Kage no Eiyuu no Nichijou-tan
Fifty-one stories, "The Right Mind"
At the same time that the battle lid was cut, I unleashed the Demon Bullet.
"Haha! You can't kill me with a bean cannon like that!
Oz, who quickly activated Ligament, lightly avoided my attack.
In pursuit of Oz, a destroyed carriage appears in the corner of his gaze.
It is assumed that the carriage was destroyed.
When hunting down fugitives, the destruction of means of movement takes precedence first. It is near impossible to hide a carriage in the wilderness on one side of the perimeter. Even if I didn't say anything anyway, Oz would have destroyed the carriage.
"Well, it's a bean bomb"
Where we successfully guided Oz, we detonated the pre-installed Explosion Trap.
Oz's foot exploded and the ear-splitting roar chained.
Oz points his hands at his feet and pulls the trigger on TD02.
A runoff of magic blew away, and in its recoil Oz floated to the universe.
If it's in the air, it's inevitable. Point your fingertips at Oz and release a few shots of Demon Bullet.
But Oz smiled invincibly...
"So he said it wouldn't work!!
The tip of the TD02 glowed, and the polar rays emitted two shots.
Tongue pounding, jumping straight out to the side.
Oz with TD02 can fire a single Special Attack. Sure, from her point of view, it would be like my Demon Bullet or something like a bean cannon.
This attack will all be scratched off by Oz shelling.
Oz's shelling is an excellent force that the offense can do with one hand.
She still has a minute for the battle with the front cut.
- Oz also has weaknesses.
The power of TD02 is awesome. Therefore, if you let them land at close range, the operator himself will get involved.
In an instant, he activated Ligament and drove for Oz. As long as she dives into the nostalgia, she can't unleash shelling on the detour.
"Of course that's taken care of!!
Oz, who understands his weakness, turned TD02 to my feet and unleashed the shelling.
The ejected magic scatters shocks at the same time as the landing.
Running left or right won't avoid Oz's attack.
As it turned out, I had to jump up and run.
"If 28 runs up, you can't."
Two magic wands, Oz laughs at me in the universe.
But this one didn't try to get close without thinking either.
- "Flash Blade".
If the opponent is stationary, an invisible blade that can be double-broken without question.
Flipping myself in the universe, I flashed a thinly stretched blade.
"- Huh!!
Oz, anticipating this attack, unravels and jumps straight to the side.
The shaken blade slashed the void. Unfortunately, it wasn't settled - but the gap between birth is huge.
At the same time as I land, I dive into Oz's disfigured pocket.
"Ko, no!!
Oz uses that little body to kick it up from the bottom.
I took the knockout, first I slapped my fist into the flank.
The beaten Oz retreats.
But I grabbed her thin right arm hard and pulled it closer.
- Let him go.
Create a short knife with "materialization" on the left arm.
I have no hesitation. With Oz's heart hanging, he stuck out a sharp blade.
Gakin! and the sound of metal collisions sounds.
Oz staggered the TD02 on his chest so he could prevent me from poking.
For a moment, the gaze staggers.
With the sound of slashing the wind with Hyun, Oz kicked off at my dovetail. If you twist your body and try to avoid it, Oz will also try to escape my restraint by twisting your body in the opposite direction at the same time.
Oz is not bad at physical surgery.
If a skilled warrior fights Oz, everyone tries a melee. But Oz still fights those enemies and survives on them. Inevitably, Oz had a lot of melee experience.
Oz's body technique, which uses a small body and exceptional motor sense, is sharp.
It compensates for the lack of strength with speed.
Immediately after avoiding the foot payment, the palm bottom approached directly from the front.
Cross arms to prevent it. Oz assumed he would be prevented, or he jumped backwards in recoil.
"Sweet, 28"
Put up a TD02, Oz says. But...
"It's this dialogue."
The next moment, Oz's foot exploded.
Sealing Oz's movements forever in melee breaks bones. In anticipation of that, we were guiding Oz to the trap position one by one.
Attempt to approach again as the dust scatters.
But two shells in the atmosphere stopped my leg.
"Come on... if you don't think I'm coming after you, now it's an explosion"
Faster than you can imagine, Oz rises from the explosion.
Apparently, he instantly raised the output of Ligament and protected himself from the explosion.
"Hmm, trap's in the way."
That said, Oz turned his hands over his head.
"-" Meteor cannon "
Bread, only the light sound of it echoes over and over again.
You look like you're firing an empty cannon overhead, but you're not. The bullet emitted by TD02 condenses the magic of Oz and allows it to erupt at any time. Usually the outburst occurs at the same time as the ejection, releasing a huge shell, but this time slowing down the timing of the outburst a little.
The magic of Oz, forcefully condensed, is shot out into the air and slowly falls.
The downpouring unstable magic - suddenly, it erupted and turned into countless shells.
"... exactly, you're a tyrant"
Remembering the two names of Oz, retreat.
Countless shelling penetrated the earth and quickly buried his vision with sand and dust.
Even escaping, polar shelling looms from across.
Bad vision delayed the response.
The shelling plunders. - I just plundered, and my consciousness is so shocked that it flies.
"Now you can destroy all the traps?
When the sand smoke spreads, Oz says.
The Explosion Trap I was installing was all destroyed in an instant.
"Twenty-eight... you're getting weaker"
Oz looks at me and says.
"... you think you've already won?
"Yeah. If the current 28 is the opponent, I might not be too willing to lose"
Oz looks at me with his awake eyes somewhere.
"I won't say anything wrong, come to the station.... that dull arm, because I'll work it out for you"
"... let's not"
Immediately after the dismantling of the institution, if that inquiry had been made, it would surely have nodded quickly.
I've changed a lot. That's odd and makes me laugh a little bit.
"Oz, I don't think I'm getting weaker."
I just got all sorts of things and I'm struggling with each weight.
"And... I haven't revealed everything in my hand yet."
That's what I said, I took out what I had in my pocket.
"What is that, a stone?
"Yes, it's just a stone's throw"
Before Oz showed up, I picked it up as I moved, a stone place with no philosophy whatsoever.
I throw it to Oz, who rounds his eyes.
The next moment.
Threw away, just a stone spot - blew it up (...).