eyes of high-level creatures, just like The ants are the same, or like the indigenous people, but because of the existence of the eternal celestial roulette, the high-planet creatures ca n’t directly descend to the low-planet universe to rule, so these higher creatures can only cultivate the spokesperson, will avatar, etc. Ways to rule in the low-plane universe, search for spiritual resources and various valuable things in the low-plane universe.

The "land fertile land" of the low-plane universe, so they all became slaves or servants of higher-plane creatures, or just like pigs and sheep in captivity. This is said to be low-plane creatures and monks. It is pitiful, after all, no creature can accept the meaning of its existence by being eaten by other species.

Qin Lang himself, in fact, can only be regarded as one of the few wise men who have risen in the trillion-and-lower plane, and one of the few who is not willing to become "food" for others.Today, Qin Lang has begun to gather the power of the lower plane universe to try to fight against those powerful creatures.